“Gah! Sgal! Sgaer!”

The lizard Sgar panicked and grabbed Kree’s clothes, trying to pick up Kree who was paralyzed on the ground.

Say a good lesson to this woman who spilled the mushroom juice, how did she kneel first.

Sgar was a little helpless.

But this is not once or twice, Kerry’s strength is very strong, and he has a violent personality, but endurance is indeed his shortcoming.

After four attacks, his strength will weaken, until he runs out of physical strength, he will fall to the ground, and he will not be able to get up.

“Get up, don’t play dead!”

Ruiwen was a little cautious, far away from Deker, there were too many things to pretend to die and kill on the battlefield.

Kerry reckoned that was it.

“I… Hoo hoo hoo”

Kerry gasped heavily, his body was so soft that he couldn’t get up at all.

“The boss said that men want to last, this little guy obviously can’t do it!”

The electric knife began to again, causing Li Fu, who was far away in Presidian, to sneeze.

“I said electric knife, if you talk nonsense again, I can sue you with the boss, then you will honestly stay in the water tank!”

“The boss said that the child who sues the boss is a good child!”


Ruiwen walked over, probed for a while, and found that the yodel in front of him was really not good.

I can’t lift my head, and there are still foaming at the corners of my mouth.

It was the first time she had seen such a strange officer.

She didn’t fight back much, just dodged for a while, and then tired this guy down.

On the contrary, his mount, the lizard, is very spiritual.

“Huh? Lizard, Tempest, you said if I rode it to the Immortal Fortress, would it save a lot of time. ”

Ruiwen’s eyes lit up, and her eyes stared at Sgar, which made Sgar afraid for a while.

This woman in front of you won’t want to eat herself!

Lizard meat is not delicious!

Then Ruiwen patted the sword body of the Storm Great Sword and gestured at Sgar’s neck, and the meaning of the threat was self-evident.

“Gaa Sgal! ”

The lizard sgal kept shouting, watching Ruiwen who was getting closer and closer to him retreat one after another.

Falling to the ground panting, Kree recovered a trace of physical strength, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Ruiwen suspiciously.

Does this woman want to take away her beloved Sgar?

Then between the electric flint, Ruiwen directly grabbed Sgar, jumped up, grabbed the reins on Sgar’s body in his hand, and then the electric knife released a trace of electricity to stab Sgar’s butt.


With a scream, Sgar ran fast, ran out directly, ran towards the outside of the city with Ruiwen, and disappeared after a while.

I have to say that this lizard sgar runs really fast.

“My horse is gone?”

Kerry muttered, fell to the ground, and began to doubt life.

Sgar was robbed and ran away, and he couldn’t beat a girl!

What a shame!

Under the grief and indignation, Kerry directly spurted out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

“It’s not good, it’s not good! Lord Kree fainted, and Lord Kree’s Sgar was also abducted! ”

A soldier yelled, and quickly took Kerry to the barracks to find a doctor.

The crowd in Horez was full of discussion.

“What? Kerry fainted? ”

“I heard that it was a woman who beat it, that’s really ruthless! Directly vomited blood! ”

“And he also took away Lord Kree’s horse, it was simply cruel, and he stayed away from the woman in the future.”

“Horses? Isn’t it a lizard? ”

“It’s a horse! Lord Kree’s horse is gone! His horse is gone! ”

Ruiwen, on the other hand, rode on Sgar, accelerated by the current of the electric knife, and quickly rushed towards the Immortal Fortress.

Unlike Kree, his Sgar is very durable, and he doesn’t feel tired after running at high speeds.

“Sure enough, the boss is right, sometimes, some aspects of people are not as good as animals, such as this lizard, which is much longer than that Kreji-long!”

The electric knife said to the Storm Great Sword, which instantly aroused the approval of the Storm Great Sword.

“The boss didn’t say it!”

Hourglass can’t wait to turn this broken electric knife into gold now, and the boss has said everything, so that she now suspects that Li Fulang really said these words.

Anyway, Li Fulang often educates them, but they are basically distracted, and they can’t remember exactly what they said.

Could it really have been said?

The conversation of the artifacts was deliberately not heard by Ruiwen, this is the boss lady, if you hear them say such things, then it is worth it!

It is estimated that if the pillow wind blows, they will all have to be turned off in the water tank!


Shushin Pavilion

Now there are rows of armor placed at the door of the Shuxin Pavilion, all of which are mechanical soldiers designed by Victor.

These mechanical soldiers only have simple intelligence, but they are all built with anti-void metal, and their strength is very strong.

The density of anti-void metal is very large, and Viktor’s new body weighs nearly ten tons, and if it weren’t for the special nature of Xiu Xin Pavilion, he would have to walk on the floor.

It can be said that these mechanical warriors outside are all iron-armored butchers and killing weapons, after all, the weight is there, and each of them is close to ten tons.

