[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the system rewards are issued! ]

After hearing what the system said, Jiang Baichen also remembered that he had a choice just now, but it didn't matter. Anyway, he would have time to look at it later. He quickly washed and waited for Lulu.

Then Jiang Baichen also walked into the bathroom to take a shower. It was not a single room, but a public bathing bathroom with partitions. Jiang Baichen didn't care too much. It didn't matter where he took a shower.

Because Jiang Baichen was the first to leave with Bailu in his arms, there was no one in the bathroom now. The other members of the Running Man team were walking slowly behind.

Then Jiang Baichen also took off his clothes and took a shower. Although he was not tired, he was sweating a little. It was mainly to control the speed so that Lulu could not keep up, so it was very tiring to control.

Then Jiang Baichen also started to take a shower. After a while, the bathroom door opened. Then several male members of the Running Man team, Li Chen, Zheng Kai, Satay, Fan Chengcheng, Wang Hedi and Zhou Sheng, came in together. When they saw Jiang Baichen, everyone looked at Jiang Baichen with an ambiguous look.

Jiang Baichen was frightened by their eyes.

Then I heard Fan Chengcheng say: "Baichen, I thought you would go to a separate bathroom with Sister Lu to take a shower together."

After saying that, Fan Chengcheng also had a teasing look on his face.

"Baichen, although you will end this today or announce it tomorrow, you have to leave some suspense for the audience. This guy, you know everything with this hug."

Satay also took off his clothes and said with a smile.

"Old Sha is right. Although you are going to announce it officially, you have to leave some suspense for your fans. What if your official announcement is not popular at that time? That would be embarrassing."

Li Chen also said jokingly on the side.

The others also nodded with a smile, and their eyes were full of ambiguity.

After hearing what the three of them said, Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly, and then said: "There is nothing I can do. Lulu's legs are weak. I don't want her to walk to the bathroom by herself. Anyway, we are going to announce it officially, so we might as well expose it directly, so that fans can be mentally prepared."

After hearing what Jiang Baichen said, the people in the Running Man team also nodded in agreement. What they said just now was just a joke. It's none of their business what happens to the young couple, right?

Then everyone started taking a shower. During the shower, Fan Chengcheng asked Jiang Baichen: "By the way, Baichen, how is Sister Lu? Is she okay?"

After hearing what Fan Chengcheng said, the other members of the Running Man team also looked at Jiang Baichen. They were also worried about Bai Lu's health.

Jiang Baichen smiled after hearing what Fan Chengcheng said, and then said: "It's okay, don't worry, I just ran a little too fast, and my legs are a little weak. I asked Sister Baby to take care of Lulu when I got to the bathroom just now, don't worry."

Everyone in the Running Man team was relieved to hear Jiang Baichen's words. No one in this big family wants anyone to get hurt or feel uncomfortable.

Then everyone relaxed and continued to take a shower, and then heard Wang Hedi also said: "Then Baichen, have you thought about how to make an official announcement? Post on Weibo? Or post a loving video?"

Wang Hedi looked at Jiang Baichen with a gossipy face.

Others in the Running Man team also looked at Jiang Baichen with great curiosity. After all, there are many ways to make an official announcement, but they don't know which method Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu will use to make the official announcement.

Then other members of the Running Man team also looked at Jiang Baichen with curiosity and gossip.

Jiang Baichen saw the faces and eyes of everyone and smiled helplessly. Forget it. Since they want to know, just say it. Anyway, they will say it after the recording is over.

Then Jiang Baichen said to everyone: "I wrote a song for Lulu, and I plan to sing it to Lulu in front of you, Yao PD and the program team, and the audience in the live broadcast room before the end of the recording."

Jiang Baichen looked happy after he finished speaking, and then he couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene before the end of the recording.

Everyone was surprised to hear Jiang Baichen's words. Jiang Baichen can write songs?

"Not Baichen, you can write songs?"

Fan Chengcheng also looked at Jiang Baichen in shock.

"Yes, weren't you an actor before? Can you write songs?"

Wang Hedi also echoed Fan Chengcheng.

The others also looked at Jiang Baichen with curiosity. They had never heard that Jiang Baichen could write songs.

Jiang Baichen looked at the curiosity on everyone's faces and smiled helplessly, and then said: "Maybe it's because I met my little koi Lulu, which has led to my current rapid progress in all indicators."

Jiang Baichen also said in a loving manner, with a happy smile on his face.

Everyone heardJiang Baichen's expression of showing affection also rolled his eyes.

Then Fan Chengcheng also said: "Okay, then I'm looking forward to seeing what the song you write for Sister Lu will be like."

Others also nodded, they were very curious about the song Jiang Baichen wrote for Bai Lu.

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Jiang Baichen smiled and said: "Okay, you guys just look forward to it!"

Then everyone chatted and laughed, and then took a bath.

Jiang Baichen was the first to come in, so he took the fastest bath, and then said something to everyone, and went out, and then waited for Lulu in the seat outside.

However, it must be said that girls are really slow to take a bath. Jiang Baichen waited for the male members of the Running Man team to come out, but his own Lulu hadn't come out yet. Jiang Baichen was helpless. This girl took so long to take a bath.

Then Jiang Baichen also sat in the seat at the door and boredly browsed Weibo. As Jiang Baichen expected, the news that he princess hugged Lulu had reached the top of the hot search list, ranking first, and the popularity was only getting higher.

Jiang Baichen also looked at the comments under this hot search with interest. Most of them were saying that he and Lulu should announce their relationship as soon as possible. Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly after seeing these comments. He and Lulu were not in a hurry, but you fans were.

Jiang Baichen, who was reading the comments with interest, saw the door of the girls' bathroom open, and Bailu, baby and Yang Yunqing also walked out.

The moment Jiang Baichen saw Bailu, he put down his phone, stood up and walked forward.

Bailu was also happy to see Jiang Baichen waiting for her outside, and then hurried towards Jiang Baichen.

Baby and Yang Yunqing saw Jiang Baichen waiting outside and looked at Bailu with an ambiguous look, and then Baby also said: "Let's go, Yunqing, leave some space for the young couple."

After that, Zhihe also took Yang Yunqing's hand and walked out.

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