“Aim outside, pull the trigger, BIA!”

Lilia muttered, her eyes full of curiosity, took a pistol, imitated Catherine’s movements just now, and then fired a shot.


A rubber bullet hit the ground outside the door.

“Oh roar! This is the gun! I mean, Lilia recognized something new! ”

Lilia was pleasantly surprised, looked at the gun in her hand, and returned it to Catherine, while the four small hooves kept jumping.

This is Lilia’s characteristic, the emotions in her heart can’t be hidden at all, and the happier she is, the faster she jumps.

“Good, so is there anything like this in this store?”

Catherine touched Lilia’s head, she felt that Lilia was really too cute, she couldn’t resist this cute temptation.

“I know! Brother Fu Shake has recently studied this kind of thing, is it called a gun? I mean, Lilia knows this kind of thing! ”

Hearing this, Catherine’s eyes lit up, and finally explained clearly, and listening to Lilia’s meaning, there are indeed guns sold in this store!

Simply amazing!

And Catherine keenly noticed Lilia’s name and remembered it in her heart.

It is estimated that those who can open such a magical store are not ordinary people.

“Then can you take me to him?”

Catherine said gently, and at the same time couldn’t help but touch the flowers on Lilia’s head, originally felt nothing, but the more they got along, the more they felt that Lilia was simply too cute.

And Lilia’s voice was also ethereal and clear, giving Catherine a very comfortable feeling, which was a completely different sound from the hustle and bustle of Picheng.

“Lilia, are there any guests coming?”

A warm voice sounded, and Li Fulang walked out of the laboratory, followed by Victor in the shape of the Creator’s skin.

“Huh? Victor? ”

Catherine frowned tightly, staring at Viktor, but a little suspicious, she remembered that Viktor was not so tall, and it was not like this.

Is this in front of him Viktor’s brother?

“Shake brother! This sister is here to buy a gun! I mean, just press it and hit that kind of thing in the distance! ”

Lilia was afraid that Li Fulang would not understand, so she gestured and tried her best to describe to Li Fulang what the gun was.

It made Li Fulang cry and laugh.

“Okay, okay, I know what it is, you go get busy, I’ll entertain.”

Hearing this, Lilia chuckled, and then rubbed Li Fu with her little hooves, and ran to the inner room to continue cooking.

“Do you want firearms? There are no off-the-shelf ones, but they can be customized, and for the price, I want some HexCrystals. ”

Li Fuxiang’s eyes flashed, his customized firearms would definitely satisfy Catherine, and similarly, he wanted some Hex’s crystals.

Hex crystals are very precious, but Catherine has the official identity of Picheng and can still get some.

“Want a Hex? So can I see what kind of firearm it is? ”

Catherine frowned, if it was just an ordinary Hex firearm, then she would never trade with Hex crystals.

But this shop doesn’t seem to sell anything ordinary at all.

At least Catherine turned to the present, and she didn’t see anything that could be bought from outside.

All of them were unique, including the books that Lilia had introduced her.

“Hmm… You wait a minute, I’ll go get one. ”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he went back to the laboratory, and then directly made a handful according to the recorded data, and then made a dummy out of ordinary metal to bring out.

“Try the power!”

Li handed the newly created sniper-sniper rifle to Catherine, and then took the dummy to the doorway.

Inside this gun, it is a corruption potion.

It is extremely corrosive, although it is said that the power is limited and cannot kill a demigod, it is already very terrifying in the mortal realm.

Catherine did not first use the firearm that Li Fuwan gave her, but took out her own Hex-sniper-sniper rifle, and then took out a special armor-piercing bullet.

This is a special ammunition developed by the Piltover Institute, which is so powerful that it can even penetrate the shell of a combat vehicle.

“I’ll try.”

Catherine aimed at the dummy and pulled the trigger.


With a loud bang, the special armor-piercing bullet hit the body of the dummy, directly piercing the body and hitting the ground outside the door.

And blow up a small and not small dirt pit.

This power is already very strong, and ordinary people will definitely die if they are hit.

“Try this again!”

Li Fu shook and said with a smile that the gun he built had built-in Hex’s transformation technology, which could transform the power of the corruption potion into bullets.

It was terrifying, and most importantly, he was able to mass-produce, and Victor had recorded all the data and material properties of the gun and could create it directly in the Creator’s laboratory.

Mass production, very easy.

“This gun…”

Catherine picked up the gun that Li Fuwan gave her and tried it, it was a little awkward, and it would feel awkward to use another gun that she was used to using.

