Nico also volunteered, making it clear that she knew where the tribe of the Flesh Tooth was.

And I have also seen what those elemental mages say, it is very strange living stones.

As a result, Nico was ordered by the Empress to lead the elemental mages to bring the monolith back to Esioken City.

After that, a group of elemental mages followed Niko to the area where the Meattooth Tribe was.

In Ishtar, in addition to the capital, there are all other small cities scattered in the jungle of Ishtar.

In addition, more are independent tribes of various creatures.

Although they were all subordinate to Ishtar, they all had their own independent territories and rules.

In general, the division between different tribes is clear.

And people who are not members of the tribe are not allowed to enter their territory at will.

Because Niko often plays in the jungle, does not belong to any tribe, and is good at disguising herself as a member of those tribes, she can easily enter and exit various tribes without being detected.

Those elemental mages were different, they rarely set foot in the territory of those tribes.

Now that Nico is leading the way, they are much more relieved.

Nico and Reingale are also considered friends, and have been to Reingal’s residence many times.

Next to Raingar’s residence, I saw the strange-looking stone.

“It’s really a super big stone, uneven and dark on the surface, just like you said.”

On the way, Nico was still telling the elemental mages about the strange boulder she had seen.

“That stone occasionally moves, and when I first saw it, it almost scared Niko’s tail to death, and Niko’s tail would not bend.”

After Niko’s description, the elemental mages were almost certain that the stone Nico was talking about was the monolith they were looking for.

After several days of trekking, everyone finally got up with Nico and went to the vicinity of Reingal’s residence.

“Just ahead, it’s the house of Nicole’s meat-toothed friend. That strange big rock is not far from the house! ”

Nico bounced and led the way, and soon came to where Murphyt used to be.

After walking there, everyone was dumbfounded.

Where else is the strange boulder that Nico spoke of?

Only a large deep pit was left on the ground that had been pressed out, and next to the deep pit was a sarcodont tribe-style house.

“This, this, what’s going on?”

Niko’s mouth opened in surprise, and she circled around the big pit several times in disbelief.

“No way, Nico was still here the last time she came!”

Niko’s hurried turn.

The expressions of several elemental mages were serious and heavy.

Seeing this, why did Nikou explain.

“Nicome really didn’t lie, you have to believe Niko! It was obviously here the last time I came, and Nicole didn’t know why the stone was missing. ”

Nico was on the verge of crying, she really wasn’t lying.

“We believe in you.”

Although the elemental mages felt heavy about the disappearance of the monolith, they could see that there was indeed a huge stone here.

That huge monolith is not here, could it be that someone dug it up?

Or maybe Monoloth himself was born with Lingzhi, so he left here on his own?

Come to think of it, no matter what the situation is, the monolith is no longer here anyway.

In order to find clues, some elemental mages also entered the house next to the deep pit.

It can be seen that there should have been no one living here for a while.

In this house, the heads of various beasts of prey are contained.

Nicole knew that those were the spoils of Raingar’s booty.

Thinking of this, Nico also found that she had not seen Reingal for a long time.

Perhaps the disappearance of that strange huge stone had something to do with Reingal.

The elemental mages were very puzzled.

How can such a big stone disappear when it disappears?

And it doesn’t disappear sooner rather than later.

Now that the Void has moved, Ishtar needs a monolith to fight the Void, but the monolith has disappeared!

Is this Providence?

If the monolith is gone, when the Void Rift is opened again, they will have no means to fight the Void.

Do you want to let the Void War of Antiquity repeat itself again?

The elemental mages were all panicked and desperately trying to find clues about the monolith.

They carefully searched for the big pit and the land near the big pit.

Hope to find some clues about the monolith.

They have to find the monolith!

If they can’t find a monolith, then I’m afraid they will have to find a way to see if they can create a monolith.

After all, the monoliths were once made by an elemental mage named Negzuk in the ancient period of Esuthar.

Although they don’t know how the monolith was made.

But since Negzuk can, then maybe they can.

But in the end, this is just an idea, whether it can be realized or not is a matter of two questions.

“Here’s a piece! Here’s a piece! ”

Just when everyone was burying their heads in search of clues to the monolith, the elemental mage suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the man and saw that he was holding a black gravel the size of a jujube core in his hand.

The elemental mages stepped forward to examine the rubble that the man was holding.

After the study of several elemental mages, it was finally confirmed that this small black stone should have fallen from the monolith.

Seeing the excited expressions of those elemental mages, Niko was a little puzzled. Doesn’t it mean that it takes a large monolith to be able to fight the Void?

How did such a small piece make these people happy like this?

“But is such a small piece of use?”

Nico asked the doubts in her heart.

“Of course it works, with this small piece of rubble, we can find the current location of the monolith.”

The elemental mage who found a small piece of monolithic debris answered Niko’s question with excitement on his face.

“Oooh, that’s how it is! That’s so nice to mess with! But how to find it? ”

This time no one answered Nicole’s question anymore.

I saw that several of the most powerful elemental mages quickly drew a pattern of a twelve-pointed star with their magic wands in the clearing, and on top of the twelve-pointed star were written many characters that Nico could not understand at all, as well as some elemental magic marks.

“What is this doing?”

Nicole was curious, but seeing that the others were helping very seriously, she obediently squatted to the side and watched them.

Soon, a magic array consisting of twelve stars and elemental magic marks was completed.

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