A Tanuki was still wondering in his heart whether Li Fulang was the existence of that mysterious and powerful taboo restriction.

Lilia looked at the fox and had already classified the tanuki as a love rival.

Between the two women’s thoughts, the door of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion was pushed open from the outside.

At the same time, I also heard the welcome of the doorman mecha.

“When the guests come, I will lose company first. I mean, Lilia went to get a new guest. ”

As soon as she heard that there was a guest at the door, Lilia just didn’t want to face her love rival here, so she said hello politely and hurried to the door.

The tanuki didn’t think much about it, and slowly walked towards the door.

She could clearly remember that on the street in front of the Cultivation Pavilion, there was no pedestrian.

It was as if everyone couldn’t see the street where the Shuxin Pavilion was located.

But now there will be new guests?

The tanuki was very curious about what kind of customers would be able to come to such a mysterious shop.

And what do guests come here for?

Lilia had already arrived at the door at this time, but she did not expect that the person who came turned out to be an acquaintance.

Entering the door was a tall man with a tight iron sheet all over his body.

That man was none other than Mord Caesar.

“Hey, Lilia, I’m here to find the shopkeeper. There are very important things! ”

As soon as Mord Caesar entered the door, he saw Lilia who came out to receive the guests, so he greeted him directly.

Seeing that Lilia was an old customer, she didn’t say anything polite.

“Okay, Mr. Skull, I’ll go and call Brother Fu Shake.”

After speaking, Lilia left Mord Caesar standing in place with a black line, and ran to the rest area to find Li Fuwan.

He obviously already has a body, why do you still call him Mr. Skull…

Li Fulang was also talking with Yongen.

Although it was basically Yong’en thinking about Li Fulang, he was talking about what he had seen on the Ionian Road since he left the Cultivation Pavilion last time.

And the Yazarkana I’ve met recently doesn’t look quite normal.

In the past, those demons did not flock in groups most of the time.

However, on the way from Wei Li, the demons they encountered were basically groups of three or five, and they did not appear alone at all.

Lilia came to the rest area, and Li Fulang was sipping magic black tea while quietly listening to Yong’en speak.

This made Lilia feel a little surprised.

In Lilia’s impression, the elder of the swordsman brothers has always been a very serious person who does not like to talk very much, does not smile.

Lilia felt that she rarely heard him speak.

But he didn’t expect that Yongen could say so many things in front of Li Fulang.

Although Lilia wanted to hear what Yong En was talking to Li Fulang, there was still waiting for Li Fulang at the door.

So he stepped forward and interrupted their conversation.

“Sorry to interrupt you, but there are guests at the door who are looking for Brother Fu again. And Mr. Skull also said that there are very important things to find Brother Fu Wan. ”

Mr. Skull?

When Li Fulang heard Lilia’s title, he was stunned by reality, and then thought of who Lilia was talking about.

It should be Mord Caesar, when he came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, only one skull was flying around.

“Then you do it first, I’ll meet you and come back later.”

Li Fuxian nodded towards Yongen, and then followed Lilia to the door.

Mord Caesar was standing there, still holding his mace in his hand, and his body exuded the majesty of the Lord of the Underworld.

The tanuki originally followed behind Lilia, ready to see what kind of guests it was.

As a result, after feeling the breath of Mord Caesar from a distance, the beaver did not dare to step forward again.

The dark aura of the underworld on Mord Caesar was very strong, which made the tanuki flinch.

At the same time, there was a little trembling in my heart, why did such a powerful soul-attracting force appear.

The tanuki has always relied on sucking the essence of other creatures to strengthen itself.

Although the essence is not a soul, it is also part of the essence of the soul.

Now the powerful soul-attracting force on Mord Caesar’s body made the tanuki very uncomfortable.

So he could only look at Mord Caesar from a distance, and did not dare to step forward.

Li Fulang soon followed Lilia out together.

“Lord Shopkeeper.”

After Mord Caesar saw Li Fuwan, he held the Nightfall and respectfully gave a big gift.

This made the beaver, who was watching from afar, open his mouth in surprise.

I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw.

The swordsman called Yongen before was already a strong man for Ah Tanuki.

At that time, when Yong’en saluted Li Fuwan, Ah Tanu felt a little incomprehensible.

Why should a strong man like Yong En be so respectful to this young man who seems to have outstanding appearance and temperament?

To say that before it was just doubt.

But now, everything in front of him made the tanuki feel so unreal.

When he felt the presence of Mord Caesar, the tanuki felt a slight tremor from body to soul.

At that time, in the face of the strong person who truly exudes the breath of a king, the instinctive physiological reaction can have.

There is also the soul-drawing power in Mord Caesar.

It wasn’t that Mord Caesar intended to emanate, it just didn’t converge.

After all, in such a powerful place as the Cultivation Pavilion, Mord Caesar felt that there was no need for him to converge any breath.

Anyway, it is impossible to hurt the people in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

However, Ah Tanuki was not from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and it was her first time to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

It was uncomfortable to be directly affected by the soul-attracting force of Mord Caesar.

Now the tanuki just wants to stay away from Mord Caesar.

But she had some weak legs and couldn’t move at all. I can only hold on to the pillar next to me, trying to support myself as much as possible so that I won’t fall.

“Lilia said you had something to find me, what happened?”

When Li Fulang saw Mord Caesar, he felt that the strength in his body had increased a lot.

Also, after Morde Caesar fused the underworld with the sun, he returned directly to the underworld that belonged to him.

It is also reasonable to attract a large number of undead to the underworld and improve their strength a lot.

“I’m having some problems.”

Mord Caesar explained his intentions to Li Fulang.

It turned out that Mord Caesar lived well on the sun of the underworld, as the king of the underworld, and at the same time could attract souls to the underworld without limit, and his life was very comfortable.

As a result, I don’t know what happened, and there are fewer and fewer souls that can be attracted recently.

Moreover, Mord Caesar also clearly noticed that the number of souls received was reduced because Ionia’s soul connection was cut off.

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