After hearing what Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu said, Zheng Kai also said, "I know you don't know."

Then he picked up the chalk and started drawing on the blackboard.

Bai Lu saw the pattern on the blackboard and Zheng Kai's movements and said with a smile, "It actually has a vague shape, and you can probably guess a little bit." After saying that, Bai Lu couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Baichen couldn't help laughing when he heard Bai Lu's words, and then said, "Lulu, we almost figured it out, let the senior explain it to us."

After saying that, Jiang Baichen couldn't help laughing.

Bai Lu almost couldn't help releasing Bai Mengyan when she heard Jiang Baichen's words, and then thought that she was a student today and had to be reserved, and she smiled slightly when she thought of this.

Jiang Baichen was also absent-minded when he saw Bai Lu's smile. Bai Lu, who didn't release Bai Mengyan, looked really good when she smiled. My wife is the most beautiful! ! !

"Oh, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work. You'll know when I draw it for you."

Zheng Kai was confident when he heard what Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu said, and then he took the chalk to connect the heart-shaped dots on the blackboard to form a not-so-good-looking heart.

"Hey, that's right, this is the pattern formed by this function."

Zheng Kai said after he finished drawing.

Bai Lu pretended to be supportive after seeing the pattern on the blackboard and said, "Wow, it's actually a heart."

Jiang Baichen also showed a false surprise next to him.

"This is Descartes's love function, just for you two."

Zheng Kai said with a smirk. They all knew that Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu were going to make an official announcement, so they were also building momentum, and there was nothing they couldn't say about this topic.

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu looked at each other when they heard Zheng Kai's words. They all understood that Brother Kai was building momentum for the two of them.

Bai Lu then responded: "Okay, thank you, senior, we'll take it."

Jiang Baichen also said beside him: "Thank you, senior, Lulu and I will take it."

After Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu finished speaking, the barrage exploded.

"It's like this, Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu are still not together, I really don't believe it!!!"

"What the above said is right, I don't believe it either, so hurry up and make an official announcement!!!"

"These two people are definitely in love. Although Bai Lu has been talking to Brother Kai, her eyes are always on Jiang Baichen."

"Family, who knows, my CP is about to come true!!!"

"I found something, look at the rings on Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu's hands, isn't this the couple ring in the couple special issue!!!"

"Wow, I just saw it, these two people really don't hide it at all!!!"

"Hurry up and make an official announcement, hurry up and make an official announcement, I want to see them sprinkle sugar!!!"


Then Zheng Kai also said: "Look at this function, isn't it, Thai pants hot, isn't it super romantic~"

After that, Zheng Kai stomped his feet with a greasy expression.

Bai Lu almost laughed so hard that she hid behind Jiang Baichen and laughed loudly. She couldn't let the camera capture her. She couldn't let her ladylike outfit break her defense.

Jiang Baichen couldn't help laughing when he saw Zheng Kai's action. It was really funny. Then he said with a smile: "Senior, this function is very romantic, but you are really greasy!!!"

Jiang Baichen also stomped his feet after he finished speaking, imitating Zheng Kai's action.

Bai Lu, who was standing next to him, laughed even more happily after seeing Jiang Baichen's action. She really didn't need any background music.

Then Bai Lu took a break, poked her head out from behind Jiang Baichen and said: "Chenchen and I are mathematical insulators. I think we should just forget about this math club!!!"

After that, she imitated Zheng Kai's greasy action. After Bai Lu finished her own action, she couldn't help herself and hid behind Jiang Baichen and started laughing again.

"Yes, Lulu is right. With a greasy senior like you, I think we should just give up on this math club!!!"

Jiang Baichen couldn't help laughing when he saw his wife's actions.

Zheng Kai wanted to keep her after hearing what Jiang Baichen and Bailu said. Just when he was about to say something, he heard a scream and exclamation from the students next to him.

Jiang Baichen and Bailu also looked out to see who was coming and could cause so many screams.

Zheng Kai also turned his head in confusion and looked over.

Anyone saw Wang Hedi riding out from behind on a bicycle. Wherever he passed, there were screams. He was also introduced as Wang Hedi, the senior of the math club.

Then he saw Wang Hedi riding out on a bicycle, and the people around him looked at Wang Hedi with a crazy look on their faces.

And Bailu couldn't help but laugh after seeing Wang Hedi.She laughed again. Jiang Baichen looked at Bai Lu with a puzzled look, not knowing why this girl was laughing.

Then Wang Hedi rode his bicycle to Zheng Kai's side, got off the bicycle, and saw Bai Lu laughing behind Jiang Baichen. Then he asked with a puzzled look: "My junior, why do you see me laughing so happily?"

Jiang Baichen also looked at Bai Lu behind him, only to see Bai Lu raised her head with a smile, and then said: "It's okay, I just think that the moment you rode out on your bicycle was really funny, hahahahahahaha."

After that, Bai Lu continued to laugh.

Jiang Baichen was helpless after hearing Bai Lu's words, and then said to Wang Hedi: "I'm sorry, senior, Lulu just loves to laugh, so she has a name, Bai Mengyan."

Zheng Kai and Wang Hedi couldn't hold back after hearing Jiang Baichen's words, and then they laughed. Who knows, family members, why is it so difficult to create a cold senior! ! !

After hearing what Jiang Baichen said, Bai Lu raised her head and glared at Jiang Baichen.

Jiang Baichen didn't react to Bai Lu's glare. If eyes could kill, he would have reacted.

Then Jiang Baichen, who was about to say something, shouted: "Ah!!!"

Zheng Kai and Wang Hedi were also confused when they heard Jiang Baichen's exclamation. They didn't know why Jiang Baichen was shouting.

Then Jiang Baichen looked at his waist, and then saw a sinful little claw pinching his soft spot on his waist. There was no doubt that it was Bai Lu's claw.

Bai Lu behind Jiang Baichen looked at Jiang Baichen with a smile on her face, and this smile made Jiang Baichen feel cold.

Wang Hedi and Zheng Kai also saw Bai Lu's actions, and looked at the two of them ambiguously. Is it so casual to make an official announcement?

Then Jiang Baichen felt that Bai Lu's claws were getting stronger and stronger, and he quickly patted Bai Lu's hand, and then said: "Don't pinch Lulu, if you pinch me again, I will go to see my grandmother!!!"

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