Viktor’s third hand stopped, and a human confusion appeared in his mechanical eyes.

This is an artifact!

What an artifact of SSSS-level danger warning!

It is usually used for stir-frying???


Viktor paused awkwardly, he really didn’t have the courage to use an artifact to cook for Li Fulang.

A puff of smoke ran out of the inner room, leaving Lilia alone.

Saying that he showed a hand, why did he suddenly run away?

Just as bad as that old man with dementia!

Lilia was a little helpless, and then she took the golden shovel and crucible and began to cook, her dream magic cuisine is now very proficient.

Precidian’s dream also began to gradually condense.

“Why did you run out again, do you want to regret it?”

Li Fulang was a little puzzled, why did he just go in and run out, didn’t he want to do it?

“Ahem… No, no, I will study hard. ”

Viktor touched the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and only felt that his Hex’s energy was a little overheated.

In this shop, it is really exciting.

Cooking is done with artifacts.

At this moment, several people suddenly walked in outside the door, it was the three of Kai Shen and Akali, who had just returned from Pi City using the teleportation charm.

“Brother Shopkeeper, have caught this demon of Ember! We’re going to send him to jail! ”

Akali walked in excitedly and said hello to Ruiwen.

Yu and Shen also walked in, holding embers in their hands, and unconsciously, Li Fulang had been put in the first place by them.

Back to Ionia, I feel a little rude not to talk to Li Fulang.

“Huh? Is this the killer? ”

Ruiwen looked at the ember Shen was holding in his hand and shook her head, looking a little miserable.

One of Ember’s legs disappeared completely, his arm was also broken by the robbery, and he was also tied up by Wuhuada, which was completely destroyed.

But he deserved it, and countless innocent people died at the hands of Ember.

“Yes, fortunately, if we catch it, we will also use the crystal ball, and please help take a look at the embers.”

Shen threw the embers to the ground, and then walked into the inner room with the robber.

As soon as he walked in, Shen Hejian saw the extremely restrained Victor, and the two were dumbfounded in an instant.

This iron pimple, not dead?

He also ran to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, what is the situation?

“Victor! How could you be here… Owner, this is? ”

Shen Hu pointed at Viktor suspiciously, this guy and Ember joined forces but pit them not lightly.

The terrifying laser and gravitational field is simply terrifying.

But why does it seem that Victor is a little timid now?

“This guy will be the housekeeper of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion in the future, help me do some research, don’t worry about him, he has been rehabilitated.”

Li Fu shook his head, looking at Shen like this, he knew that Viktor must have done something, so he knocked on Viktor’s head.

“Ah, indeed, yes, I’m really sorry for bothering you, I’m so sorry, I’ve rehabilitated.”

Viktor said quickly, apologizing to Shen and Robbery one after another.

He’s so intimidating!

This damn place is full of SSSS-level crises.

“Hmm… With the owner watching over you, we are still very relieved. ”

Shen Wu said indifferently, even if it is a big villain, it is estimated that he will have to be honest when he reaches the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Not to mention Viktor.

“By the way, the shopkeeper helped you pull 3 guests, and Akali also helped you pull two, maybe in a few days they will use the teleportation charm to come over.”

Hearing this, Li Fu’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t expect that the unreliable Akali also helped him pull two customers.

But it’s normal to think about it, the most unreliable happy Yaso has helped himself to attract customers.

“That’s pretty awesome!”

Li Fu sighed in admiration, but Shen shook his head helplessly.

I almost blew him up with the robbery, and it’s good!

If it weren’t for the many robbery eyes and leaving a shadow, and he happened to learn compassion, he would probably be killed by that hell cannon.

Within two days of arriving in Picheng, Akali got into trouble with the police-officer and carried a bunch of explosives.

For Akali’s ability to cause trouble, Shen is very convinced.

“Shopkeeper, we also need to use the prophecy crystal ball.”

“Where is the master now?”

The robbery threw out a bunch of gold coins, they had already caught the embers, and the next one was the bitter master who had been suspended animation for many years.

“Monastery of Hirana.”

A few big words appeared on the prophecy crystal ball, which made Shen and Hao slightly shocked.

I didn’t expect to say bitterly that the master was in the Monastery of Hirana!

It was the sanctuary of Ionia, and it was bitter to say how the master, as the leader of the Brotherhood of Navoli, sneaked into!

Li Fulang was also a little surprised, this bitter said that the master could really play, he remembered that Rez, the blind monk, Udil, and even Sindra had left footprints in the monastery of Hirana.

It is really strange to say that the master is hidden among so many heroes.

Aren’t you afraid of revealing your identity and then being killed directly?

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