No wonder Li Fulang said that he was not afraid of his debts.

Yasuo swallowed a mouthful of spit and looked at Li Fuxiang sluggishly.

“Almost ruined my meticulous arrangement!”

Li Fuxian wordlessly gave Yasuo a roll of his eyes, these books were carefully placed by him!

I took it out of the mall and put it on the shelves, and even all the books were arranged in a neat row!

Yasuo was speechless, his heart was slandered, and he was carefully arranged, and the classification was outrageous, and next to the chopping steel flash was a rune land food encyclopedia.

However, Yasuo just smiled sarcastically and agreed, “Wrong is wrong, the store manager’s arrangement is indeed exquisite, and he is very talented in design!” Also a master-level figure! ”


Li Fulang chuckled, took out two jade talismans in his hand, and handed them to Yasuo’s hand.

“This teleportation talisman, if you take it, no matter where you use it, you can directly return to my Heart Cultivation Pavilion.”

Yasuo was surprised when he heard this, if this is really the case, this thing is still a life-saving weapon! If you can’t beat it, just run!

Li Fulang seemed to see Yasuo’s thoughts, and poured cold water on him without anger.

“Don’t think about it, this thing must be fully concentrated to induce, if someone is chasing and killing, it can’t be used at all.”

“But there are also more advanced ones, which can come back in an instant, high-level teleportation talismans, 100 gold coins a piece, how?”

Yasuo smacked his tongue when he heard this, this small shop is really mysterious, there are all kinds of strange things, it is ridiculously expensive.

“This teleportation charm is for you two, and the other is for new customers, understand?”

Yasuo nodded and bowed to Li Fu to thank him.

“What about the servant, are there any requirements?”

Yasuo looked at the chaotic arrangement in the Meditation Pavilion, and probably knew why he had to have a servant.

This shopkeeper, obviously blind, also thinks that he is beautifully furnished.

It’s infuriating that I still have to coax!

Yasuo was helpless, in the clothing area, children’s clothes were still placed with adults’ clothes, which was simply awkward.

“Hmm… The hands and feet are sharp, it is best to know martial arts, be physically strong, and work sharply. ”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he followed Yasuo’s eyes to the clothing area, and instantly understood Yasuo’s thoughts.

Of course, the Soul Lotus Hammer Stone and Timo have to hang together! After all, it’s the same series of skins!

Although it does seem a little awkward.

One is several meters high, one is less than a meter.

“Don’t question my exquisite arrangement, all the arrangements have their connotations, although this is a large and a small forced together, but in line with the heaven and earth, the small big argument…”

Li Fu shook his face without blushing and his heart did not beat nonsense.

“Small big changes… Although small but fine, big but can not take care of everything, just like this wind, if it is big, naturally can not take care of every wind element. ”

Yaso muttered in his mouth, bowing deeply!

The strength of this shop is simply too strong, and his comprehension of cultivation has reached a realm that he Yasuo cannot match!

“Small big changes… Thank you for your guidance! ”

“Ahem, if there is nothing wrong, just leave, quickly find me a servant to come back!”

Li Fu’s face did not change color, but he didn’t expect that the two nonsense sentences also made Yasuo understand a lot of things, it seems that the connotations of those ancient texts in the previous life are very profound!

“Don’t worry, senior!”

After Yasuo finished speaking, he walked out excitedly.

Unexpectedly, wandering aimlessly, he came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and obtained important information about the cause of Elder Suma’s death!

Most importantly, Yasuo saw hope in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to be able to break through the Rune Continent!

Yaso leaves Prehidian and returns to the Sword Sect, ready to find out the cause of Elder Suma’s death, while finding a servant and new customer for Li Fulang!

With such a big opportunity, Yasuo was determined to find someone who could afford it!

Not every cat or dog can have this kind of opportunity!


The province of Feluor is the home of Yasso and the seat of the Yaso Sword Sect, which has been trampled by the iron feet of Noxus, and even has the towering iron wall forged by Sindra with mana.

“Boss, come to the jug of wine! Take credit first! ”

Yaso travels to the town outside his sword school and finds one of the shops he once knew best.

“Are you… Yaso! ”

The boss said excitedly, since he was a child, Yaso bought wine from him, from secretly drinking when he was a child, to drinking unscrupulously later, the boss watched Yaso grow up.

Although he loves to pay on credit, Yaso’s boss is very clear.

It is impossible to do something to kill the master.

“Forget the money, the wine is for you, let’s leave quickly!” Now the Sword Sect is looking for you all over the world! ”

Yasuo didn’t care, and picked up his wine gourd to drink painfully.

“It’s still the wine of my hometown and my heart, the life of fallen leaves, just to return to the roots!”

After Yasuo finished speaking, a praise came from a wine table next to him.

“Good! Fallen leaves are rooted in their roots! ”

This person has a long beard and wears a seventh-degree insight eyepiece on his head, it is Wuji Sword Shengyi!

Yi’s hometown of Wuji Village was slaughtered by Noxus, and the land was infected with alchemy poisonous mist, and all the spirits of nature died.

He was homeless at this time and had no hometown, so he felt deeply about Yasuo’s words and couldn’t help but praise.

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