After Fan Chengcheng finished speaking, Baby also hurriedly said: "Stop complaining, Chengcheng, let's start quickly, Sha Ge and Didi are hiding somewhere to take pictures of us!"

After Baby finished speaking, she also looked around. It was safe for the time being, but she didn't know whether it would be safe or not in a while!!!

After hearing what Baby said, Fan Chengcheng also looked around vigilantly, and was relieved to see that there were no Satay and Wang Hedi.

Then Fan Chengcheng said to Baby: "Then let's start quickly, Sister Baby, I feel it's okay, anyway, let's try it!!!"

After that, he took the large ball and walked to an open place. Baby also hurriedly followed, and then Fan Chengcheng and Baby' started this torturous game.

As for Satay and Wang Hedi, the two did not continue to sit on the chair, but found a snack next to them and started eating. Anyway, they couldn't win, so let's fill their stomachs first!!!

Satay stuffed a bite of snack into his mouth and said very comfortably: "It's so good, no need to run, no need to say one, two, three, wooden man, it's tiring and exhausting. Anyway, we can't win, so we might as well eat here and relax."

Wang Hedi was also showing off snacks crazily on the other side. After hearing Satay's words, he chewed something in his mouth and said vaguely: "Yes, it's better to enjoy it. Why do you have to chase people? I feel that this game is more tiring than the last episode of tearing name tags."

Satay nodded in agreement after hearing Wang Hedi's words. Of course, the two of them felt that tearing name tags in the last episode was not tiring, because basically after 40 minutes, they were torn by Fan Chengcheng, the sixth man.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed and laughed when they saw Wang Hedi and Satay.

"Wang Hedi has been led astray by Satay and has started to slack off."

"But Satay is quite right. This game is not friendly to the chasing team."

"Indeed, since we can't catch anyone anyway, it's better to just eat. Isn't he delicious?"

"Wang Hedi eats really deliciously. It makes me want to order takeout."

"Upstairs +1!!!"

"Upstairs +2!!!"

"Upstairs +10010!!!"


Satay and Wang Hedi are eating and drinking, while Fan Chengcheng and baby are going crazy.

I have tried several times just now. Each time I kicked it two or three times, and then the ball seemed to have its own consciousness, jumping around and knocking down many things.

Fan Chengcheng and baby also apologized while picking up the things knocked down by the ball. This is too difficult!!!

After Fan Chengcheng lifted something up, he looked at Baby helplessly and said, "Sister Baby, do you think we can complete this task before the end of today's recording?"

After hearing what Fan Chengcheng said, Baby smiled bitterly and said to Fan Chengcheng, "It's probably too difficult. This is too difficult. The direction is too difficult to grasp, and the strength is also difficult to grasp. If you kick it hard, it will fly away. If you kick it lightly, it will just jump twice and then die. It's too speechless!!!"

After Baby finished speaking, Fan Chengcheng nodded in agreement and continued, "Sister Baby, why don't we tell Yao Yitian that we are stuck here, and then let the groups that have completed the task go. We will waste time with this ball today!!!"

Fan Chengcheng also said in self-abandonment.

Baby' heard Fan Chengcheng's words and said: "I think it's OK. Now, except for the two of us, Brother Sha and Didi, the other groups should have finished."

Fan Chengcheng and baby relaxed for a while, and then Fan Chengcheng said confidently: "Let's try again, sister baby, this time we will definitely succeed!!!"

Fan Chengcheng said to baby with confidence, success is human, failure is ghost!!!

Baby' heard Fan Chengcheng's confident words and became motivated, and then said loudly: "Yes, we will definitely succeed this time, can the two of us be troubled by a ball!!!"

Fan Chengcheng and baby also encouraged each other, and then took a deep breath, and then started to play football.

One, two, three, Fan Chengcheng and baby are in very good condition now, and they directly kicked three.

Fan Chengcheng and baby were also nervous, they knew that the last two were the most difficult.

Then they continued to kick four, five!!!

After kicking five times, Fan Chengcheng and Baby both exclaimed, it was not easy, finally completed!!!

Fan Chengcheng and Baby alsoCouldn't help jumping around, and then Fan Chengcheng also jumped and said: "Sister Baby, we really succeeded, it's incredible!!!"

Baby was also very happy to hear Fan Chengcheng's words, and then responded: "I also feel a little bit unbelievable, we can actually kick out five!!!"

After that, Fan Chengcheng and Baby also high-fived to celebrate. Although they knew that they would definitely be the last group, this sense of achievement was great!!!

Seeing Fan Chengcheng and Baby complete the task, the audience and NPCs watching nearby couldn't help but applaud, and NPC led the applause, because after the program team issued the task, he and his wife tried, but didn't even kick three. Now Fan Chengcheng and Baby kicked five, of course, they deserve to applaud.

Fan Chengcheng and Baby' heard the applause around them and laughed happily, and then saw Uncle NPC, holding a token and handed it to Fan Chengcheng, and then said: "You just give this to the program team, you are really great today."

Uncle NPC also praised at the end.

After hearing what the NPC uncle said, Fan Chengcheng and Baby also took the token, thanked him and ran towards the program group.

Satay and Wang Hedi had just finished eating when they saw Fan Chengcheng and Baby running towards the program group not far away. They knew they must have completed it.

Then Satay said: "Fan Chengcheng and Baby should have completed the task. Let's go over there too. Walk slowly. You can't do strenuous exercise after just eating."

After Satay said that, Wang Hedi nodded, and then the two walked slowly towards the program.

There was still a burst of laughter in the rest area here, and everyone kept eating snacks in the snack bag.

Then Jiang Baichen said: "Fan Chengcheng and Baby are a bit too slow. What kind of task can take so long to do?"

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, Bai Lu also looked at Yao PD and said: "Yao PD, what difficult task did you assign to them? It's been so long and they haven't finished it yet."

The other members of the Running Man team also nodded.

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