It is not so much that those heroes have confidence in Xiu Xin Pavilion, but more that they have confidence in Li Fuwan.

In fact, most people who have been to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion only know that Li Fulang is powerful, and they don’t know how much harm Li Fulang has experienced.

Now looking at the void creature in front of him like a hellish demon and demon, he only felt terrifying, but the fear in his heart was not so strong because he knew the existence of the Cultivation Pavilion.

Seeing Kennan and the others on the side looking in the direction of Presidian so excitedly, they were still chanting words such as this Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

This made Cindra very puzzled.

After waking up from the Dream Pool, Sindra has been wandering around the continent of Ionia.

In fact, in Sindra’s eyes, he did not have much affection for those people in Ionia.

Because almost all of her life’s suffering came from these so-called compatriots.

It’s just that later Cindela lived longer and longer, and saw more and more things.

Even if she didn’t like the Ionians, Sindra had to admit that Ionia had always been the land that gave birth to her and raised her.

And Sindra very much dislikes having something foreign destroying her land.

Therefore, it has always been Sindra who wants to protect not the people of Ionia, but to protect this nascent land.

Sindra will always remember fondly that when she was a little girl, a sacred willow was her best friend.

Only later, under her rage, she unconsciously sucked up all the life essence of Lin Willow, causing the willow tree, which originally looked kind and kind, to become a dead tree with twisted branches and scorched bark in an instant.

In Sindra’s rage, countless people died at her hands.

But the only thing she regrets is accidentally sucking the life essence of her favorite willow tree.

For the sake of Lingliu, the only friend she had given her warmth and comfort in her childhood, Cindra decided to protect the land of Ionia.

Therefore, when Ionia suffered a great calamity, she would stand up.

As Sindra, who was born with a strong talent for dark magic, her power is almost endless.

On the continent of Ionia, no one can match dark magic.

Previously, when Mord Caesar dealt with those god-level strength realm void creatures, only Cindra could help and fight with her against those powerful void creatures.

Now looking at Mord Caesar, who was still fighting with him just now, he inexplicably ran to Precy to a store for help.

The other heroes also looked at the Heart Cultivation Pavilion with hopeful faces.

Sindra was very incomprehensible.

“What the hell is that Heart Cultivation Pavilion for?”

Sindra’s question was quickly answered.

After learning that the Cultivation Pavilion was really just a shop, the doubts in Sindra’s heart became even stronger.

What kind of existence is the shop of Xiu Xin Pavilion, and looking at the heroes around him, they have such high expectations for the shopkeeper of Xiu Xin Pavilion.

So who is this shopkeeper?

Can it afford such a heavy responsibility?

At that time, if even the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion does not have the ability to fight these void creatures, then the first thing to do is to find all the residents of the entire Ionia.

You can’t wait here for those void creatures to devour everything.

After all, the Ionian continent still has these residents to build, and it is not good to watch those people being devoured by the void while she does nothing.

“Go and inform all the inhabitants of the Void of the Void, make preparations, prepare to evacuate Ionia.”

Sindra was thinking that the inhabitants of Xinjiang would evacuate and wait until they could drive all the Void creatures back to the Void, and then let those residents return to Ionia for construction.

For Sindra’s order, some people from small sects felt that it made sense after listening to it.

After all, they didn’t quite know what kind of existence the Cultivation Pavilion was, and whether it had the ability to fight against the void.

However, the comparison between Yu and Shen and others is persistent.

“Do you even have no confidence in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?”

“That’s a sad thing.”

“If even the Heart Cultivation Pavilion can’t deal with these void creatures, then I’m afraid that the Rune Land will also usher in destruction.”

The words of the two can be described as a stone stirring up a thousand waves in the crowd.

Everyone was skeptical of what they said.

Although everyone has seen the power of the void now, they still don’t realize what a terrifying existence the void is.

However, because one of them is the leader of the Balanced Sect and the other is the leader of the Lingying Sect, they are both people who are not easy to mess with, so everyone only dares to whisper and does not dare to speak out their opposition.

It’s just that the whispers of those people didn’t last long.

Mord Caesar went to Presidian’s Meditation Pavilion and asked Li Fu to shake out of the mountain, so among these heroes who fought against the void, there was a big help.

Those huge void creatures, after squeezing out their huge bodies from the void cracks, did not rush to devour them first.

These Void Consciousness bodies with the power of gods all possess their own wisdom.

They know they can’t rush it.

The Rune Land has always been the place that these void creatures yearn for, so their ultimate goal is to descend to the Rune Land and completely occupy it, making this place a part of the Void.

Before they squeezed out of the Void Grand Canyon, they watched as Morder Caesar had eliminated several of their powerful companions.

Moreover, these very powerful and highly intelligent Void Creatures Guide Rune Land, not just a few of them can cover the sky with one hand.

So they need to have more subordinates and compete for them for the Rune Land, a piece of fat that they have coveted for a long time.

These powerful void creatures turned out. After a brief exchange, they joined hands and began to expand the Void Rift Valley with their own strength.

They wanted this Void Crack to be even bigger, so that more Void creatures could join the Rune Land together.

Those who had just agreed with Sindra’s words and did not take what Tribulation and Shen said seriously were trembling with fear at this moment when they saw the cracking void gaps and the void creatures gushing out like a terrifying flood.

At this moment, they believed, if there is really no one who can stand up against the void, I am afraid that the entire Rune Land will really usher in the end.

At this time, although they still did not believe how strong the Heart Cultivation Pavilion was, they prayed in their hearts, hoping that the Heart Cultivation Pavilion was really powerful.

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