After Yang Yunqing finished speaking, everyone started to read out the numbers one by one, but each one read out less standardly than the other.

The only one who read out the numbers correctly was Bai Lu, who could read out the numbers from one to ten very smoothly.

On the other hand, Jiang Baichen was still trying to figure out how to read them bit by bit, with a worried look on his face. He was a first-level English speaker, not to mention other languages. Although they were just a few simple numbers, Jiang Baichen still had to read them out for a long time.

When Jiang Baichen thought of this, he really hoped that the system would give him a skill, but the system had been silent for a long time and had not appeared for a long time!!!

Jiang Baichen thought about it, and just as he finished thinking, he heard the long-silent system suddenly speak.

[Ding! The host is detected to be facing a problem, choose the system activation option! ]

[Option 1: Self-taught, learn these Thai words by yourself, and after learning, the host will be rewarded with 20 centimeters shorter. 】

[Choice 2: The host asks your partner to teach you these Thai words. After you learn them, the host will be rewarded with proficiency in various languages, a special medicine for treating back injuries, and a medium-sized entertainment company. 】

"Please make a choice."

Jiang Baichen's eyes welled up when he heard the system's voice. You finally came out, brother Tongzi, and brought me the most needed things.

Needless to say, proficiency in languages ​​will be useful when playing with Lulu in the future. Jiang Baichen's main attention is still on the last two options. The special medicine can directly help Lulu treat her back injury. Seeing this, Jiang Baichen was overjoyed. Lulu finally doesn't have to suffer from back pain. Only those who have really experienced back pain know how painful it is! ! !

The last one is exactly what he needs now, so he can prepare to dig Lulu over.

Then Jiang Baichen chose the second one without hesitation! ! !

Bai Lu was amused to see Jiang Baichen looking at the numbers on the blackboard with a blank face. Chenchen with this expression was also very cute. Then she saw that everyone around was seriously learning the pronunciation of numbers, and the camera was also on the blackboard.

Seeing that all the attention was not on herself and Chenchen, Bai Lu couldn't help but pinch Jiang Baichen's blank face. Hmm... It was very elastic. Chenchen's face was really soft.

Jiang Baichen also felt someone pinching his face, and he also exited from the system. Then he saw Bailu pinching his face with a silly smile on her face.

Jiang Baichen saw the silly smile on Bailu's face and waved his hand helplessly in front of Bailu, and then said: "Have you pinched enough, Lulu? If you pinch it again, water will be squeezed out!!!"

Jiang Baichen said unhappily.

Bai Lu also reacted to Jiang Baichen's words, then smiled embarrassedly and quickly changed the subject: "Chenchen, I see you are quite confused, how about I teach you?"

Jiang Baichen, who was worried about how to start, was also stunned when he heard Bailu's words. Why was he worried? If he asked Bailu for advice, she would definitely laugh at him with her temper.

Now Jiang Baichen was happy to hear that Bailu was going to teach him, and then nodded and said: "I need you, Teacher Bai, I need you very much!!!"

Jiang Baichen said to Bailu very firmly, for the special medicine, for Lulu's back injury, for the company, and to poach Lulu, what does it matter if he puts his face on the line!!!

Bai Lu smiled happily when she saw Jiang Baichen's determined eyes, then coughed twice and said, "Ahem, let's start the class. Chen, follow me and say neng (1), song (2), sarm (3), si4, ha5, houk6, jed7, pad8, gao9, sip10."

Bai Lu recited the numbers from one to ten without any pressure, then gestured to Jiang Baichen and said to him, "Chenchen, you also follow me and say it once."

After hearing Bai Lu's words, Jiang Baichen also recited it again with a stutter, and there were a few wrong pronunciations.

After listening to Jiang Baichen's recitation, Bai Lu felt helpless. Chenchen was so strong in other aspects, why was the language system so bad? Did he not add points to the language? All the points were added to strength, speed, and pampering himself?

Bai Lu smiled when she thought of this. Chenchen probably added all the points to pampering himself. Chenchen really pampered himself too much.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu was determined to teach Chenchen.

Then Bai Lu began to teach Jiang Baichen with great interest.

It must be said that Jiang Baichen's comprehension was very good. He read almost everything in a short while. Then Bai Lu continued to teach Jiang Baichen happily.

Jiang Baichen also had a lot of fun learning. Thai and Mandarin just have some different phonetic symbols, so Jiang Baichen found it very boring and tedious to learn, butIt would be different if the teacher was Bai Lu. He was very happy to learn. Jiang Baichen was also very happy to hear Bai Lu's gentle tone, and then he started to learn with all his strength.

It was indeed effective. After a while, Jiang Baichen could speak almost as well as Bai Lu.

Bai Lu clapped her hands happily when she heard Jiang Baichen's Thai, and then said to Jiang Baichen happily: "Chenchen, you are so great. You learned it so quickly. Your language talent is not bad either, hehe~"

Bai Lu smiled foolishly at the end. As expected, her Chenchen is the best!!!

Jiang Baichen was also very happy to hear Bai Lu's words. He was very happy. Just when he was about to say something, Jiang Baichen heard the voice of the system in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The system rewards are issued. Please check in the system space! ]

[Please name the entertainment company! 】

Jiang Baichen thought about it after hearing the system prompt, and then silently said in his heart: "Let's call it Mengchen."

Jiang Baichen also took the abbreviation of his own and Lulu's names. For Jiang Baichen, who is not good at naming, it is already very good to come up with this name.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful naming. The host is the largest shareholder of this company, but you don't have to manage any affairs. The company has a president in the open, and you are the man behind the scenes. ]

[After the host returns to China, the company's president will contact you, pay attention to the phone call! ]

Jiang Baichen was also surprised when he heard the system prompt. He just thought that he couldn't manage the company and wanted to find someone to help manage it. Tongzi is really good. He gave me a quilt and a pillow.

This is also good. Anyway, I don't know anything about the management of the company. Although the system may give it to me in the future, Jiang Baichen still wants to be a hands-off shopkeeper. Isn't it fun to play around with his Lulu every day?

Moreover, Jiang Baichen still has to record Running Man. The Running Man in this world is different from that in his previous life. The Running Man here is indefinite and will not be interrupted. Therefore, as a permanent guest of Running Man, Jiang Baichen does not have the energy to manage the company.

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