After thinking twice, Cindra finally decided to change.

I used to think like this.

But who can help her?

Now Sindra sees new hope.

That day, seeing Li Fu shake his hand and wipe out those Void powerhouses who could not even deal with such gods in the underworld, Sindra felt that she saw hope.

It was just because of the instinctive fear of the dark force after seeing Li Fuwan before, which made Cindra hesitate and did not dare to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Touching the dead trunk of the spirit willow beside her that had dried up without a little moisture, Sindra’s heart made up her mind.

Go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and see if you can find a solution to her problem.

A person as powerful as Li Fulang should be able to help her, right?

With this mentality, Sindra came to Presidian again and successfully found the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

When they were all at the door, Cindra hesitated again.

However, this time he did not hesitate for too long, and soon completed his psychological construction and walked into the door of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.


The two doorman mechs at the door let out a welcome sound, startling Cindra.

However, such a fright made Sindra’s heart less nervous than before.

The dark energy in Sindra’s body is innate, but she did not awaken when she was young.

Later, after awakening, because this dark energy was too powerful, she could not control it well, and did many things that were not very good in Sindra’s opinion.

After waking up from the dream pool, this situation only increased.

Every now and then, that dark power would suddenly surge, making Cindra uncontrollable.

However, releasing these dark forces will bring serious harm to the people and things around them.

This power protected Sindra, but it also hurt many innocent people.

It has always been a little distressing for Sindra.

“Hey, hello new guests! Welcome to Shushin Pavilion! ”

When Lilia saw the new guest, she immediately stepped forward to say hello.

Since Planck’s fleet set off, Xiu Xin Pavilion has once again been deserted, and it has been a long time since there were new guests.

This lady, dressed all in black and wearing a strangely shaped black hat, looks a little mysterious.

Now Lilia has seen all kinds of different guests, and even when she sees such a strange costume as Sindra, she is not afraid, but warmly stepped forward to greet her.

But soon, Lilia remembered.

Previously, when the Void descended on Ionia, this lady dressed in black had also appeared outside the Precy Classic.

She also fought to protect Ionia.

Lilia has a good impression of such people.

When Sindra saw the magic deer in front of her, she could also feel the powerful magical aura on the magic deer, which made her frightened.

It turned out that not only Li Fulang was a powerful figure in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but it turned out that the other people in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion were also powerful.

“I’m here to find the owner.”

Cindra looked at Xiu Xin Ge, and her tone couldn’t help but bring a hint of amazement.

The decoration here is really chic and elegant, revealing elegance everywhere.

Moreover, in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, it was even stronger than the magical aura in the Enchanted Forest, which made Cindra feel very comfortable.

Lilia heard that someone was looking for Li Fulang, so she asked Sindra to wait in the rest area for a while, and she went to find Li Fulang.

Li is sharing the space ring he created with Heimerdinger in the Creator Lab.

This space ring was actually created by Li Fulang a long time ago, but because some of the performance has not been tested and stable, it has never been taken out and used.

After Heimerdinger stayed in the Creator Laboratory, he had a powerful genius scientist as an assistant in scientific research experiments, and Li Fulang did experiments with half the effort.

Now all the testing items of the space ring have been completed, and all the data has reached stability.

Already fully operational.

Hearing that someone was looking for him, Li Fulang directly took the space ring and left the Creator Lab.

Seeing that the person looking for him turned out to be Sindra, which surprised Li Fulang.

On the day of the annihilation of the void, Li Fulang also noticed Cindra in the crowd.

And at that time, Li Fulang obviously felt that Cindra seemed to be a little afraid of him. After he appeared, Cindra tried to hide as far back as possible.

Therefore, Li Fulang always thought that Sindra would not appear in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, not long after this, Cindra actually came to the door.

Originally, I thought that Sindra was in some trouble, but when I asked, I realized that it was Sindra who had made up her mind and wanted to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to seek a solution to the problem that bothered her.

After Cindra saw Li Fuwan this time, the dark energy in her body was the same as before, and she also showed fear, but the situation was not as serious as before.

What she didn’t know was that she dealt with the Void last time, so Li Fuxian did not cover up the power of chaos in her body.

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