This first powerful Void Consciousness Body quickly turned into a purple-red light.

Those rays of light gradually converged on him, and finally inexplicably condensed many purple-red bodies like octopus tentacles, completely transforming from consciousness to a void creature.

This void creature was full of void purple light, its face was hideous and abhorrent, and it looked really terrifying.

After the first breath of air on the Rune Land, this void creature only felt that all the price they had paid to descend on the Rune Land was worth it.

How beautiful the real world is, and this is what they yearn for most about those things that once had only conscious bodies.

This Void Rift Valley was constantly cracking, and inside were many large and small Void Consciousness bodies surging out.

It’s just that those void consciousness bodies are too weak, and after adapting to the world rules of the Rune Land, they will only turn into those creatures that only know how to devour, like beasts.

They don’t have much ability to think, they just know how to keep devouring and allowing themselves to evolve.

Just like Kazik at the beginning, he has no wisdom or even any language, and only knows how to constantly devour what he can get.

Humans, beasts, plants, can all become objects for them to devour.

Even the very rare ores in the Rune Land made these void creatures fall in love.

And this powerful consciousness has its own thinking. After having his own body, he excitedly roared into the sky.

The size of this conscious body is quite large, even larger than Murphyt’s size before it has not shrunk.

He floated like that above the Void Rift Valley, in a very obscure tone, as if he was saying something.

All the heroes who gathered here saw this terrifying void monster, which made them all like enemies.

One by one, looking at this void monster that had just appeared covered in purple-red light, they all felt extremely frightened.

Especially those who had been eroded by the power of the void were even more frightened by this.

The language spoken by the huge void creature was not the dialect of anywhere in the Rune Land, but all the heroes present understood the meaning of his words.

This void monster said that he was going to devour everyone in heaven and earth!

Mord Caesar, who was paying attention to the situation here, heard this, and immediately became reluctant.

“This is our Rune Land, what qualifications do you filthy bugs squeezed out of the gaps in the void have!”

How could this little temper of Mord Caesar allow others to spread wild on his territory.

He had already made up his mind before, this time the Void invaded the Rune Land, and he wanted to stand up and fight the Void for the Rune Land.

Now seeing such an arrogant void monster, Mord Caesar immediately said that he couldn’t bear it.

Carrying his big mace Nightfall, he rushed directly over.

The green aura of the underworld wrapped around the iron armor on Mord Caesar’s body, making Mord Caesar look majestic.

The wild laughter of the void monster did not last long when it was knocked directly into the ground by a mace of Mord Caesar.

“Come to Lao Tzu’s territory, you will obediently shrink! Dare to be so arrogant! I see that you are just living impatiently, so you came out of the void to find death!” ”

Mord Caesar said as he slammed the Void Monster with his powerful mace.

Just three hammers, the body of the void monster was directly knocked apart by Mord Caesar.

Those righteous bodies came out of the void and descended on the rune earth, and their bodies were condensed with the power of the void.

And because he didn’t have time to devour any creature in the Rune Land in the future, he didn’t get an evolution.

Therefore, this Void Monster did not have flesh and blood at all.

After being hammered by Mord Caesar a few times, the body that had just gathered was hammered apart, and its own consciousness body was dissipated into invisibility because it was directly hit by such a fatal blow.

This made the other heroes who came to check on the situation dumbfounded.

Before, they also regarded these void creatures as extremely powerful, and felt that they were all invincible.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

In addition to this powerful consciousness body, there are many other small Void Consciousness bodies, turning into the most primitive Void Beast.

Those heroes whose energy realm is not too high, most of them are still comfortable when dealing with these little void beasts.

It’s just that the number of beasts transformed by those Void Small Consciousness bodies is too much, and these heroes alone can’t be completely destroyed.

The people of the Balanced Sect have also arrived.

It was the blind monks Li Qing and Reingar who went to inform the various sects on the continent of Ionia.

In addition to the Balance Sect, other sects have also participated in this anti-void war.

Those consciousness bodies that are higher than the powerful power level are sleeping in the depths of the void.

In the process of cracking the Void Rift Valley, those sleeping powerful consciousness bodies slowly woke up one by one.

But because their size is too large, even if this Void Rift Valley is so large, but according to their size, it is not an easy thing to get out from here.

Therefore, they gathered all their strength and worked hard to continuously expand this Void Rift Valley.

After the first powerful consciousness body was smashed apart by Mord Caesar, after a while, a second appeared.

Obviously, this body, condensed by the Void Consciousness Body, is much stronger than the previous one.

However, Mord Caesar is the lord of the underworld, and now he also has the strength of the realm of gods.

Soon, he smashed this second Void Monster violently, this time with five hammers, still allowing this Void Monster to directly dissipate even his consciousness.

Seeing Mord Caesar will once again remind such a huge void monster to pound into dust again. It greatly encouraged the other heroes present to fight against those Void Monsters.

This made them feel that when they were fighting against the Void, they did not feel so terrifying, and they were more confident to carry out this Void Resistance.

But only Mord Caesar himself knew that this second Void Monster was already much stronger than the previous one.

It seems that he needs to show his greater strength to win this war.

Mord Caesar even summoned, still under those of his own undead in the underworld.

The Army of the Undead was invited and soon joined the fray to join other heroes in their fight against the boundless void creatures.

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