“You go to Piltover.”


Planck was stunned by Li Fushake’s sudden words.

Why did he suddenly have to let him go to Piltover?

“If you want your little brothers to be able to adapt to the environment of space, you need space protective clothing. But this kind of work without much technical content is a bit troublesome. ”

Plank is not stupid, Li Fulang simple words, he immediately understood the meaning.

It’s not that Li Fulang can’t do it, but he is troublesome about this kind of thing.

This made Planck’s heart that he was still carrying just now finally let go.

Fortunately, his ambitions still have a chance to be realized.

“Then why go to Piltover then?”

Planck did not quite understand, is there such a space suit in Piltoverv?

“You go to Piltover and find a yodel called Heimerdinger, he should be interested in this matter.”

Now Noxus and Planck are practicing and doing various things in the outside world for many years, which makes Li Fulang have a new idea.

It is better to let Planck also cooperate with Piltover.

In this way, it can also contain Noxus so that they will not be too nonsense.

After all, the fact that Noxus had thoughts about Piltover before, Li Fuwan was also clear.

For Piltover, Li Fulang still likes it.

Those heroes from Picheng, Li Fulang also liked to use them when playing games in the past.

Therefore, he still has quite different feelings for Piltover.

Although he did not intend to intervene in the war between those national realm city-states in the Rune Land, Li Fuxian would not be stingy if he could protect the leather city.

What’s more, every time Caitlin opens, the appearance of the royal sister turning into a little fan sister, Li Fuwan is still quite useful.

I also don’t want to see Caitlin saddened by Noxus’s aggression.


Planck naturally knew what kind of race the Yodels were, they were small, but the pump depot was very unusual.

Although Planck has met a limited number of yodelers, he still knows that the yodels each have good talents.

“Yes, Heimerdinger is a professor at the Piltover Academy and thinks he is a very capable genius scientist.”

When Li Fulang said this, Planck also sounded.

Professor Heimerdinger, a genius scientist at the Piltover Institute, had heard of the name Planck.

After all, Piltover is not too far from Birgywater.

“You go to him, if the laboratory conditions on his side are limited, you can take him over and make what you need in my lab.”

Whether it is a spaceship or a space protective suit, it is a very troublesome, time-consuming and laborious thing for Li Fulang.

He could give material, but not far from spending that much time doing research that didn’t work for him.

It’s better to leave it to Heimerdinger.

As expected, Heimerdinger had definitely heard of the great name of the Cultivation Pavilion.

After all, Victor had been traveling to Pi City for several days.

Li Fulang also knew very well what Viktor was going to do when he went to Piltover.

With Viktor’s character, he will definitely make a lot of noise in Piltover.

There are also Yasso, Lulu and Tristana, these heroes who went out of the Meditation Pavilion also went to Piltover Wolver.

Heimerdinger will definitely learn the name of the Cultivation Pavilion from their mouths.

After Planck understood what Li Fuwan meant, he immediately set off for Piltover.

Before leaving, he also specially bought a jade talisman to bring.

Planck then used his jade talisman to teleport back to the southern coastline of Demacia.

He came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion directly from here with a jade talisman, and now he naturally returned to the same place when he used the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

“Go around, go to Piltover!”

As soon as Planck returned to the ship, he ordered his first mate to sail back.

“Boss, don’t we care about the battlefield here?”

The first mate looked at Planck who suddenly appeared on the deck, already wondering. But now that Demacia and Noxus are still fighting on the shore, they are going to walk away like this, regardless of Noxus as an ally?

“The mission we promised to Noxus has been completed, they are now fighting on the shore, we will just watch, isn’t it boring?” Hurry up. ”

The first mate obediently ordered the man to pull up the anchor and prepare to set sail.

“Shall we say hello to the Grand Commander of Noxus?” That great commander also came to this side of the battlefield. ”

The first mate reminded Planck before setting sail.

“Who’s coming! Where does Lao Tzu go and who else to report? In the grind chirping beware, Lao Tzu throws you off the boat to feed the fish. ”

Seeing that Planck was not happy, the first mate did not dare to say anything, and directed the crew to steer the ship in the direction of Piltover.

A few days later, the pirate ship sailed into the port of Piltover, making the people of Piltover nervous.

“Isn’t this a pirate ship? How did it get into our port? ”

“They wouldn’t be trying to hit our Pi City, would they?”

“Oh my God, go and report it to the guards!”

Looking at the panic of those people in the port of Picheng, Planck was proud.

This is the aura of his King of Bilgewater!

Everywhere you go, no one is not afraid!

Just as Planck was about to laugh and express his inner pleasure, a gust of wind blew towards his boat.

The hull was blown by the wind, and Planck almost lost a center of gravity.

Fortunately, the first mate next to him was quick and helped Planck.

As soon as Planck stood up, he wanted to scold him, which one who did not have long eyes dared to make a move on him.

As a result, Yaso was seen leading the Picheng Guard to the shore of the port.

The power of the gust of wind just now was released by Yasuo.

“Huh? This is…”

Planck had not met Yaso in the Shushin Pavilion, but he had seen the skin of the Source Project series worn by Yaso when he was buying skins.

The equipment that looked familiar was clearly bought from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

This made Planck’s original idea of getting a good deal immediately dispelled.

It’s not that he can’t afford to provoke Yasuo, but for the sake of the face of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, he can’t get by with Yasuo.

“Pirates, why did you come to the port of Picheng. If it’s okay, just leave quickly. ”

Yasso is still an instructor of the Picheng guards, and he happened to lead his guards who were studying swordsmanship with him to patrol the harbor today, and happened to hear a report that pirates had entered the harbor for unknown reasons.

So Yaso brought his guards to the harbor to take a look.

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