It was absolutely impossible for the Cultivation Pavilion to be damaged by the Void Crack.

Even if Li Fulang didn’t make a move himself, the shop of Xiu Xin Pavilion itself had a powerful enchantment, and only those who Xiu Xin Pavilion wanted to put in could enter.

Not to mention the Void Rift, even if the Star Casting Dragon King Aurelian Thor came, if Li Fuxian said he didn’t want to see it, he wouldn’t be able to enter the Cultivation Pavilion.

It’s just that what Mord Caesar said, or said that Li Fuwan was moved.

If nothing else, it is said that Li Fulang has lived here for so long, and he always goes out with Raven and Lilia from time to time, shopping and shopping in the street market of Precidien.

I have long been familiar with this place, but I have some feelings.

If the destruction of Presidian was caused by the Void Rift, the streets he used to know would all be destroyed and would cease to exist.

Then Li Fulang is also unwilling.

Not to mention in Presidian, and Lilia’s hometown Enchanted Garden.

If the Enchanted Garden was damaged again, Lilia would definitely be sad.

So Li Fulang didn’t say more, followed Mord Caesar directly, left Presidian and went straight to the battlefield.

Under the unremitting efforts of those few Void creatures, as well as those other conscious beings who were still under the Void Rift Valley.

This Void Rift Valley was indeed tens of meters wider than before, and the crack extended a little farther.

Not unlike what Mord Caesar said, the crack pointed straight at Presidium.

If you continue to let it crack, Precidian will definitely be affected.

The canyon cracks are getting wider and wider, and the energy of the void creatures that appear is also getting bigger and bigger, and they even have more strength than the gods.

And the larger the size of those Void Consciousness bodies, the more powerful their abilities became.

These void creatures, one by one, are peeping into the Rune Land and thinking that they want to greedily digest the rules of the Rune Land.

For these creatures who have always been in the void, the conscious body has come to the land of helping people, and it is depressed that a good life is coming.

This time the Void completely descended, and it was expected to take a few days, and then they would be able to completely devour the Rune Land and completely turn this place into their territory.

Become their nourishment for devouring evolution.

The void creatures that had previously gone out in the void gaps in all corners of the Rune Land were also quietly collecting and analyzing a lot of information about the Rune Land for them.

Now they had almost completely explored the entire Rune Land.

The creatures who found themselves able to resist them here all went to a place called the Celestial Realm.

The strongest person who still exists in the Runeterra is only a little stronger than the Frost Witch named Lisandra who once betrayed them.

That kind of goods is almost backhanded.

“You lowly Runeterra creatures, you are about to welcome your future ruler.”

A stout void creature with a tall mountain-like mouth uttered several strange syllables. The sound was like the loudest red, and instantly spread throughout the Rune Land.

Even the Giant God Peak, which was farthest away from Ionia, heard this voice.

Normally, the people in the Rune Land should not understand.

However, those obscure notes, after reaching their ears, made everyone understand the meaning of this void creature.

All those who heard this voice looked to the east in great horror, which had turned into a purple-red sky, and were shocked by those images.

Especially those countries and city-states that had fought against the void were all too familiar with such colors and tone of voice.

It was the fear that was imprinted in their bones.

Then several more void creatures made sounds one after another.

What they said was nothing more than saying that the creatures in the Rune Land were all low-level creatures, only worthy of being their nourishment for devouring evolution.

And there are also void creatures, which get cheap and sell obediently about the geography of Ionia.

Li Fulang originally did not put these void creatures too much in his eyes, and at this time, looking at those void creatures floating in the air and making a big fuss, he only felt childish and ridiculous.

“Shopkeeper, let’s make a move!”

The voices that Mord Caesar naturally heard also made him angry enough.

But the few void creatures who spoke were all more powerful than the god instances, and Mord Caesar was no match for the other party at all.

Therefore, he could only stand by Li Fulang’s side in a hurry and persuade Li Fulang to quickly clean them up.

Li Fuwan gave Mord Caesar a slightly reassuring look.

This calmed down the hearts of Mord Caesar and the heroes who looked towards them.

The people who were originally irritable and rioted by the words of that void creature were gradually pacified because of the breath emanating from Li Fulang’s body.

The Void powerhouse was still brazenly arrogant and ruthless, and even silently cursed and cursed in his mouth.

Li Fulang completely ignored them, and his palm was raised upwards, stretching out in the direction of the Void Rift Valley.

Everyone didn’t quite understand what Li Fulang was going to do?

When I saw Li Fuxiang, he easily closed the two palms that were spread out.

After Li Fulang’s palm was completely reconciled, everyone did not understand what Li Fulang was doing.

Some people even thought that Li Fulang was praying.

Fortunately, Li Fulang didn’t know what was in the hearts of those people, otherwise he would die speechlessly.

He is already the most powerful god in this plane, and he still prays?

To whom to pray?

The doubts in people’s minds did not last long.

After Li Fu shook his hands together, the Void Rift Grand Canyon that ran through almost half of the Ionian continent began to close.

And it was faster than when he cracked.

Cindra had already retreated far away because of the dark energy in her body.

But his eyes were always nailed to Li Fulang’s body.

At this time, seeing such a scene in front of him, I was almost so shocked that my eyes almost fell out.

The other heroes were also excited.

Those who know the harm of Xiu Xin Ge Li know that Li Fulang is a ruthless character.

But they also didn’t expect that Li Fuxian just closed his hands, and the void crack that had just made them fearful began to close.

Several Void powerhouses who were still making a big fuss just now suddenly heard a cheer.

They looked down and saw that it was actually the Runeterra creatures that were still desperately resisting them just now, and they were cheering very happily.

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