It seems that it still has to be customized, but let’s see the power first.

Catherine aimed at the dummy at the door, then shot it in the head, and the energy of the corruption potion quickly converted into bullets, which then shot out of the muzzle, hitting the dummy.

And then there is no then.

The dummy turned out to be nothing at all!

Catherine was a little puzzled and pointed to the dummy, in her opinion, the dummy only had a little more green juice on its head, and there were no wounds.

This power is also too bad!

“If it’s only this kind of power, then I won’t buy it.”

Catherine smiled, walked over, returned the gun in her hand to Li Fulang, and then wanted to turn around and look at other books and the like.

But when I turned around, I immediately saw the strange appearance of the dummy at the door.

The green juice on the top of the dummy’s head quickly immersed in the dummy’s body, and then something similar to water vapor appeared from the dummy’s body.


The strange sound sounded, and the dummy was quickly covered in smoke, and then in less than three minutes it was completely dissolved and turned into smoke.


Catherine swallowed a mouthful of spit, this is a little too cruel!

If this hits a person, it is estimated that it will turn into water in a while.

It’s brutal.

Who said the power is not enough!

Catherine quickly took the gun returned to Li Fulang, and carefully stroked and studied it.

“There is a special energy source in it, and this Hex transformation technology is only available to me, so do you need to customize it?”

Hearing this, Catherine nodded repeatedly, and her head was nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

This must be customized!

Whoever does not customize is a fool!

As for the Hex crystal, just talk to Mrs. Gray, and if you can buy such a terrifying gun, Mrs. Gray will also be very interested.

And originally let Catherine come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to inquire first.

“Hmm… If you have any requirements, help you design it first, and then evaluate it after the design is completed. ”

Hearing this, Catherine fell into deep thought, a firearm she wanted, needed to meet her requirements…

“Can you meet any request?”

Catherine smiled, there were words in the words, there was a natural charm, provoked-teased Li Fu to shake it.

But Li Fulang was like a log, nodded sharply, and then explained to Catherine.

“That’s for sure, if you talk about gun manufacturing, we are professional here, you look at this gun in your hand, the technology used in it…”

Li Fuxian said to himself, while explaining and disassembling the gun for Catherine, so that she could understand it more thoroughly.

Catherine is covered in black lines.

This wooden boss!

It’s so incomprehensible!

But Catherine couldn’t say anything, and only breathed a sigh of relief after listening patiently to Li Fulang with a black face.

It’s just torture.

“That, I don’t have many requirements, the first is to take advantage of it, the second is to be able to replace all kinds of different bullets, and the third is to be able to launch the net, which my job requires.”

Hearing this, Li Fu nodded and expressed understanding, he knew that Catherine was a police-officer in Picheng, and often had to arrest some fugitives, and these requirements were reasonable.

“Then follow the model of your gun, by the way, if you have a net, we can also provide a special net here, very tough, even the darkspawn can’t break free, but it passes…”


Catherine’s face was full of black lines, she didn’t expect this shopkeeper to be so talented in sales, but don’t say, she really wanted to buy this special pocket net.

If it’s really like Li Fulang said.

In fact, it is the rope material that Li Fulang has tested countless times before, and he wants to create equipment similar to binding fairy ropes, and if the policewoman needs it, he will give it to her directly.

“Stop and stop, let’s build a gun first!”

Catherine interrupted Li Fuwan’s introduction to the rope, she was very busy, and the order in Picheng depended largely on her, and it was almost time to go back.

“Okay then, wait!”

After Li Fulang finished speaking, he walked into the Creator’s laboratory and designed a gun, just a matter of a few minutes.

“What, I’ll wait a few weeks to design it and come back, then I’ll evaluate it, go first!”

Catherine beckoned, said to Victor in the shape of the creator, and then turned to leave.

She certainly couldn’t wait here until the gun was made, after all, it would take weeks for ordinary craftsmen to make them.

Even if Li Fulang is proficient, it will take a week or two.


A hint of confusion flashed in Viktor’s mechanical eyes, isn’t it just a matter of minutes to design a gun?

What does a few weeks mean?

Did Catherine want to run?

If Catherine was let run, then Li Fuwan was not designed in vain!

No way!

“Don’t leave!”

Viktor said dully, stepping directly and stopping in front of Catherine.


Catherine was also full of doubts, why was she not allowed to leave?

Wouldn’t it be nice to come back and get the gun in a few weeks?

Do you have to wait here for a week or two by yourself?

She can’t afford to delay this time!

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