After hearing what Jiang Baichen said, Bai Lu also pointed her index finger at her chin, tilted her head and thought, how cute she looked.

Let's appreciate the beauty of my Lulu

Jiang Baichen couldn't help pinching Bai Lu's face when he saw Bai Lu's cute state. His wife is so cute!!!

Bai Lu also felt that Jiang Baichen was pinching her face, but she didn't care too much. Then she came to her senses and said, "Didn't we take a photo of a heart in the bathroom when we were in the hotel before? That photo is very suitable for the official announcement."

Jiang Baichen nodded in agreement when he heard Bai Lu's words. That photo was originally prepared by his Lulu for the official announcement, so it was very suitable.

Then Jiang Baichen said to Bai Lu who was still thinking in his arms: "Then this one? Isn't it a bit monotonous?"

After Jiang Baichen asked, Bai Lu thought about it and continued: "Why don't we take two photos now, right?"

Jiang Baichen also understood what Bai Lu said. Why did he forget to take photos now? After being with his own Lulu, his brain was almost rusty.

Then Jiang Baichen asked Bai Lu in his arms: "Then how should we take photos? You decide. I don't know how to take photos, Lulu."

Jiang Baichen was ashamed when he thought of his photography skills. He could take ghost photos.

After hearing what Jiang Baichen said, Bai Lu also thought for a moment, and then said: "Well... I think it's enough to take one hand-holding and one kissing. Too many is not good, right."

After Bai Lu finished speaking, she also asked Jiang Baichen's opinion.

Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly after hearing Bailu's question, and then said: "Okay, Lulu, I'll listen to you. Anyway, my photography skills are not good, so I'll leave it to you!!!"

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, Bailu also remembered the photos that her own Chenchen took of her yesterday in the Grand Palace. It was so horrible!!!

Then she smiled happily, and then said to Jiang Baichen: "Chenchen, your photography skills are really not flattering, it's too ugly, hahahaha."

After Bailu finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing when she thought of the photos from yesterday. It took her a long time to delete all the photos of monsters and ghosts taken by Chenchen last night.

Jiang Baichen was embarrassed when he heard Bailu's words, and then he said embarrassedly: "Okay, okay, stop laughing at me, take the photo quickly, and send it quickly after taking it. I guess the fans are waiting anxiously!!!"

After listening to Jiang Baichen's words, Bailu took out her mobile phone, held Jiang Baichen's hand with her fingers interlocked, and then showed two diamond rings, and took several photos with a click.

Then it was a kiss. Jiang Baichen and Bailu were already used to it. Jiang Baichen and Bailu were either on the way to kiss or in the process of kissing every day.

The driver was very sensible when he was driving just now and put down the baffle. He didn't want to watch it again!!!

Then Bailu also put the phone on the table, and then sat in Jiang Baichen's arms and put his lips directly on Jiang Baichen's lips. With the sound of a click, the photo was taken.

But Jiang Baichen and Bailu did not separate their lips because this photo was taken. Jiang Baichen and Bailu still had a kiss for two minutes.

After two minutes, Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu's lips parted, and then Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu looked at each other and laughed.

Then Bai Lu took the phone from the table and started to see how the photos were. They all looked good, so she started to select them. She couldn't say that all the photos she took would be posted.

Jiang Baichen smiled as he watched his Lulu selecting pictures with great interest, and then he hugged Bai Lu and looked at her with a smile, waiting for his Lulu to finish selecting.

After a while, Bai Lu selected two photos that she thought were the best, and then said to Jiang Baichen: "Chenchen, let's take these two photos, plus the one taken in the bathroom before, and the copy doesn't need to be too complicated, just two or three sentences will be fine, and no one will read it if it's too long."

Bai Lu also analyzed it seriously.

Jiang Baichen nodded in agreement after hearing Bai Lu's words, and then Bai Lu sent the three photos to Jiang Baichen, and then Jiang Baichen took out his phone and opened Weibo, and began to edit the copy, and Bai Lu was also writing the copy seriously on the side.

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu then edited the post together, and after checking each other's posts, they posted them.

Once Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu's Weibo posts were posted, many netizens who were watching their Weibo posts saw them immediately.

Jiang Baichen said: "This world is a mess, but you are clean., can hang in my heart, as the sun and the moon! @白露my. "

Below there are photos of Jiang Baichen and Bailu holding hands and kissing.

Bailu's side is: "The mountains and rivers are vast, the fireworks of the world, none of them are you, none of them are not you @姜柏宸bc."

Below are the same three pictures as below Jiang Baichen's Weibo, photos of holding hands and kissing.

After seeing the two Weibo posts of Jiang Baichen and Bailu, all the netizens squatting under Jiang Baichen and Bailu's Weibo were going crazy.

Then they also tagged other people crazily. Many people just entered Weibo, and were very excited, just about to comment, and then.....

Then...there was no more, Weibo crashed directly, just because of the two Weibo posts of Jiang Baichen and Bailu, Weibo crashed directly, and it was impossible to click!!!

Weibo official saw Weibo The Weibo collapsed and was rescued in a hurry. Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu posted two Weibos, and then collapsed. This is too terrible! ! !

The official Weibo here is urgently repairing.

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu closed Weibo after posting Weibo, and then threw the phone aside.

Bai Lu lay in Jiang Baichen's arms with a happy face, and then smiled happily and said to Jiang Baichen: "Chenchen, we are officially announcing it now. Although I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, I am still very excited now, very excited, very excited, my little heart is beating fast!!!"

Bai Lu couldn't help being excited after saying that, and then rubbed in Jiang Baichen's arms, it was really too excited!!!

Jiang Baichen is also very excited now, and then he smiled happily after hearing Bai Lu's words, and then said to Bai Lu in his arms: "I am also very excited, the kind of excitement that is extremely exciting, finally officially announcing it with you, Lulu!!! "

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, he was also very happy, with the corners of his mouth almost curled up to the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

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