"Okay, then Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu will form a pair."

PD Yao was not surprised by Jiang Baichen's answer.

Then PD Yao continued, "The second person to choose is Baby, please choose your own partner."

After PD Yao finished speaking, Baby looked around and then met Fan Chengcheng's eyes.

Then Baby' raised her head to Fan Chengcheng, and Fan Chengcheng also saw Baby's action, and then raised his hand. Baby saw Fan Chengcheng's action and then said, "Chengcheng, then let's be a pair."

After hearing Baby's words, Fan Chengcheng immediately said, "I refuse!"

After Fan Chengcheng said this, everyone laughed, and Fan Chengcheng walked out with a smile.

While walking, he said, "Have you never been rejected? Sister Baby, let me let you feel it, hahahahaha."

After Fan Chengcheng said this, everyone in the Running Man team laughed so hard, Bai Lu and Jiang Baichen almost laughed with their mouths wide open. Fan Chengcheng is really funny! ! !

Then Satay laughed for a while and said, "Fan Chengcheng's raising his hand means he wants to refuse. He just doesn't want to be with you, baby."

Baby was stunned when she heard Fan Chengcheng's answer, then smiled and said to Fan Chengcheng, "Then I will choose you. You can't refuse."

Fan Chengcheng also said, "Okay, I do." Then he walked in front of baby and clapped his hands with baby.

After seeing baby and Fan Chengcheng team up, Li Chen, who was third, also stood up and said, "Then I will choose Shengsheng."

Zhou Sheng was also surprised when he heard Li Chen's words. He didn't expect Li Chen to choose him.

Then Zhou Sheng stood up and clapped his hands with Li Chen.

Then Zheng Kai also said: "Then I will choose Yang Yunqing."

Wang Hedi looked at Satay with a confused look on his face, and then said: "This means that I have no choice, so I can only choose Satay."

Everyone laughed when they heard Wang Hedi's words, and then Jiang Baichen said: "Didi, who told you to draw a 9? You are unlucky. Satay is not bad. Except for tearing the name tag, everything else is pretty hard."

Jiang Baichen came out to comfort Wang Hedi at the right time.

After hearing what Jiang Baichen said, Wang Hedi also said: "Then let's go for Satay."

After everyone made their choices, they moved their positions, and each group was together.

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu didn't need to move, they were already sitting next to each other.

Yao PD saw that the Running Man team had finished their groups and continued to speak: "Our first grouping today has been formed. Later, everyone will come up to draw lots in groups."

After Yao PD finished speaking, he took out two lottery buckets from the back, which contained several lots, and then continued: "These two are lottery buckets for new and old classmates. There are lots with numbers 1-6 engraved in the lottery buckets of new and old classmates. We will directly announce the numbers of the partners who rank last in each item, and the team ranked first can come to me to ask who is the classmate corresponding to a certain number."

"The first group that wins at the same time can come to exchange partners, either their own partners or any other group's partners. In the end, the two groups with the largest and smallest sum of numbers will win and get the final prize."

After Yao PD finished speaking, everyone understood.

Then Satay said: "It's just the sum of the two people's numbers, the largest or the smallest will do."

"Anyway, either go big or go small."

Wang Hedi also spoke.

"The person with the number 6 is very popular." Zheng Kai looked at everyone and said.

Jiang Baichen then added: "1 and 6 are both very popular, one is the largest and the other is the smallest."

"It is possible that 3+6 is already the largest."

Zheng Kai continued.

"You can change the numbers of other groups and make others smaller."

Wang Hedi also added.

"What about this? Chengcheng and I are only scheming against each other." Baby looked at Fan Chengcheng and said.

Fan Chengcheng replied: "I was just about to say that we only play with sincerity."

Wang Hedi was unhappy when he heard this, and said to Fan Chengcheng: "How dare you say the three words of playing with sincerity?"

"Of course, I am the most sincere." Fan Chengcheng also put on a very sincere expression.

Then Zhou Sheng said unhappily: "Please watch the last episode and see how Fan Chengcheng played the sincere role."

Satay also spoke at this time and said to Fan Chengcheng: "Chengcheng, we are not that sincere person. The three of us remember your grudge."

Hearing what Zhou Sheng and Satay said, Fan Chengcheng also smiled awkwardly.The period is indeed very "sincere", very "sincere"!!!

Then PD Yao continued: "Special reminder to everyone, today if there is only one combination with the largest sum of numbers and one combination with the smallest sum of numbers on the field, then these two groups can each get four golds."

After hearing PD Yao's words, everyone exclaimed, and the enthusiasm came up! ! !

PD Yao continued: "Then please ask the old classmates to come and draw lots first."

After hearing PD Yao's words, Jiang Baichen, Li Chen, Wang Hedi, baby, Zheng Kai, one by one, drew a numbered lot from PD Yao.

After the five people drew, they all looked like old foxes.

"Next, please ask the new students to draw the numbered lot."

Then Bai Lu, Zhou Sheng, Satay, Fan Chengcheng, and Yang Yunqing heard PD Yao's voice and came up to draw the numbered lot one by one.

After the drawing, all the new students sat back in their chairs.

Jiang Baichen saw Bai Lu walking back with a smile on her face, and was also very curious about what number his Lulu had, but it was definitely not appropriate to ask now, so he would ask when he got in the car later.

Then he heard Yao PD continue to say: "Everyone has drawn their own numbers. Next, we will announce to everyone that among the five groups currently on the field, the one with the largest sum of numbers is...9!"

After hearing what Yao PD said, the people in the Running Man team were also stunned, and then collectively exclaimed.

"Ah? The maximum value is only 9, so small, I thought it would be 12."

Fan Chengcheng also spoke after hearing what Yao PD said.

Then Yao PD continued: "Then the smallest of the five groups is...4!"

After hearing the smallest value, everyone was even more shocked.

"Oh my god, this is one 1 and one 3."

Satay said with wide eyes.

"It may also be two 2s."

Li Chen added.

"That doesn't give any information. The minimum value is 4, so it doesn't tell anything."

Jiang Baichen also spoke after hearing the maximum and minimum values.

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