"The winners of our task have come out, namely Jiang Baichen, Bailu, Wang Hedi, MINNIE, Zhou Sheng and Yuqi. Among these six, we will select three more as the final winners of this session. The duel between these six is ​​a very small game."

"Two people face each other and play rock-paper-scissors to determine the winner. Then the winner needs to make an upward or downward gesture to the loser, and the loser needs to move his head in the opposite direction of the winner's gesture. For example, if the winner points upward, you have to turn your head to the left or other direction. If you don't react and your head is in the same direction as the winner's pointing, you lose. If the person being pointed at does not repeat the direction of the winner five times, then the two sides will switch."

"These three final winners will select four from the other members and go to the durian tree for verification."

After PD Yao finished explaining the rules of the small task, he asked several people to start the duel.

First, Jiang Baichen and Zhou Sheng.

As expected, Jiang Baichen lost the game of rock-paper-scissors. Jiang Baichen was also helpless. How could he never win this game of rock-paper-scissors?

The people on the side couldn't help laughing when they saw Jiang Baichen lose the game of rock-paper-scissors again.

Among these people, his wife Bailu laughed the happiest. Jiang Baichen was also very angry when he saw it. He swore that he must teach her a lesson on the way to the final venue in the car later! ! ! Let her know why her butt is so red.

Then the game started.

Jiang Baichen's reaction ability is still very good, but at the last moment, he looked at Bailu, which distracted him and then he lost.

"This round, Zhou Sheng won, and next is Bailu and Yuqi."

These two people met again. They were the two dancing just now, and now they are still the two of them in this little game.

It has to be said that Bailu's luck and Jiang Baichen's luck are called the double black hands of Running Man. Bailu also lost to Yuqi in the game of rock-paper-scissors.

Then Bailu unexpectedly won Yuqi with amazing reaction ability, and everyone watching was amazed.

"Bai Lu wins this round, and the next ones are Wang Hedi and MINNIE."

MINNIE won this round of rock-paper-scissors, and Wang Hedi, who didn't understand the rules, lost the game as expected.

Then the people in the Running Man team felt that they were too far away from Yao PD, so everyone lay on the floating mat and waited for Yao PD to speak.

"Okay, the winners of this session have also come out. They are MINNIE, Bai Lu, and Zhou Sheng. Please choose four people to go to the durian tree for verification."

Yao PD also came out to explain at this time.

Then several people began to discuss.

"Anyway, we must choose one from Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu, right? There must be a bad guy between them."

Baby said first.

"Yes, there is no point in letting them go together, so we must verify one of them to specifically guess who is the betrayer."

Li Chen also came out and spoke.

"They can't go up together. Bai Lu won the game so we can't choose her. We can only choose Jiang Baichen."

Zheng Kai also explained.

"Now please make your choice." Yao PD also said at this time.

"Then let's go with the last round's selection. Jiang Baichen will go up. Fan Chengcheng and Wang Hedi are the safest. Brother Kai will go up. Except for Brother Kai and Jiang Baichen, the rest of the purple team won. Jiang Baichen has already gone up, so Brother Kai can only go up."

Finally, Zhou Sheng made a decision and selected four people.

"Please go under the durian tree, be the durian tree, and then verify it."

Yao PD also said when he saw Zhou Sheng made a decision.

Then the four of them walked to the durian tree, raised their cups and poured water on the durian tree.

Everyone looked at the durian tree with great anticipation.

Then the durian tree trembled, and just like the last time, all the durians on the tree fell down, and white smoke came out of the roots of the tree.

"Ah!!!!!!" Everyone exclaimed when they saw the result.

"Jiang Baichen is the bad guy!!!"

"Jiang Baichen was verified twice, and white smoke came out both times. Jiang Baichen is now the most suspicious!!!"

Li Chen said in shock.

Satay looked in the direction of the director team, and then said: "Is it necessary to record this?"

"Yes, just tear it up for Jiang Baichen now, and this episode is finished, and we're done!"

Zheng Kai also suggested.

Jiang Baichen looked helpless, and then explained: "It's not me, I'm a good person."

Everyone was also unconvinced when they heard Jiang Baichen's words.

Bai Lu saw Fan Chengcheng and Wang Hedi also went up this time. At this time, Bai Lu also verified her and Jiang Baichen's guesses. Bai Lu believed in Jiang Baichen unconditionally.If they are the heirs, then there are only two of them, and they have been there twice.

"It's clear, it's not you." Yuqi said with a look of disbelief.

Jiang Baichen didn't say anything when he saw that everyone didn't believe him. Anyway, there were not many people who could tear him apart, and it was okay for him to be a good person.

"I think there is something wrong, it came out so easily? It shouldn't be?" Bai Lu also spoke for Jiang Baichen at this time.

"I also think there is something wrong, it's a little too easy, isn't it?" Baby was also a little skeptical.

Then PD Yao talked about the venue of the final task, and everyone got on the car and rushed towards the final victory! ! !

Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu got on the car, and there was no need to think, the camera would not be turned on.

PD Yao was used to it, and then he sent a barrage of pale explanations.

After turning off the camera, Jiang Baichen pulled Bai Lu, who was still thinking, into his arms.

"What are you thinking about? So absent-minded?"

Jiang Baichen hugged Bai Lu to his lap and asked immediately.

"I was thinking, if you really didn't lie, then there must be a bad guy between Fan Chengcheng and Wang Hedi, but the director team didn't say whether the betrayer had helpers or not, so I'm a little confused."

Bai Lu leaned in Jiang Baichen's arms and whispered her guess.

Jiang Baichen smiled when he heard Bai Lu's words, and then said: "Maybe PD Yao will say it later. Now it seems that there must be an accomplice, but I don't know who it is between Fan Chengcheng and Wang Hedi."

Bai Lu also nodded.

Then Jiang Baichen thought of the time when he lost the rock-paper-scissors game just now, and this girl laughed happily and loudly, and then said to Bai Lu: "I saw you laughing happily when I lost just now, my dear Lulu."

Jiang Baichen looked at Bai Lu with fierce eyes.

Bai Lu was embarrassed, and then retorted: "It's too fun, I can't help it."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it could not be heard.

After listening to her, Jiang Baichen patted her small buttocks and said, "This is a punishment, so you laugh at your husband like that."

Seeing Jiang Baichen patting her buttocks gently, Bai Lu also smiled happily: "Don't laugh, don't laugh, Chenchen is the best."

Then the two of them snuggled up and waited for the car to drive to the final venue.

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