And all of them are designed according to the style of the kingdom machine god, which is very cool.

“Alas, Lord Shopkeeper, it’s really uncomfortable to have no energy!”

Viktor sighed, now he was a little adapted to the life of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but he was still a little intimidated.

Something he didn’t dare to touch easily.

For fear of playing yourself to death.

“Wait for the electric knife to come back, or will you go inside and find a random artifact to provide you with energy?”

Hearing this, Viktor quickly shook his head, shaking like a rattle.

Looking for those artifacts to use as energy?

He still wants to live a few more days!

Until now, the terrifying aura of those artifacts at that time still lingered in Viktor’s heart, although they were all silent now, but Viktor did not dare to underestimate it.

After all, all of them are SSSS-level crisis levels.

Suddenly, there was a shout outside the door.

“Is the owner there? These iron guys won’t let me in! ”

This voice is none other than Yasso.

He waited for the arrival of the Blooming Spirit Festival for a long time, but he did not expect that because the trauma of the war had not yet recovered, the time for the blooming of the spirit tree was delayed.

Teleported back to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, but was blocked by a group of terrifying mechs.

Yasuo also tried, and his master-level kendo left a slight scratch on this mecha at most.

It’s just terrifying.

And each mecha has extremely sharp giant swords in their hands, which if they fight, they are simply killing machines.

It is estimated that such a single one can destroy the entire Sword Sect.

Yaso smacked his lips secretly.

“Come in, you remember, don’t stop these customers.”

Li Fulang was holding a ring in his hand, and he was now studying something about the space ring.

Viktor nodded, remembering in his heart that he passed Yasso’s message to these mechanical warriors, and then the mechanical warriors let Yaso in.

“Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, long time no see!”

Yaso smiled sarcastically, in fact, he could have come a long time ago, but he has been making money, after all, the poor are poor.

Without money, he really didn’t dare to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

After all, things are ridiculously expensive.

This is still he took on a lot of noble commissions, and he had to die and live to earn more than a thousand gold coins.

“Yasso, do you want to buy something?”

Li Fulang put down the ring in his hand and greeted, he still had some good feelings for Yasuo.

After all, it was his first customer.

“That, let’s get a high-level teleportation charm first, otherwise it’s too troublesome to run back and forth.”

Yasuo took a high-level teleportation talisman first, and spent a hundred gold coins at once, which made Yasuo feel a little painful.

“Not bad, got rich, this?”

Li Fu’s eyes flashed, but he didn’t expect that Yasuo, a poor light egg who had wandered the world, now had money to buy high-level teleportation talismans.

A hundred gold, yes, it seems to be a good mix.

“Ahem, don’t make fun of me.”

Yasso coughed twice before remembering what he had come here for.

“Isn’t this year’s Spirit Festival delayed? I don’t know if the spirit tree flower can bloom anymore, I want to ask, is there any way to restore the spirit tree? ”

Since the spirit tree could not be opened on time due to the trauma of the war, Yasuo tried to save the spirit tree.

Speed up the recovery of the spirit tree.

At that time, the blooming spirit flower will definitely be able to open.

Yasuo didn’t want to wait, he was desperate to see Yong’en.

“Hmm… You want to meet the dead undead? Is your brother Yong Eun? ”

Li Fuxian saw through Yasuo’s mind at a glance, Yasuo no longer wanted to stay in Ionia, but he was afraid that this first Blooming Spirit Festival, Yongen would not find himself.

Therefore, I plan to travel to the Rune Continent after passing the Blooming Spirit Festival and explaining everything clearly with Yongen.

“This is really not yet, the restoration of the spirit tree is not an overnight thing, but I have a way to let you enter the world where the revenant is…”

“Of course, provided you can afford it.”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he walked to the clothing area and took out Yasuo’s soul lotus skin.

“Look, how about this Soul Lotus Skin, after wearing it, you can go to the world where the deceased is? You can find Yong’en inside. ”

Yasuo’s eyes lit up, and he touched the skin of Soul Lotus, but he didn’t expect that there was really such a thing.

“790 gold coins, how about it, conscience price, you first try to be satisfied or dissatisfied.”

Li Fu shook Yasuo’s finger, took out a drop of blood, and then dripped it on the skin of Soul Lianhua.

In an instant, Yaso in front of him changed.

The hair turned pure white, and there were three refining flowers at the crown of the head, blue and red clothes, and the spiritual power on the chest even escaped.

“Wearing this skin, you can travel to the world of the dead and find Yongen. Remind you, though, be careful with Yazarcana”

Yasuo took Li Fuwan’s guidance to heart, and at the same time felt the soul power in his body, and was surprised to the extreme.

No wonder it’s so expensive to sell, it’s really strong!

Yasuo paid 790 gold coins without hesitation, then put away his skin and searched in the shop again.

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