Then Jiang Baichen, Bailu and the Running Man team walked to the final venue.

Then everyone entered the coffee shop and sat in the designated seats.

Then I heard Yao PD start to say: "Today's competition about the Mathematics Club has ended, and our journey in Thailand is also coming to an end. In the past, when we went to a place to shoot, we would end the area with everyone's closing remarks, but this time we don't need to be polite. I hope to hear some real voices from everyone."

After Yao PD finished speaking, everyone in the Running Man team was surprised. Yao Yitian actually had this method?

Then Yao PD continued: "So the question we want to ask everyone today is what do you think of the current Running Man, or if you are angry or dissatisfied, you can say it, and if you are moved or what you have gained, you can speak freely."

"During the speech process in a while, there will be eleven representatives from various departments of the program group, who will raise signs to express their opinions on the content of your speech, and those who agree will raise smiley faces, and those who disagree will raise cold faces."

After Yao PD finished speaking, everyone also thought about what they were dissatisfied with or moved about.

"I've only been here for this episode, what should I say?"

Yang Yunqing glanced at everyone and said.

"Just say what you've gained or what you're dissatisfied with in this episode."

Baby also answered on the side.

Yang Yunqing nodded in understanding.

Then PD Yao continued, "Who's next?"

Yang Yunqing raised her hand first and said, "Then I'll go first."

Everyone laughed after Yang Yunqing finished speaking, and then Fan Chengcheng smiled and said, "It seems that Yunqing has a lot of dissatisfaction and gains."

"Because I've only been here for one episode, I don't have too many dissatisfactions, but I've gained something. The gain is that I got to know you guys, and I really had a lot of fun today. If I'm dissatisfied, it's that I've been running around all day, because my flight was cancelled last night, so I'm very angry."

After hearing Yang Yunqing's words, everyone smiled happily. Everyone in the Running Man family is a family member.

"When I was looking for the next flight, I was very sad because I was afraid that I couldn't find a flight to Thailand. I personally like the big family of Running Man very much. Anyway, today is happy, happy and sad, basically everything."

The people in the Running Man team applauded after hearing Yang Yunqing's words.

Then Yao PD said: "Thank you Yang Yunqing for coming, you have worked hard, and then please ask the eleven staff members to give you your attitude."

After Yao PD finished speaking, the eleven staff members also raised signs, ten smiling faces, and one indifferent face.

After seeing this result, Yang Yunqing also stood up and bowed to the staff and the program team.

Wang Hedi also said at this time: "Then let me do it, let me do it. After the conspicuous bag next to me was torn off in the last episode, I was super upset. I felt a chill on my back. That feeling made me very unhappy. I am not unhappy about anyone. Then when I come to tear off the name tags in the next episode, I will tear off Fan Chengcheng first!"

After hearing what Wang Hedi said, Fan Chengcheng also laughed, and then said: "Yao Yitian, I will take a leave in the next episode. I don't want to see him."

After Fan Chengcheng finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Then Wang Hedi continued: "There is nothing else, and thank you for your care these two days. I am very happy these two days. Thank you."

"Please give your attitude towards Didi's speech."

Yao PD' said to everyone.

Then eleven staff members also raised signs, five with smiles and six with indifferent faces.

Wang Hedi stood up when he saw the placards held by the crowd and said, "Thank you, thank you, you really give me face!"

"Five smiling faces, six indifferent faces, this shows that some people don't think you are angry or upset, and your words are not sharp enough."

Yao PD also said after looking at the results.

"Then I want to express my dissatisfaction. Why do I only have four and a half minutes of footage, while Fan Chengcheng, who is so conspicuous, has thirteen and a half minutes of footage. I tell you, you must have five minutes of footage today and can't be less than Fan Chengcheng, okay, conspicuous bag."

"By the way, what does it mean to misspell our two names?"

After Baby finished speaking, she stood up angrily and said, "Yes, my name is Fan what, that's called, I can't even pronounce that word."

Baby continued at this time: "You are missing two ones, my name is misspelled, after so many years, you can still misspell my name!!!"

Fan Chengcheng and Baby said indignantly.

That's it

Yao PD was also embarrassed when he heard what the two said, and then said: "These two are indeed due to our mistakes in our work. We will pay more attention to this later and strive to make our program more perfect."

"It's okay, you are also very busy, understand."

Baby' also said with a smile.

Then everyone raised their signs, eleven smiling faces.


Fan Chengcheng also shouted happily after seeing the result.

Then Fan Chengcheng also said: "I am also dissatisfied. Every time I have an undercover identity, there are several people who are also undercover with me. Do you know that feeling? You obviously have a very special identity, but there are two more people, which makes you seem not special."

"So I hope that I will be the only undercover in the future, and I will bear the bad things and the infamy alone."

Then Jiang Baichen next to him also added: "You give the camera alone!"

Everyone laughed after hearing Jiang Baichen's words.

Then Bai Lu, who was sitting next to Jiang Baichen, also said: "Fan Chengcheng, really, there are too many shots."

"Is it a bit too much for me? Is it a bit greedy?"

Fan Chengcheng also said with a smile.

Then Satay said, "You are a good guy, and we are all bad guys."

Baby also said, "This is our classic repertoire."

Satay also continued, "And we knew it was you a long time ago."

After that, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Then everyone raised signs, six smiling faces, five indifferent faces.

Seeing this result, Fan Chengcheng rolled his eyes and said, "It's a mess."

Then Zheng Kai also raised his hand and said, "I also want to complain about my identity. Every time I get an undercover identity, I am full of expectations. As a result, these people pushed me out based on a feeling and said that I was a bad guy. Why did they say I was a bad guy? Because I smiled and didn't feel involved at all."

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