Camille’s first impression when she came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion was that it was powerful.

Unlike the unknown heroes of the past, Camille is very powerful in his own right.

Although she was not a god or a demigod, she still recognized the artifact plaque of the Cultivation Pavilion at a glance.

The store that can magnificently place the opinion artifact as a plaque outside the store shows its strength and deep heritage.

Svein and Planck had come to the Meditation Pavilion many times, so naturally it was needless to say.

Now that both Noxus and Piltover know about Planck’s idea, and the spacecraft that has been successfully tested, they are quite shocked.

Therefore, they all hurriedly came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Camille also used Caitlin’s teleportation talisman to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

After arriving, he immediately purchased several teleportation jade talismans from Li Fulang in case he needed them.

Li Fulang saw that the bigwigs of these three forces had come to his chassis, and he still had a posture of wanting to talk properly, curling the corners of his mouth and smiling triumphantly.

This is also one of the reasons why he promised Planck to help him live in the spaceship, but asked Planck to find Heimerdinger to help.

Noxus is ambitious and powerful in its own right, but they shouldn’t focus only on Runeterra.

Now there are more and more forces that can be obtained in the Rune Land, but these powerful forces, if they kill each other, will also be a disaster for the Rune Land.

Moreover, the Void has always been eyeing the Rune Land, and always wants to invade again.

Li Fulang could not take care of all the places in the land of helping people.

Unless the Void descends on a large area, Li Fulang would not take the initiative to look for those Void Cracks made by the Void Cowering under normal circumstances.

However, the existence of those Void Peaks had a certain impact on the Rune Land.

Li Fuxiang hoped that these heroic forces in the Rune Land could be able to fight against the Void.

After the last time the void forcibly descended on Ionia, Li Fulang understood a little.

If the void really descends on the Rune Land on a large area, then in this Rune Land, even those gods of the Giant God Peak plus several ancient gods of Freyrdrand may not be able to match.

After Li Fulang learned the true strength of the void, he was actually not so interested in them.

Therefore, Li Fulang hopes that in the future, if the void makes some moves against the Rune Land, the heroes in the Rune Land can resist independently.

Then the question arises.

The strength of these heroes in the Rune Land has not yet arrived, and they can resist the true void power, so it is necessary to improve the strength of these people.

Planck wanted to go into the stars, and this was a good opportunity.

As an island, although Bilgewater is a force, but Noxus and other big forces do not pay too much attention to him.

But now Planck wants to be the vanguard, the first to occupy a favorable place to explore the starry sky, once this road is gone and Birgewater is strong, it will be a big threat to other forces.

When Noxus received this news, he would not have ignored it.

If Piltover and Birdgivor are combined, they can also pose a great threat to Noxus.

Svein certainly won’t let it go.

Therefore, Li Fuwan had already expected the situation in today’s three-party talks.

There was even a conference room directly opened in the Meditation Pavilion.

Sveinplank and Camille both felt that the Meditation Pavilion really had everything when they entered the conference room.

Camille was okay, after all, it was the first time to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and she didn’t know if there was such a thing as a conference room in the previous Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

But Svein and Planck were different, they had been to the Meditation Pavilion many times, they had never heard of it before, and there was such a thing as a conference room.

Planck also quietly pulled Lilia to ask what happened to the conference room that suddenly appeared?

Lilia only has one word about this, that is, Fu Shake brother made it.

For Li Fulang, opening up a new space in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is simply a wave of his hand.

These Lilia have long been strange.

Svein was also curious about this, but he also knew Li Fuwan’s ability, so he didn’t question much.

After the three entered the conference room, they all talked straight about Planck’s desire to enter the starry sky this time.

Planck had previously had a cooperation agreement with Noxus, although it was for Demacia, but the two sides were also a cooperative relationship.

It is easier to talk about cooperation now.

Noxus also had some measures against Piltover before, but with Camille in the town, Noxus did not cause any real damage to Piltover.

When it comes to cooperation now, there are not too many obstacles.

“I hope that this time we can put aside the preconceptions in each other’s hearts and talk openly about the next cooperation.”

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