In an instant, several artifacts rushed out of the weapons area and floated in the air, enveloping Red Kaylayast.

“Storm, big brother is coming to give you a punch! Dare to bully my little brother, abominable! ”

“Just you, the second middle school disease? Just now I saw that you were not good, hey my violent temper will come up by itself, I must give you electrotherapy today! ”

“I want to suck your blood, the blood of the demigod has not been sucked yet…”

A group of artifacts surrounded Rayast, talking about it, Endless Blade, Blood Drinking Sword, Electric Knife, Black Cut, Drinking Magic Knife and other artifacts all floated in the air, and the terrifying momentum shocked Rayast.


“Nima, artifact meeting? When to buy turnips? ”

Layast’s sanity cleared up for a moment, and then he quickly chose to admit it, and then Kaiyin’s body changed from Red Kai to the appearance of an ordinary person, and it was visibly reduced to the naked eye.

Then the eyes on the blood-colored giant sickle were also tightly closed.

Layast actually shrunk directly into Kaiyin’s body!

A demi-artifact Storm Great Sword he can still shout, so many artifacts he dare not scream.

It was hard to find a qualified human being, but I didn’t expect to bring him to such an outrageous place.

Layast fell silent, and Kaiyin fainted on the ground.

Lilia hid in the shadow of the bookshelf, exposing her little head, she was supposed to receive this little red man, but she still hesitated shyly.

Then he was entertained by Ruiwen.

I didn’t expect these swords to be so powerful!

Lilia blinked, looked at the artifacts floating in the air and nodded, tilted her head and glanced at the door, and saw Svein who was trembling.

Lilia cheered herself up and ran behind the bookshelf closest to the door, hiding half of her body and greeting Svein.

“Mr. Customer, why are you shaking? I mean, Lilia thinks you’re sick! ”

Lilia looked at Svein suspiciously, not knowing why Svein was trembling because of it.

Svein clutched his leg with one hand, trying to stop the fear in his heart, but his leg was shaking uncontrollably.

The demonic power told him that there were at least thirty more artifacts here….

Demigod artifacts are even more numerous….

The arrogant Darkspawn was even more frightened.

Svein regretted it, maybe he shouldn’t have stepped into this shop, but these artifacts could easily kill him.

Not to mention that there is an unfathomable artifact owner on the side.

“Let’s all go back, don’t scare the customers!”

Li Fu waved his hand, drove these artifacts into the weapon area like a goose, and then re-laid the prohibition to prevent the artifacts from running around.

Seeing this, Svein swallowed a mouthful of spit again.

These are all artifacts!

Is it really good to rush in like a duck like this?

Doesn’t the power of demons say that the artifact should be enshrined? Some artifacts even have to sacrifice their own blood.

Why is it all on the shelf here? Oh no, it’s a shelf with the price on it!

Svein felt a little wrong with his worldview.

This artifact turned out to be a commodity for sale?

“This gentleman, what are you here to buy? I mean, Lilia can introduce you. ”

Lilia was half hiding behind the bookshelf with a staff in her hand, still a little timid and shy, but she had already plucked up the courage to talk to strangers.

Great progress!

This is a very shy fawn.

For the artifacts, the deer is not afraid at all, I don’t know why, these artifacts are very submissive to her and Ruiwen, even if they are used for stir-frying, they will not say anything.

Lilia is not afraid, Svein is not good, he is scared to death, I don’t know why this little deer in front of him is so calm.

“That… Is this a store? ”

Svein asked tentatively, his eyes looked at Li Fulang, and he keenly felt that the most unfathomable here was Li Fulang.

And this man should be the boss here.

“Yes, take a look, books, prophecies, equipment, skins, you can buy them, and if you want to eat, you can also eat here.”

Svein squinted his eyes when he heard this, forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, and calmed himself down.

He hadn’t had such a gaffe in years.

I remember the last time I panicked was when I was cut off by Irelia’s arm and kneecap…


Svein looked at the bookshelf, he was originally a military scientist, the books he had read could be stacked into mountains, and his favorite thing besides studying demonic power was reading.

“Uh-huh, take a look, there are likes to come to the counter and ask for the price, Lilia, you take him around!”

Li Fushake ordered, and then walked into the inner room with Kai Yin in his left hand and the blood-colored giant sickle in his right hand.

Ordinary people will be devoured immediately when they touch this giant sickle, and then corrupted by the dark race, but in Li Fulang’s hands, this giant sickle is like an ordinary scythe.

Layast honestly hid and did not dare to rise again.

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