Jiang Baichen felt Bailu's action and smiled helplessly, then said: "Okay, okay, I don't blame you, but don't imagine it yourself before I say anything in the future. You can really imagine a big drama."

After hearing Jiang Baichen's words, Bailu smiled embarrassedly, and then said: "Hehe, I'm afraid that you will dislike me. I don't want me to know about you, so it's easy to imagine some bad things."

After Bailu finished speaking, she blushed with embarrassment. It's really embarrassing!!!

After hearing Bailu's words, Jiang Baichen was helpless, and then said to Bailu: "Lulu, you are really a genius in imagination. You can think of me dislike you in just one go. You are really unique."

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, he smiled helplessly. What is this girl thinking about every day!!!

Bai Lu blushed after hearing Jiang Baichen's words, and then she lay directly in Jiang Baichen's arms. It was too embarrassing, and she didn't want to get up!!!

Jiang Baichen was amused when he saw Bai Lu's movements in his arms, and then he hugged her tightly, and then whispered to Bai Lu: "Don't worry, Lulu, I will never dislike you, never!"

After Jiang Baichen finished speaking, he looked at Bai Lu in his arms very seriously.

Bai Lu felt happy and touched after hearing Jiang Baichen's words, and then raised her head to look at Jiang Baichen and looked into Jiang Baichen's eyes.

Looking at Jiang Baichen's serious expression, Bai Lu felt very happy, and then she took the initiative to kiss Jiang Baichen's lips to express that she was very touched and happy!!!

After Jiang Baichen felt Bai Lu's movements, he began to respond to Bai Lu slowly. Maybe Bai Lu was very happy now, so Bai Lu's kiss was also very gentle, and it was like two different people compared to the rough kiss just now.

After a long time, Bai Lu reluctantly separated Jiang Baichen's lips, and then continued to lie in Jiang Baichen's arms.

Jiang Baichen hugged Bai Lu and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere.

Then the driver stopped the car, lowered the barrier, and said to Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu who were still affectionate: "Brother Jiang and Miss Bai, we are at the hotel, you can get off."

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu nodded in response after hearing this, and then Bai Lu didn't say anything, Jiang Baichen directly hugged her out of the car.

Bai Lu was also happy to feel Jiang Baichen's actions, and then hugged Jiang Baichen's neck and said: "Okay, Chenchen, I don't need to say anything, just hug me down, you are teachable!"

Bai Lu couldn't help laughing after she finished speaking.

After hearing Bai Lu's words, Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly, and then said with a smile: "I know you will definitely say I don't want to leave in a while. Chenchen, if you carry me up, I might as well carry you down directly. Besides, your legs are a little weak today, I don't want to see you walk back to the hotel by yourself."

After hearing Jiang Baichen's words, Bailu also smiled happily, and then said: "Okay, I know my Chenchen is the best, the best in the world!!!"

After hearing Bai Lu's words, Jiang Baichen also smiled happily, and then said to the driver: "Thank you, driver, wait until tomorrow to send me and Lulu to the airport and you can rest."

After hearing Jiang Baichen's words, the driver also nodded with a smile, and then said something and drove away.

Seeing the driver driving away, Jiang Baichen also walked into the hotel with Bailu in his arms.

Bai Lu also smiled happily and lay in Jiang Baichen's arms, very happy, looking at that and looking at this, having a lot of fun.

Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly when he saw Bailu's state. Forget it, as long as this girl is happy.

Then Jiang Baichen also carried Bailu into the elevator, and Bailu also pressed the elevator floor button very obediently.

After Bailu pressed the elevator button, she smiled and looked at Jiang Baichen, as if to say that I am sensible, come and praise me!!!

Jiang Baichen also felt funny when he saw Bailu's expression, and then he touched Bailu's little head and said: "My Lulu is great, she can press the elevator by herself, it's not easy."

Jiang Baichen said to Bailu in his arms as if he was coaxing a child.

After hearing Jiang Baichen's tone of coaxing a child, Bailu pouted unhappily, and then said: "Tsk~ I'm not a child anymore, of course I can press the elevator by myself, stinky Chenchen!!!"

After that, Bailu pouted and stared at Jiang Baichen.

When he saw Bailu staring at him, Jiang Baichen also smiled helplesslyHe smiled, and then he touched Bai Lu's little head.

Bai Lu felt Jiang Baichen's touch and she was no longer angry, but looked at Jiang Baichen with great enjoyment.

Then the elevator reached the first floor of the room, Jiang Baichen stopped stroking Bai Lu's little head, and then walked down the elevator with Bai Lu in his arms.

When they reached the door of the room, Jiang Baichen said to Bai Lu in his arms: "Lulu, enter the password, go in and take a shower and pack your things quickly, it's time to return home tomorrow."

After hearing Jiang Baichen's words, Bai Lu also entered the password on the password lock to open the door, and then Jiang Baichen also walked into the room with Bai Lu in his arms, and then closed the door with his feet.

Then Jiang Baichen also sat on the sofa with Bai Lu in his arms, and Bai Lu continued to lie in Jiang Baichen's arms and continued to nestle, and it seemed that she didn't want to get up.

Seeing Bai Lu's state, Jiang Baichen smiled helplessly, then patted Bai Lu's little butt, and then said: "Okay, Lulu, go take a shower quickly, your sweat is almost rotten, you go take a shower and I'll go to the bedroom to pack up."

After hearing Jiang Baichen's words, Bai Lu also looked up at Jiang Baichen, and then smiled and said: "Then you hold me, I don't want to leave your arms, Chenchen."

After saying that, Bai Lu also rubbed in Jiang Baichen's arms, as if she was acting coquettishly.

After hearing Bai Lu's words, Jiang Baichen was also angry, but when he thought of his own Lulu relatives who had not left yet, he was instantly extinguished, and then he exhaled a long breath, calm down Jiang Baichen, not now, calm down!!!

After Jiang Baichen adjusted himself, he smiled evilly and said to Bailu: "I remember I said something last time when you asked me to hold you in the bathroom. Do you remember it, Lulu?"

Bailu looked thoughtful after hearing what Jiang Baichen said. She seemed to have forgotten what Jiang Baichen said before.

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