Then there was a silence on the school bus, not really quiet, you could still hear Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu talking and laughing in a low voice.

Then someone said, "baby~" This baby was said in Thai, which was the Thai that Yang Yunqing taught everyone this morning.

Everyone laughed when they heard the name, and then baby said, "Wang Heduo~"

Wang Hedi also held his forehead when he heard the name, this name is really speechless!!!

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu also heard everyone talking, Bai Lu was excited and ready to speak, Jiang Baichen next to him already felt something was wrong, just wanted to stop him when he heard Bai Lu say it.

"Shoulders and backs are heavy~ha ... Then Fan Chengcheng thought of something and said, "Baichen and Sister Lu, did you see the Weibo just now? There is a Weibo still hanging there, saying that Baichen's life or death is unknown. This guy is really outrageous!"

Jiang Baichen and Bailu were helpless when they heard Fan Chengcheng's words, and then Jiang Baichen said, "There is no way. Who knows why it has not come down? I am fine but still hanging there."

Everyone laughed when they heard what Fan Chengcheng and Jiang Baichen said.

"Speaking of this, Baichen, you must go to the hospital for a check-up after the recording today. You can't say that you have an inexplicable headache, right?"

Satay reminded Jiang Baichen when he saw everyone talking about this.

Others also nodded in agreement. Headache is really not a minor illness.

Jiang Baichen felt warm in his heart after hearing Satay's words and everyone's actions, and then he smiled happily and said, "Okay, don't worry Satay, I didn't go to see it myself, but someone forced me to see it."

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, he glanced at Bai Lu next to him, and Bai Lu smiled happily and looked at Jiang Baichen.

After that, everyone was talking and laughing in the car, and soon they arrived at the first location of today's mission, Pattaya Sifang Floating Market.

Everyone got off the school bus and then arrived at the mission site.

When Yao PD saw that everyone had arrived, he began to explain: "Welcome to Pattaya Sifang Floating Market. The floating market is one of the most popular attractions in Pattaya, Thailand. You can take a boat here to visit the shops on both sides of the river, and you can also buy a wide range of small commodities and sweet tropical fruits."

After Yao PD finished speaking, he also asked everyone to get on the boat. Everyone sat on the boat and the shops on both sides were full of fans taking pictures with their mobile phones.

"Ah!!! Jiang Baichen and Bailu, I'm your CP' fan, can you give us some candy!!!"

At this time, a girl suddenly shouted.

Jiang Baichen and Bailu were also stunned after hearing it, then looked at each other and smiled, then held their hands together, interlocked their fingers, and raised them above their heads.

Seeing this scene, it was not just the female fan who just shouted, many people screamed.

Seeing the reaction of the fans, Jiang Baichen and Bailu also smiled, and then Jiang Baichen waved to everyone and said: "Be careful, don't fall down!"

There were some other fans, among which Zhou Sheng's fans and baby's fans were the craziest, shouting crazily.

Some people shouted Daomingsi, which made everyone laugh.

All the aunts on Satay's side were shouting Satay's name. Seeing this scene, Jiang Baichen couldn't help but complain: "Satay is really an idol for middle-aged and elderly women!"

Everyone laughed so hard when they heard Jiang Baichen's words, especially Bai Lu. If Jiang Baichen hadn't been quick, she would have fallen into the water.

After helping Bai Lu, Jiang Baichen said unhappily: "It's not Lulu, you should also pay attention to safety when you laugh. What if you fall into the water?"

After that, Jiang Baichen also knocked on Bai Lu's head.

Bai Lu covered her head and said embarrassedly: "Hehe, isn't this too funny? It's your fault. Who told you to say Satay?"

Jiang Baichen was helpless when he heard Bai Lu's words, and then touched Bai Lu's head, and Bai Lu also smiled happily.

In the shops on both sides, fans also saw the interaction between Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu, and then shouted even louder.

Then everyone arrived at the mission site amid a burst of exclamations. Everyone took off their life jackets and entered the mission site.

After everyone arrived, PD Yao also said: "Next, we will have the first challenge of the Mathematics Club here. PleaseGet the task card. "

Li Chen also walked forward to get the task card, and then Li Chen saw an incredible thing next to PD Yao.

Then Li Chen said: "Family, I saw a bell!"

Everyone trembled when they heard the word "bell", and then everyone turned their heads to look at Jiang Baichen. After all, Jiang Baichen, the bell man, cast a big shadow on them.

Jiang Baichen saw everyone's eyes and said helplessly: "I just became a bell man once, why do you look at me like this."

Bai Lu also laughed when she heard Jiang Baichen's words, and then said: "There's nothing we can do. Chenchen, you really gave us too much pressure in the first period. "

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing Bai Lu's words. The pressure from Jiang Baichen in the first episode seemed to be vivid in their minds!!!

Jiang Baichen was helpless after hearing Bai Lu's words.

Then Li Chen began to read the task card: "The wooden man who shuttles through the floating market, four of the five pairs of partners are the escape team, completing the designated tasks in the market, and one is the pursuit team, shouting "one, two, three, wooden man" on the intercom. When shouting, all members need to stop moving. If the pursuit team captures the escape team's movement at this time, the team captured will be eliminated."

After Li Chen finished speaking, PD Yao continued to add: "If you think the pursuit team will definitely not be able to capture you, you can ignore his instructions and move freely, but once you are captured, you will be eliminated directly."

After listening, Jiang Baichen also asked: "Where do we go to get the task and so on? "

After hearing what Jiang Baichen said, PD Yao continued, "Each team will get a photo of the store owner later. You will then take the photo to find the store owner. After confirming that it is him, tell him "Sawadee Ka". He will tell you what task you need to complete. The first person to complete the task will get the highest score. The scores from first to fourth place are 8, 6, 4, and 2. "

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