After the previous battle in Weili.

Those demons were strengthened by unknown reasons, leaving a deep psychological shadow on the beaver.

Although along the way, when Yongen faced those demons, he could always kill in seconds within a few moves.

But Ah Tanuki knew in her heart that even in her heyday, she might not be able to confront those demons so easily and head-on.

Those demons are really much stronger than before.

If it was just those demons from the past, Tanuki believed that as long as she was given a little more time, she would be able to kill all the demons on the Ionian continent.

But now, that confidence is gone.

Because the tanuki has seen too many demons that have become particularly powerful, which has never been seen before.

However, the tanuki also really felt the power of Mord Caesar.

And when he saw Mord Caesar’s back and proud look when he left the Meditation Pavilion.

In addition to in front of Li Fulang, the tall man wrapped in iron exuded a kingly aura all over his body.

Thinking about these things, the next moment the tanuki was completely stunned.

After Mord Caesar came out of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, he actually directly activated the underworld aura that covered the sky.

Those underworld breaths made the sun turn green again.

When Mord Caesar fused the underworld and the sun before, the sun turned a miserable green that looked very penetrating, allowing everyone in the entire Rune Land to see the sun, the frightening change.

Mord Caesar led his legion of the undead back to his underworld.

After a few days, the original green sun gradually returned to its original state.

Only a strong person above the demigod level can faintly see a faint green color from the current sun.

And at this moment, under the command of Mord Caesar, the sun once again turned completely green.

The breath of the underworld, descending from the green sun, covers the sky and covers the sky.

The entire Ionia was almost shrouded in that faint green ghostly aura.

Although the beaver has not reached the level of a demigod, he is also a fairly good mage himself, with the blood of Vasta and a strong talent for magic.

For the perception of magic, the tanuki also has a natural acuity.

Even in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, the beaver obviously felt that there had been a great change in the outside world.

It has to be said that the current Mord Caesar, as the king of the underworld, is absolutely competent.

The breath of the underworld was in the hands of Mord Caesar, and it was simply pure fire.

When these underworld breaths descended on Ionia, the demons were directly crushed by this rich underworld breath.

No matter where the demons hid, they all died because of this.

When the breath of the underworld fell, the people all over Ionia felt incomparable panic.

They were all about the same before, and they had almost forgotten about the miserable green sun.

But I didn’t expect the sun to turn this color again.

There are many demons, in fact, they are also hidden in human society.

They feed on all kinds of negative emotions of human beings, seduce people, amplify the evil thoughts in their hearts, and thus occupy the souls of ordinary human beings.

These demons are even more evil and terrifying.

When the gloomy green ghost aura fell, the disguises on the faces of these demons hiding in the crowd were all crushed, revealing their original appearance.

The surrounding humans saw their changes and screamed in horror one by one.

But it didn’t take long for people to gradually begin to accept what was happening in front of them.

They found that not everyone would be overwhelmed and crushed by this green aura.

Then, those people found that this worried-colored aura of the underworld seemed to only cause harm to demons.

This made people even start to rejoice, and even everyone knelt on the ground and prayed to heaven.

Thank God for being able to bring down divine punishment on these demons and save all nations.

In the entire continent of Ionia, the demons that have been bred in the past few decades are much larger than the number of demons born in the past thousand years.

This also affected the people of the Ionian continent, who were originally quiet and peaceful, and loved peace.

But no one can stop it from happening.

Nor was any one person able to completely kill all the demons on the entire continent of Ionia.

Even if there are demon hunters, the number of demon hunters is limited after all.

They killed some demons and went elsewhere to clean up demons elsewhere.

But who can guarantee that the newly cleaned area will not breed other demons?

In this cycle, the demons on the continent of Ionia have never decreased, but have increased day by day.

If those demons just quietly dealt with ordinary people who were full of greed, the other gods would probably just turn a blind eye.

After all, the destructive power of demons is always limited.

But this time, those demons were too rampant, and they dared to snatch the undead with the underworld.

No, this directly alarmed the Lord of the Underworld, Mord Caesar.

Now Mord Caesar will live the addiction to killing and kill all those demons.

Soon, the breath of the underworld killed countless demons.

There are countless large and small.

It’s just that there are many more powerful demons, even in the face of Mord Caesar’s underworld breath, they still have a certain ability to resist.

Although these demons cannot escape this death because they are relatively powerful.

But he was able to carry these breaths of the underworld, live a little longer, and hold out until the void descended.

These demons originally planned to welcome the arrival of the Void during the next Blooming Spirit Festival.

Ionian is a traditional festival that allows people to meet their deceased relatives and friends.

When the Blooming Spirit Tree blooms with Spirit Flowers, the Ionians can drink the Blooming Spirit Tea and see the dead.

That’s because when the Blooming Spirit Tree blooms, the barrier between the material plane and the spiritual realm will become very weak, and the magical aura on the Ionian continent will be even stronger.

In other words, during the Blooming Spirit Day, Ionia is the softest, most fragile and gentlest time.

If the void descends on the continent of Ionia at this time, it will not suffer violent resistance, but it will be more acceptable to the earth.

But now the situation in front of us is imminent, and we can’t wait any longer.

The demons who were still struggling to survive knew that the matter of welcoming the arrival of the Void could not be delayed any longer, and it had to be advanced.

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