“Buy what?”

Leona didn’t react at all to what Lilia meant.

Li Fulang naturally knew her identity when Leona stepped into the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

He was dressed in golden and dark red armor and had long golden hair. Holding the Zenith Blade in one hand and the Shield of Daybreak in the other.

The shield, the hilt of the sword, the crown of hair on the head, and the patterns on the armor are all signs of the blazing sun.

It is not difficult to see that she is Leona, the goddess of dawn.

Li Fulang admired Leona at the first glance when he saw her.

From her appearance as a dust servant, you can know that Leona should have walked all the way from Giant God Peak to here.

The heavy armor of her body felt extremely heavy just by looking at it, not to mention wearing such an armor, crossing almost half of the rune land all the way.

Lilia saw Leona’s confused look and planned to continue to introduce her to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but was interrupted by Li Fulang.

“Lilia, let me tell her, you go and see if Raven wants to help.”

Lilia blinked twice, glanced back at Li Fulang, and looked at Leona.

I know it.

Brother Fu Shake should be afraid that this female warrior with a serious face will be difficult to deal with, so in order to protect Lilia, he is ready to receive it personally.

Lilia obediently ran to Li Fulang’s side, hugged Li Fulang’s arm and rubbed it, and then stumbled towards the kitchen.

Seeing Lilia gone, without such a passionate magic deer, Leona was quietly relieved.

Li Fulang sensed that Leona was a little nervous, so he didn’t step forward, but just stood in place and asked.

“What do you want when you come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?”

Leona thought for a moment and answered Li Fulang’s question.

“I want to come and find the truth, I want to know the meaning of life.”

I have to say that Leona’s problem is very large, and it is still a fairly deep philosophical problem, which cannot be easily solved.

However, since Leona can come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, it proves that the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is related to her, and in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, she can buy everything she wants.

“Okay, no problem.”

Li Fulang did not say that it could be solved, nor did he say that it could not be solved, after all, there is no definite standard answer to this question.

It can only be seen by everyone’s perception and understanding.

Li Fulang took Leona to the book area.

If you want to know these meanings and answers, it is nonsense to say more, it is better to read more books and find answers from books.

Li Fulang was in the book area for a while, and finally pulled out a copy of “Detailed Explanation of Religious Culture” on a bookshelf and handed it directly to Leona’s hand.

“Take a good look at this book, it should be very useful to you.”

For Leona’s intentions, Li Fulang had probably guessed a seven, seven, eight, eight.

It should be because the place where Mord Caesar was whole before directly destroyed the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, and forcibly occupied the sun, allowing the sun and the underworld to merge.

This made the Flaming Sun Sect, which believed in the Sun and the Flame Star Spirit, suddenly lose the gods they believed in.

As the leader of the Lieyang Sect, and one of the faithful followers of Lieyang.

Leona definitely couldn’t accept this result for a while, so she wanted to come out and seek answers.

Leona was a little puzzled, could she find the answer in the book of what she was seeking?

Open this “Detailed Explanation of Religion and Culture”, and a line of words is introduced into the eye.

“Religion is a cultural phenomenon and belongs to the special ideology of society.”

“The so-called sect is to sharpen a world of one’s own vision among people who lack cognition.”

“For faith, a strong conviction, usually manifested in the absence of sufficient evidence, a stubborn trust in things that do not convince a reasonable person.”


“Faith is tinged with subjective and emotional experiences, especially when it comes to religious beliefs, and extreme faith can even make people lose their minds.”

It felt awkward just to read, but Leona could see what it meant.

If she hadn’t walked all the way from Giant God Peak to Ionia, going through various areas along the way.

She didn’t know that the outside world was so colorful.

It turns out that people’s beliefs are varied.

There were beliefs that seemed even ridiculous to Leona, but in the eyes of those people they seemed religious.

But think about it from another perspective, how is Leona’s own belief not ridiculous in the eyes of others?

And the more cognitively poor people are, the more they think that what they know is the truth.

He will also be hostile to all people and things who question his beliefs, resulting in extreme thoughts.

Isn’t this the same as what the Flaming Sun Sect has always done?

No one in the jurisdiction of the Flaming Sun Sect is allowed to have other beliefs, as long as they dare to question the Flaming Sun a little, they are the most five trees.

In the past, she may not have felt it, but now Leona only feels that the former Flame Sect is really in a sick state.

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