Running a Hotel in the Apocalypse

Chapter 199 A village besieged by mutated animals

A small mountain village in Y province.

"Brother, those things are too scary." Gu Shi looked at a group of birds and some insects outside and cried without tears.

"Brother, my little blue can't hold on anymore." Gu Shi saw that the mutated peas she raised couldn't hold on anymore, and she quickly called her brother.

"My thorns can't hold on any longer." Gu Nuo was also very anxious.

She and her sisters have been supporting them in the village for several years. It was Gu Nuo, the elder brother, who supported them and also saved many villagers.

But now more and more mutated animals are attacking the village, and Gu Nuo feels like he can't hold on any longer.

Gu Nuo, Gu Shi, and their other sister Gu Yu all kept mutant plants as pets. They were plants that they had raised for a long time before the mutation.

I don’t know why, but Gu Shi insisted on planting peas when others planted flowers and grass.

Even though peas are a seasonal crop that will wither as soon as they bloom and bear fruit, Gu Shi still likes to plant them.

Later, the peas planted by Gu Shi also became mutated plants after the mutation. They lived for three years and were no longer the same as the previous peas. They would wither as soon as they produced fruit.

Because the three Gu brothers and sisters all raised mutant plants, and their mutant plants did not backfire on their owners, they became the "protector gods" of the entire village.

Many people in the village rely on the protection of the three brothers and sisters. Of course, they are not all white-eyed wolves, and they will also protect the three brothers and sisters.

But not everyone in the whole village worked together. The three Gu brothers and sisters once failed to take care of things, and some people in the village died because of the delay in rescue.

As a result, their families all resented the Gu brothers and sisters.

This time, many animals and plants attacked the village, and it was also because someone was obstructing them.

"It's all Gou Fan's fault. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be so vulnerable." Gu Shi said angrily.

If Gou Fan hadn't created something that attracted so many mutated animals, they wouldn't have been in such great danger.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Gu Yu frowned and looked at his brother.

The mutated plant next to her is a beautiful juice balcony rose. Although it is very beautiful, it is also very powerful at killing enemies.

Next to his brother Gu Nuo is a cactus, which can shoot cactus spines to attack enemies.

But the mutated plants of the three brothers and sisters simply cannot cope with so many mutated animals. Perhaps, today is the day when their brothers and sisters die?


Gu Nuo couldn't help but look at his two younger sisters who were only eighteen years old. He had worked so hard to help his younger sisters grow up after their parents had an accident.

He really didn't want to let their flowers wither at the age of eighteen.

There are also many children in the village. In addition to the mutation, many babies were born in their village.

Now they have three or four-year-olds, six or seven-year-olds, and there are also many children under ten years old.

How could these people all die at the mouths of mutated animals because of Gou Fan's selfishness?

Gu Nuo became angry and said to his sisters, "Please be safe, I'll go find Gou Fan!"

He didn't know where that bastard Gou Fan was hiding, but he had to find him and find a way to deal with these mutant animals.

He could even take Gou Fan away and lure away the group of mutated animals, so that the village would be safe.

Gu Nuo was not afraid of using himself as bait, but for the sake of his sister and the villagers, he had to put his life and death aside.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Gu Shi seemed to understand what her brother wanted to do and wanted to stop him.

Gu Nuo looked at his sister's thin face, smiled and said, "Shishi, I'll leave Xiaoyu to you."

After saying this, Gu Nuo ran away with his cactus.

"Brother--" Gu Shi looked at Gu Nuo's back and shouted, but failed to call him back.

"Brother - come back -" Gu Yu also shouted and wanted to run after his brother.

"Xiaoyu!" Gu Shi grabbed her sister, who looked at her seriously and said, "We can't run, we have to protect others."

There are many villagers behind them now, and they can't just run away.

"But brother -" Gu Yu frowned and looked in the direction Gu Nuo ran. She was worried about her brother's safety.

Gu Shi said with red eyes, "Xiaoyu, we can't make my brother feel uneasy."

Although the sisters are twins, Gu Shi is more mature than her younger sister, so she must hold her sister back.

Gu Yu understood what her sister meant, looked back at the villagers who were protected behind her, gritted her teeth and persisted.

In fact, not all villagers are cowering under their protection, and many villagers have organized manpower to resist the attacks of mutated animals.

They can't put all their hopes on the Gu brothers and sisters. They are just children, and it is not good to put too much pressure on them.

"Shishi, Xiaoyu, you guys should also take a rest and we'll stop them." An uncle stood up and said to the Gu sisters.

"Uncle A Zhuang!" Gu Shi looked at the uncle, tears welling up in her eyes at his tall and thin figure.

Uncle A Zhuang was very strong three years ago, and was even said to be fat instead of strong, but now Uncle A Zhuang has lost a lot of weight.

Everyone has had a hard time living in these three years of change.

Uncle Zhuang glanced at Gu Shi and Gu Yu, then rushed towards the mutated animals with his own hatchet.

"Uncle A Zhuang——"

"Aunt Amei——"

Seeing the group of villagers rushing into the mutated animals carrying "weapons" such as heads, hatchets, and shovels, Gu Shi and Gu Yu couldn't help but get excited.

no! We can't let everyone sacrifice!

The two sisters also rushed towards the mutant animals with their own mutant plants. For the sake of the village's vitality, why not sacrifice them?

They are willing to fight for everyone's chance of survival without risking their own lives!


A group of people rushed towards the mutated animals, but they were unable to shake this group of powerful mutated animals as if they were beating an egg against a rock.

Even the mutant plants of sisters Gu Shi and Gu Yu can only resist one or two mutant animals.

This time Gou Fan attracted too many mutated animals, and they were all ferocious.

There are many wild animals in Province Y, including venomous snakes, poisonous insects, rats and the like.

Also because the climate here is warm, there are many things raised at the flower and bird market.

After the mutation, there are really many mutant animals here and they are very abnormal.

Now they are besieging a village because Gou Fan, that bitch, knows some tricks to attract animals and has prepared scents that attract animals to attract them.

When Gu Nuo found Gou Fan, he was hiding behind the village's defense line and holding a three- or four-year-old baby hostage.

Seeing this eye-splitting scene, Gu Nuo became furious.

"Gou Fan! What are you doing? Let A Lu go!" Gu Nuo looked at the hostages in Gou Fan's hands and the children tied up around him, and wanted to kill Gou Fan immediately.

Gou Fan looked at Gu Nuo and said with a smile, "Gu Nuo, I want you to be buried with me!"

"My family is dead! It was all you who killed me! I want the whole village to be buried with our family!"

Gou Fan said harshly.

"It's obviously your family's fault. What's the matter with the village? If your brother hadn't stolen the venomous snake's egg, how could it have attracted the venomous snake?" Gu Nuo retorted.

"What does it matter? My brother is hungry. Why can't he eat an egg if he wants?"

"If you didn't save him, how could he die?" Gou Fan didn't feel that his brother was wrong at all. It was Gu Nuo and the villagers' fault for not saving his brother.

"But when we arrived, your brother was already dead!"

"I don't care! It was you who killed him!" Gou Fan couldn't listen to Gu Nuo's explanation at all. He just wanted the whole village to be buried with his relatives.

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