The invasion of war caused many families to be destroyed and wives to be separated.

Although now after several years of recuperation, Ionia has gradually come out of the shadow brought by the war.

But in any case, the damage caused by those wars can never be easily erased.

The evil deeds of the invaders against this otherwise peaceful and peaceful land can never be completely calmed from the hearts of the Ionians.

Resentment and reluctance, despair and bitterness, pervade the hearts of those who have been hurt by war.

The demons gradually grew stronger and stronger under the nourishment of these negative emotions.

The Equilibrium Sect of Ionia would not care about the affairs of demons, and the other Sword Sects would naturally be unmanageable.

There is no centralized authority in Ionia as a whole to govern these demons.

Now the only people who fight the demon are Yong En and the Sword Saint.

But you must know what a vast land Ionia is, and how many demons have been born in this land.

Even if Yong’en and Sword Saint hunted demons everywhere tirelessly, there was no way to eliminate them all.

After all, it is difficult for one person to save the world.

Now the powerful demon who was bewitched by the void is ready to exchange power for the land of Ionia.

“What? Is the Void coming to Ionia? ”

“The Void has never given up invading the Rune Land!”

“Another catastrophe is coming…”

Li Qing and the others were shocked by this news.

The void is about to descend on the Runeterra again.

Remember the Void War in Acacia back then, and countless countries and city-states persecuted by the Void.

And is the peace that Ionia has so hard to usher in be destroyed by the void?

Murphyt and Reingal have a strong hostility to the Void, and they are extremely resistant to the fact that the Void wants to invade the Runeterra.

Li Qing, on the other hand, is even more worried about the future of Ionia.

Li Fulang on the side has also been quietly listening to the secret operations of the void on the continent of Ionia revealed by Kazik.

Not only was there not the slightest worry, but there was some small excitement.

At the beginning, when Li Fulang was improving little by little, he thought that those star spirits could be an opponent, but after in-depth understanding, he found that it was just a group of sinister and mediocre villains.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Later, after Li Fuwan lifted the seal of the Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian Sol, the Dragon King began to hunt the Star Spirits who had deceived him and betrayed him.

Li Fulang was too lazy to care, as long as those star spirits did not come to him to look for death, he was too lazy to take care of those things that were not worth mentioning.

At present, the strongest person Li Fulang knows is the Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian Sol.

But now the strength of the Star Casting Dragon King, Li Fulang is already clear.

Although the Star Casting Dragon King is very powerful, it is still not as strong as Li Fulang’s current strength.

Moreover, Li Fulang never intended to go against the Star Casting Dragon King.

This made Li Fulang feel a little bored recently, and he could only think about the invention of the method every day to create something in his heart.

Now Li Fulang is bored, and he heard that the void is going to do something.

It just so happened that Li Fulang wanted to see what level the strongest person in the void was, and was it as powerful as the Star Casting Dragon King?

However, no matter how powerful those void creatures were, they would not be as strong as Li Fulang.

Therefore, Li Fulang did not have the slightest sense of crisis, but felt full of interest and wanted to see for a long time.

When all the questions were asked, Kazik also collapsed there a little prostrate.

Hypnotic magic, different from other sleep magic.

Sleep magic can make people fall into a deep sleep, or nightmares or beautiful dreams, in short, dreaming.

The body can also get some rest, and if you have a good dream, your mental power can also be stretched to a certain extent.

But hypnotic magic is different.

After the hypnotic magic is released, the trickster does not relax, but his own spiritual power is bound and controlled.

The caster can then manipulate the other person, talk, or do things.

This will also greatly consume his mental power for the person being manipulated.

Especially like Kazik, memory is banned.

Through hypnotic magic, forcibly break through the prohibition and let him answer questions that the prohibition cannot answer.

In this way, the consumption of Kazik’s mental power is multiplied.

Lilia took it back, it was the hypnotic magic placed on Kazik.

However, due to the excessive consumption of mental power, Kazik fell into a deep sleep after the magic was lifted, and did not wake up.

According to the custom, Li Fulang still put Kazik in a cage made of anti-void metal material, and then placed him in the Creator’s laboratory.

“Now that the Runeterra is in a critical situation, we all need to unite and return to our respective territories to spread the word.”

Li Qing, Murphyt and others are studying against the advent of the void.

According to Kazik, time and space have been planning for the invasion of Ionia for a long time, and have now reached a final stage.

And Kazik doesn’t know where the demon who was seduced by the void is now.

This made Li Qing, and they wanted to find that demon in advance to stop him, and there was no way to implement it.

The only thing that can be done now is to alert all the sects in the entire Ionia.

Let the demons that are constantly breeding and growing in the land of Ionia be hit.

Suppress the demons and fend off the Void!

After some discussion, Li Qing decided to return to the Monastery of Hirana first.

The Monastery of Hirana has a certain status in Ionia, and if the name of the Monastery of Hirana is used to transmit information to the various sects on the continent of Ionia, I believe it will be more authoritative.

Now that Kazik has fallen into Li Fulang’s hands, although Raingar was not able to blade this person who blinded him with his own hands, Raingar did not care too much.

He has already negotiated with Li Fulang, and since Kazik has been locked up, it is impossible to release it again, which is a disaster to the world.

Therefore, Reingar can go to other things first, and when one day even people want to come back and compete with Kazik, then come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

At present, it is imperative to spread the secret that the Void wants to invade Ionia and alert everyone.

Li Qing, Reingal, and Murfitt, after discussing, said goodbye to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and went to the place where they had discussed to go.

They would definitely not allow the Void to cause significant damage to Runeterra once again.

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