“Are you saying the artifact is missing?”

When Ritz heard Lisandra’s story, his face was stunned.

“Both artifact masters said that they want to have a good trip outside, and then return to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion by themselves, and I can’t stop it.”

Lisandra was bitter in her heart.

Wally Bell, Lisandra and Reitz then discussed a solution to the current situation.

The two Frost Attribute artifacts are now traveling abroad and have not returned to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Then they probably won’t be of much help to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

So Lisandra advocated getting the two artifacts back.

Ruiz felt that he should still tell Li Fulang about this matter, the Cultivation Pavilion was so powerful, there must be a way.

Lisandra and Wally Bell, on the other hand, insisted that the Cultivation Pavilion had already sent out those two powerful frost artifacts, and I was afraid that it was useless to go.

In the end, Ritz still couldn’t say anything about Lisandra.

So under Lisandra’s pleading, Ritz stayed with Wally Bell to suppress the void gap under the Howling Abyss with his magical energy.

Lisandra used her power in Freyrdrand to send people out to find the two artifacts of the Ice Heart Ice Staff.

At the same time, Lisandra also set out to find it herself.

Ritz didn’t know how long he had been in the Wailing Abyss.

Lisandra ran outside to search, but she could not find the two Frost Artifact Ancestors.

Just when Lisandra was about to feel desperate, she returned to the abyss of crying.

If it really didn’t work, Lisandra was already ready to sacrifice himself, transform into a frost seal, and directly use his own bloodline to suppress it above the wailing abyss.

The Frost Witch, if at the expense of herself, is still very powerful.

It’s just that this kind of repressive sealing magic will always have a day when the magic is exhausted and fails.

Lisandra only hoped that before this day came, Freyrdrand would have another person who was willing to guard the Weeping Abyss forever, watching over the Void Rift here.

But when Lisandra came to the Wailing Abyss again, she saw Ritz and Wally Bell with strange looks on their faces.

“Did something happen? Why are you so faced? ”

At first, seeing these two people standing there motionless, looking at the crying abyss in amazement, Lisandra only felt a chill in her heart, and thought that the void crack had completely opened.

But soon he felt that the situation here in the Wailing Abyss was still the same as when he left.

There were no Void Watchers.

Ritz and Wally Bell did not use magical energy, but the ice seal in the crying abyss did not accelerate its dissolution.

“We don’t know what happened, but it feels like there is no strength under the Void Rift to continue to break through the seal.”

Wally Bell answered Lisandra’s question.

Yes, since not long ago, both of them have sensed that something is faintly wrong in the crying abyss.

The seal melted before, and those Void Watchers under the Void Crack also noticed it, so they gathered their strength and began to attack the seal here.

This makes the melting rate of the ice continue to increase.

But now they could clearly feel that the force of confrontation under this crack had disappeared.

It seemed that those Void Monitors no longer gathered their strength to attack the seal here.

The three looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.

But Ruiz had a very bad feeling from the bottom of his heart.

Ruiz has faced many void creatures, and those void creatures are all very greedy and cunning.

And has a fascinated attachment to the Rune Land.

Those void creatures are all trying their best to come to the Rune Land.

Now that the seal here has been loosened, it is the perfect opportunity for those Void Watchers to break through the seal and return to the Rune Land.

Why would they suddenly pass up this opportunity?

Ritz guessed that it was likely that a larger Void Rift had appeared elsewhere in the Runeterra, which is why these Void Monitors diverted their attention and left here.

“You two are guarding here, beware of changes, I’ll take a look elsewhere.”

Ryz then used his Curved Mirror Leaping Skill to travel around the Rune Lands.

Even Rez came to Ecasia once again to check on the Void Rift that had previously existed in Icacia.

This void crack had been directly purified and sealed by the crucible a long time ago.

Although in Acacia has not yet recovered to the scene before the appearance of the Void Rift.

But it’s also a little more alive than before.

Rez once wandered around the Runeterra in search of the whereabouts of the World Rune.

At the same time, I also saw those small void cracks scattered around the world.

As long as conditions permit, Ruiz will use his rune magic to repair those small cracks as much as possible.

Now Ruiz has examined the void cracks he knows one by one, and has not found any new cracks.

The seals he had once had were also intact.

This made Ritz wonder, wondering why those Void Watchers would abandon the Void Rift beneath the Wailing Abyss that had loosened.

At this moment, Ruiz only felt that the ocean and earth were shaking, and in the easternmost sky, a vision was produced.

The entire sky was illuminated by the purple light of the void, and it also turned purple.

This made Ritz frightened, and quickly set off to Ionia.

When Ruiz arrived at Ionia, he saw the Void Grand Canyon that had cracked.

This is no longer comparable to those cracks.

The entire mountain range split directly from the middle, and countless void consciousness bodies surged out, and after touching the earth and air of the Rune Land, soon those consciousness bodies turned into void beasts.

The face is hideous and terrifying.

Rez uses his magic to destroy as many creatures from the Void as possible.

Fortunately, now that Ruiz has an unswerving skin, his magical energy is almost endless.

Otherwise, the number of these void creatures would be enough for him.

At the same time, Ruiz also sensed the strong underworld aura on the continent of Ionia, as well as those demons that were killed.

All of this puzzled Ritz.

Could it be that the Void Rift Valley here is related to the underworld and those demons?

I didn’t have time to think so much, but in those city-states near this Void Rift Valley, there were already many Void creatures.

These void creatures came to the Rune Land with only one purpose, and that was to devour.

Ritz sensed the Lord of the Underworld in the distance, Mord Caesar, who was battling powerful void creatures.

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