Sindra finally left the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

She now has a new goal and can fight for it.

After looking at the map in the Meditation Pavilion, he finally decided to go to Birjiwater.

As long as there is darkness in this world, then the dark energy in Sindra’s body is still endless.

And Birgewater is a rather chaotic area, and Cindra feels that if she goes there, she should be able to get more dark energy to improve herself.

And Birgewater is also an archipelago, where there is sea and darkness, just right for Sindra, who now owns Atlantis.

Li Fulang is also very supportive of Sindra’s choice.

Although Li Fulang is very clear, the current Birjiwater is not as chaotic and dark as before.

Because Planck is going to the cosmic star sea for a new pirate journey, everyone in Bilgewater now wants to follow Planck to the sky.

However, to meet the conditions for being able to take a spaceship to the Star Sea, it is still a bit harsh, and it must undergo strict training and selection.

Now the pirates of Birgewater, as long as they want to follow Planck, are trying to train.

Those who don’t plan to follow Planck are also very leisurely because the competition in Birgewater is less than half the pressure.

The Python Islands are no longer bloody battles in the past, but are thriving.

And there is no Naga Kablos in the sea, I am afraid that the formation of Sindra’s trip to Birjiwater will become much more boring.

Looking at Sindra’s distant back, Li Fuxian smiled at the corner of his lips.

Sindra’s journey to Birgiwater was smooth.

While rubbing the ball, wandering around.

The speed of traveling in the water is very fast, especially the skin of Atlantis that Sindela also has, which allows her to swim in the sea without hindrance.

Crossing the Sea of Watchmen, Sindra arrived at Bilgewater within a few days.

Sure enough, as Li Fulang expected, the dark aura was greatly reduced, and the level of those sea monsters in the ocean was too low, and Sindra was not interested in making a move at all.

After a few days of wandering in the waters of the Birgewater Islands, Sindra felt bored and drifted south along the current.

Sindra felt wonderfully floating in the sea, a feeling of swimming freely that she had never felt before in Ionia.

Near the reef in Birgiwater, Sindra once saw in the distance a small blue creature, small, slick, with a harpoon in his hand.

The little creature was fighting a very large sea monster.

Sindra looked at it from a distance, wondering if she wanted to help.

However, thinking that if the little creature was seriously injured by the sea monster, it might produce more dark energy for her to absorb.

Sindra decided to wait until the little creature was dying before making a move.

It’s just that to Sindra’s surprise, the little blue creature does not fall behind in the battle with the sea monster.

And after a short while, he killed the sea monster with the harpoon in his hand and his eccentric flexible body.

This made Cindra withdraw the magic ball that had just been rubbed out of her hand containing the ocean and dark energy into the space ring.

The little blue creature obviously sensed the gaze that had been watching him after killing the sea monster, and also glanced in the direction of Sindra.

Then he dragged the corpse of the sea monster and quickly swam into the deep sea.

Sindra smiled excitedly, knowing that the little one should have sensed that she was not someone to provoke easily, so he quickly left.

In this regard, Cindra did not intend to pursue, but let the little creature leave.

“It’s pretty interesting.”

After saying a word to herself, Cindra continued to drift south along the current.

The little blue creature was relieved to feel that the gaze that had been watching it before disappeared.

This little blue creature is none other than Tidal Sea Lingfitz.

He lives in the waters of Birgiwater.

Capturing sea monsters that were tens of times larger than he reminded was just his daily routine.

It’s just that today I didn’t expect to meet a strange woman who was full of horror.

Fitz intuited that this woman was not easy to mess with.

Although Fitz is not afraid, he does not want to cause himself too much trouble.

After killing the sea monster, he quickly left.

Sindra followed the current and wandered to the coast of Yamalankhin.

This is the Oriental Rainforest of Esuthal, home to many rainforest creatures that Sindra had never seen in Ionia.

There are also some tribes that have lived behind.

Sindra stayed here for a few days, but also bored, so she returned to the ocean again.

Passing by the Acacia Peninsula, Cindra noticed that there was something familiar to her.

It seems to have been felt when I was in Ionia.

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