Running Man: The King Of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 42: The Shock Brought By "The Past You"

"Uh." Jiang Haobai has a feeling that I am speechless. This sister is too cute. She dares to say anything. It's over, she is hopeless.

"I want this!" She was even more generous when buying cosmetics. She just bought a few lipsticks and eye ointments without trying them on, which made Jiang Haobai drunk. Is this the world of rich people...

"By the way, my cousin is a very good solo singer! And she is very famous throughout Asia. Guess who she is?"

"How did I know..." Jiang Haobai thought that there were so many female solo singers in Han, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

Cui Xueli looked at Jiang Haobai with a mysterious smile and said, "Then when I introduce Ernie to Oppa, you will be surprised."

Jiang Haobai just smiled when he heard this and didn't say anything. When Bigbang comes, they all tear up famous brands like him, let alone solo singers.

Finally finished buying the cosmetics, Jiang Haobai was already holding large and small bags in his hands.

"Shirley, would you buy so much if you came alone?"

"No way, isn't there a Haobai Oppa?"

" convinced."

Cui Xueli took the tall Jiang Haobai's arm and said, "By the way, Haobai Oppa, where are you going?"

"I'll buy some clothes later and go to the publishing house to take care of things."

"Then let me help you choose on the fifteenth floor." As expected, Cui Shirley was very interested in buying clothes and expressed her willingness to help.

"Okay, I have no idea about fashion." Jiang Haobai thought it couldn't be better.

"You two must be a couple." All the waiters at the counter thought that Jiang Haobai and Cui Xueli were a couple visiting the mall, so they all chose blue couple's outfits that matched Cui Shirley's, which made Jiang Haobai extremely embarrassed.

Finally, Jiang Haobai bought a pair of denim trousers and a sky blue shirt, which made him look more energetic. But if he also put on blue sunglasses, he and Cui Shirley would really be dressed as a couple.

"Oppa, will you just buy one set?" Cui Shirley asked cutely, biting a lollipop.

"The hotel still has several sets, so you don't need to buy too many." Jiang Haobai quickly refused. Next time, he should wait until his salary is paid before buying.

"Where is your and your cousin's hotel? I'll take you there." The two of them went downstairs. The two young pickpockets on the other side of the elevator never showed up again. They were probably worried that Jiang Haobai had called the police and had moved to another location. .

Shirley was originally planning to take a taxi and leave, but when she heard Jiang Haobai's words, her face lit up: "Okay, okay!"

The two got into a taxi and chatted together. Shirley asked many gossipy questions about Monday's filming with Yoona, but Jiang Haobai put her off. This little girl... is too curious!

"Oppa, it's great for little Crystal to have you as her boyfriend."

"We're here, you have my cell phone number, please contact me when you have time!" Jiang Haobai ran away. The most important thing was not the reason for asking the question, but that such a beautiful girl kept talking in your ear, and he couldn't control it. Living……


At this time, more people on Weibo heard Jiang Haobai's new song "Once Upon a Time".

With nothing to do, Lin Xi turned on the computer to see if the author of the year in a hurry had released a new song. Sure enough, Jiang Haobai, whom he was particularly concerned about, had released a new song.

Lin Xi quickly clicked on Jiang Haobai's Weibo.

Since the last time she heard Jiang Haobai's "The Year in a Hurry", Lin Xi has been a lot less interested in chasing stars. Instead, she has focused her energy on lyrics creation, especially because of "The Year in a Hurry" and the girl she has a crush on. He quickly established a romantic relationship. It can be said that he is the best example of a black fan turning into a fan.

"This is my new song "Once Upon a Time". I hope you can find your former self!" Opening the video, Jiang Haobai's artistic image appeared, holding a guitar, but this time he sang while standing. .

"The old you?" Lin Xi said to herself? What was our past like? He couldn't help but look forward to what the lyrics would be like.

The intro is a bit short and a bit melodious.

Then Jiang Haobai's low, magnetic and penetrating voice sounded: "I once dreamed of traveling to the ends of the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world. My young heart was always a little frivolous. Now you are home all over the world."

Hey, Jiang Haobai's voice... seems to be a little different from when he sang "That Year in a Hurry", but Lin Xi couldn't tell what exactly was different. It felt more charming and vicissitudes of life.

Of course he doesn't know that this is thanks to the "Sound of Nature" skill that Jiang Haobai drew from the Superstar System. This skill not only gives Jiang Haobai a very wide vocal range, but also makes Jiang Haobai's voice even more beautiful. It's charming.

Lin Xi swallowed his saliva. He had never seen such a talented person. When he heard it, he couldn't help but write down the lyrics of "Once Upon a Time" on the paper one by one.

When the climax of the song came, the voice that penetrated the whole heart seemed to contain the past, as if it contained unwillingness and nostalgia, which made Lin Xi feel like his hair was getting cold. How I want to travel through time and space to find my former self.

He didn't want to think about it now that he had graduated from college and still had time to work hard and create. His dream was about to pass away, but it was because of Jiang Haobai's rush that year and you that he had inspired his ambition. When he comes out, he wants to write songs. He can't just be a clerk like this.

The following are netizen comments:

Qiu Zhishang: "Jiang Haobai is truly worthy of his reputation as a talented man. Listening to the song "Once Upon a Time" made me feel ashamed. He joined the entertainment industry so late and was a late bloomer, but I was just a keyboard warrior. From now on, I only watch Jiang Haobai Weibo!"

Life is so fun: "I have been drifting in Beijing for three years and I was about to give up on my dream. Yesterday I met a crew member who worked with Jiang Haobai and learned that he used to deliver lunch boxes and never showed his His talent makes me have no doubt about his accumulated experience. Thank you, Jiang Haobai, for letting me tear up my train ticket home and still want to travel to the end of the world with my sword."

Paradise (Korean): "Although I can't understand Chinese, after reading the lyrics and the soundtrack, I was moved. I hope Oppa can create a Korean song that will bring benefits to our Korean audience!"

But none of them expected that Jiang Haobai really prepared a Korean song, and he was prepared to have the opportunity to surprise the Korean audience.

(PS: Please collect it, please send me flowers... the manuscript is enough)

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