Baby' was also shocked when she heard Bai Lu's words. She couldn't believe that this song was written by Jiang Baichen for Bai Lu.

Then Baby' also asked Bai Lu: "Bai Lu, is there a full version? I really want to hear the full version of this song."

After that, Baby looked at Bai Lu expectantly. Why didn't she ask Jiang Baichen? Because Jiang Baichen hadn't spoken from the beginning to now, he must be busy with something. They couldn't disturb Jiang Baichen's actions, so it was best to ask Bai Lu directly now.

The other members of the Running Man team also looked at Bai Lu expectantly when they heard Baby's words. They also wanted to hear what the full version of this song was like.

Bai Lu also smiled after hearing Baby's words and then said: "No, Chenchen said that he would sing the full version before the end of the recording tonight, leaving some suspense first."

After that, Bai Lu also looked at Jiang Baichen with a smile. She found that Chenchen liked this kind of surprise very much, so he sang two sentences for her and then kept them all as a surprise, but she also liked this feeling.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu couldn't help but smile happily. Chen Chen was really good to her, so good that she was a little intoxicated.

The other members of the Running Man team were also disappointed when they heard Bai Lu's words, but then they thought they could hear it in the evening, so they were not too disappointed.

Then everyone started chatting with laughter, but two out of three sentences were about the new song that Jiang Baichen wrote for Bai Lu.

Jiang Baichen massaged Bai Lu for a while, and then Bai Lu said: "Okay, Chenchen, no need to massage, otherwise I will really fall asleep in a while. My legs are fine now, you take a rest."

After Bai Lu finished speaking, she directly let go of Jiang Baichen's hand, then put down her legs, and then gently put Jiang Baichen on her legs.

Jiang Baichen smiled slightly when he felt Bai Lu's movements, and then he lay on Bai Lu's legs and closed his eyes to rest for a while.

Bai Lu smiled happily when she saw Jiang Baichen's appearance, and then gently stroked Jiang Baichen's head.

Then Jiang Baichen also remembered the reward given by the system just now, and then Jiang Baichen also entered the system space.

The first reward is a flexible body, which needs no further explanation, literally.

Then Jiang Baichen focused on another reward, which was a skill that he had been thinking about, a hall-level performance skill. Seeing this skill, Jiang Baichen couldn't help but get excited.

He had been complained about his poor acting skills before, and now he can finally redeem himself! ! !

Then Jiang Baichen used this skill without any hesitation. I don't know if it was arranged by the system. The two times he used the skill did not give him a splitting headache like before, but felt very comfortable, like a stream of clear water flowing through every part of Jiang Baichen's body.

After using it, Jiang Baichen's eyes were shining. This skill is very powerful. Now he can play whatever he wants. When he plays a gangster, he is like a murderer, and when he plays a pervert, he is like a real pervert.

Jiang Baichen was very satisfied with this skill, and then he said to the blank space in the system space: "Tongzi, next time, come up with a hall dance skill!"

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, the entire system space was silent, and only Jiang Baichen's echo could be heard.

Seeing that Tongzi ignored him, Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly, and then exited the system space.

As soon as he exited, he heard Tongzi's voice: "As long as you and Bailu are more affectionate, I will give you everything, don't worry."

Tongzi's voice seemed to have some emotion, and then he also said CP.

Jiang Baichen was also stunned when he heard Tongzi's voice. He didn't expect Tongzi to really reply to him.

After listening to Tongzi's words, Jiang Baichen also smiled, and then said in his mind: "Tongzi, you are also a CP fan of me and Lulu. I said why the current tasks are all related to Lulu."

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, Tongzi on the other side did not speak again. Jiang Baichen saw that Tongzi was silent, and also smiled, and then exited the system space.

Jiang Baichen, who had just exited the system space, felt his own Lulu shaking him and calling him again. Then Jiang Baichen opened his eyes and looked into Bailu's beautiful eyes.

Bailu saw Jiang Baichen wake up and said, "Chenchen, we are here, it's time to get off the bus, don't sleep, wake up, we still have to win this game!"

Bailu said to Jiang Baichen with a face full of fighting spirit.

Jiang Baichen smiled after hearing Bailu's words, then stood up, gently pulled Bailu up, then touched Bailu's lips, and then pulled Bailu off the school bus and walked towards the mission location.

The mission location is a massage parlor. Seeing thisAfter entering the shop, everyone in the Running Man team also had their eyes lit up. The last task was massage!!!

After seeing the massage shop, Bai Lu looked indifferent. She didn't believe that anyone could massage better than her own Chen Chen.

Then everyone walked into the task location. As soon as they arrived at the task location, they saw Yao PD. Seeing everyone coming, Yao PD also said: "Our next task is related to massage. Please change into massage clothes."

Then Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu also looked at each other, and then went to their respective dressing rooms to change clothes.

After a while, everyone changed into massage clothes and walked out of the dressing room.

Seeing that everyone had come out, Yao PD also began to say: "Welcome to the massage shop. The essential experience in Thailand is Thai massage. It has a history of more than 4,000 years. It is the highest etiquette for the ancient Thai king to entertain royal guests. It has the effect of strengthening the body and treating physical strain. In 2019, Thai massage was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List."

After Yao PD finished speaking, several male members also tried it. The result was screaming. Wang Hedi was confused by the massage and didn't know who she was.

Then Yao PD continued: "After the massage, everyone's body should be basically active, and then everyone will have the last chance to change partners today."

After hearing Yao PD's words, Bai Lu also smiled and said: "I always feel that it won't be a good thing!"

Others also nodded in agreement. They know Yao Yitian too well, this black-bellied man! ! !

PD Yao didn't care about the reactions of the crowd and continued, "The next task is called the figure on the massage mat. Each group will have one person draw a card and continue to stack your actions according to the instructions on the card. If you can't stack any more actions, you will be considered a failure. The group that completes the most actions wins. If you draw a massage card, you can enjoy a 10-second Thai massage service in that round."

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