Sindra swam aimlessly in the sea, gradually moving away from the sea of the territory of the Scorpion, but the little black man who followed Sindra began to stir.

Sindra also sensed that something was wrong with the little black man.

She knew that this little thing had to follow her, and it must not be just because of the dark energy that worshipped her.

“Say, what’s going on?”

Sindra stopped moving, floated in the water, and questioned the little black man.

The little black man scratched his head.

Although Sindra faced it every day, it still felt funny to see these small movements.

Holding back a smile, Cindra waited for the little black man’s confession.

The little black man hesitated for a moment, but still spoke to Sindra.

It asked Cindra if she wanted to absorb more dark energy.

Cindra nodded naturally, her purpose in leaving Ionia this time was to absorb more dark energy during her travels and make herself stronger.

Then the little black man told Sindra that in the deeper part of the territory of the Scorpion, there was a particularly wide abyss crack, which was bottomless, pitch black, and full of dark creatures like it.

A story about dark creatures, slowly told to Cindra from the little black population.

A long, long time ago, these dark creatures came out of the dark abyss and devoured the mackerel, and then the mackerel people got a stone that emitted white light from nowhere and placed it in the middle of the territory, so that the dark creatures did not dare to attack again.

The stone that emits a white glow does not always glow, and every hundred years the light of the stone becomes dim.

The Terrans then assign a powerful Salamander called the Tide Summoner to dive into the cold and biting abyss to find a deep-sea pearl.

Then new white stones will be placed in the territory of the mackerel, making them inaccessible.

I don’t know how long ago, the white stone that emits a white glow is about to dim again, and the mackerel has obtained the deep sea pearl again.

But that time, the mackerel did not bring back new white stones.

The dark creatures then set out and began to encroach on the Terrans.

But their devouring did not last for many years.

A woman with a white glow and a scimitar in her hand appeared in the abyss. She had silver-white armor, long white hair, and a white mark on her forehead, and even her eyes were glowing with cold white light.

The woman was terrible, and the white light emanating from her body was even more terrifying than the white stone.

She also kills dark creatures non-stop and uses the white light on her body to destroy them.

Let the dark creatures no longer be able to come out of the dark abyss.

The little black man also sneaked out while the white woman was fighting other dark creatures, and has been hiding in the gap when Sindra saw it.

“What are you telling me these for? Do you want me to help you deal with that white woman? ”

Cindra touched her chin and stared at the little black man.

She was a little unhappy in her heart.

This little thing has been following her, saying that they adore her, just to use her power to help them.

Seeing Sindra’s appearance, the little black man quickly shook his head to deny it.


Cindra raised her eyebrows, her tone unkind.

The little black man trembled his small black body with some fear, but he still quickly explained.

It said that instead of letting the dark creatures die under the white woman’s knife, it was better for Sindra, the dark Fuhrer, to absorb the dark energy of the dark creatures.

This can not only make the goddess it worships stronger, but also keep the dark energy of the dark creatures from being wasted.

This idea had been had since it saw that Sindra was able to absorb its dark energy.

Sindra thought this little black man was very interesting.

According to the little black man’s own account, Cindra felt that the dark creatures did not seem to be intelligent, but a group of things that only knew how to devour.

The little black man in front of him looked very intelligent, and knew that he used such a reason to attract her to the dark far away and help them deal with the so-called white woman.

The little black man immediately said that dark creatures are indeed unintelligent, and there are really very few such as them.

It was also because he left the dark abyss and devoured many other creatures and seas in that gap that he gradually gave birth to wisdom.

Cindra thought about it for a while, and finally decided to follow the little black man to the dark abyss to take a look.

If the truth is really as this little black man said, she will indeed be able to absorb a lot of dark energy and become more powerful.

At the same time, I can also go to meet the so-called white woman for a while.

“Okay, I promised, lead the way.”

Cindra’s words made the little black man ecstatic, and he circled around the place several times, and then turned and swam with Cindra in the direction of the territory of the Scorpion.

It was once the territory of the Terrans, but now it is a battlefield for the goddess of the moon and dark creatures.

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