Su Wen is a little fresh meat that no one cares about, and the company naturally won't care about him.

Su Wen returned to the hotel, planning to sleep for one night, if the company was fine, he would check out early, go home and continue to wait for the announcement.

After running all day, it was false to say that he was not tired, Su Wen returned to the hotel to take a shower and quickly fell asleep.

Su Wen slept until noon the next day.

I was soon woken up by a phone call from my agent.


Su Wen's voice was hoarse.

"Su Wen, you seem to be on fire!"

Listening to the voice of the agent Sister Li, Su Wen was a little confused.

What is going to be on fire

? Is there a fire in the house?

Su Wen's mind has not yet completely cleared up.

"What are you talking about, Sister Li. "

I said you're going to be on fire!" Sister

Li asked him to hurry up and watch the live broadcast platform.

Su Wen turned on his phone and realized that someone watched the live broadcast yesterday.

A netizen said that he could shoot ten rings with marbles and wash his hair upside down.

As a result, I didn't expect him to really shoot the ten rings.

Now he's on the air, saying he's going to wash his hair upside down.

Now everyone knows how to catch the heat, this netizen didn't expect that he could rub the popularity of the running man.

He played Su Wen's achievement of shooting ten rings with marbles in the live broadcast room on a loop.

also indirectly gave Su Wen momentum.

The instant hot search platform also has an explosive entry.

#Running Man Live Famous Scene

##Su Wen##弹珠的力道有多大!

##Ten Rings#

At this time, the control panel in

Su Wen's brain was displayed.

The points have reached 100,000 points.

I didn't expect his popularity to be okay.

Thinking of this, Su Wen lay down again and continued to sleep.

When the points reach 200,000, you can exchange for new skills, and the first task now is to sleep!

Thinking of this, Su Wen fell asleep.

And there are more and more discussions about him on the live broadcast platform.

"Brothers and sisters, I am here to apologize to Su Wen.

"I really didn't expect him to shoot ten rings, or with marbles.

"I said that if he could shoot ten rings, I would wash my hair upside down. "

Now I'm going to finish my deal.

I saw this netizen with the name of the ghost preparing water and putting the basin at the base of the wall.

He took a deep breath and began to do a handstand with his hands on the ground.

The head plunged into the basin of water at once.

The spilled water was also half wet.

"Su Wen, I apologize to you!!"

[What the hell] shouted at the camera.

Not only are his fans soaring, but even Su Wen's personal account fans are also soaring.


"Have you all seen this hot search?" in

the conference room of the TV station

?" The leaders of the TV station urgently convened a meeting, and the director of the station took the lead in speaking.

Originally, today was Sunday and I shouldn't have been at work, but everyone was still called over because of Su Wen's problem.

"Running male crew, you know best, let's talk about it.

Yao PD cleared his throat with red eyes and dark circles.

"I'm sorry, I stayed up late watching movies last night. "

Su Wen was an artist we temporarily hired at that time, and the contract signed was for one term. "

I really didn't expect him to explode overnight.

If it weren't for the live broadcast of the netizen named the ghost to wash his hair upside down, Su Wen would not have been dug up so quickly.

Director: "Then he is so hot now, do you have any ideas for measures

?" "Why don't we sign a long-term resident guest contract for him while he is not popular now?"

"But is his red persistent or temporary?" said

a bald director.

The crowd also fell into deep thought.

Now it is possible for a person to be popular, but there is a question mark over whether his popularity is continuous or temporary, if it is continuous, it is good for the show, and it is also good for himself, if it is temporary, then the show spent a lot of money to invite him, wouldn't it be a waste.

"What do you say, Xiao Yao?" Director Yao

recalled yesterday's contact with Su Wen.

Polite, humble, and don't talk much, but the appearance is good-looking, and the ability is also super strong.

Obviously, he is a marginal person, and he has to rely on his own ability to get to the C position, win the championship, and win the favor of other guests.

He's a newcomer indeed, and he's a very mushy newcomer.

But he's also very capable, very capable, quite capable.

If he wants to sign a contract, his program team will also have to bear part of the risk.

After all, if you pay a little more money, you can hire a famous one.

"If you want me to say, just look at the direction of the wind, there are not many announcements for a starlet like him, if he is really popular, I will invite him over again and participate in it once or twice. "

The bald director came up with a compromise.

"But if he is really popular in two days, and there are more notices, we will be in trouble if we want to invite him again. Another

person disagreed.

Yao PD is also thinking about this problem.

Now several program groups may be watching their movements, and if they take a wrong step, they will lose a good opportunity.

He thought of that cold, wise face.

It seemed that there was no panic in his expression.


Yao PD slapped the table.

"Director, I decided to sign a long-term contract with him in the running men's program team.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"If you spend a lot of money to sign him, but he doesn't get angry, and he doesn't even bring a good positive impact and benefits to the show, you are mainly responsible." "

Before making a decision, everyone was silent, and when the board was knocked on to make a decision, they came out and fell into the ground.

"Okay, I'll take that responsibility.

Yao PD glanced at them, got up and threw the door away.

"You contact Su Wen's agency and sign another contract. "

Director, you really have to sign him for a long time."

Yao PD nodded.

If you don't sign it now, and wait until later to want to stick someone else's cold ass, it will be too late.

It is okay to send charcoal in the snow, and who is rare to add icing on the cake.


Xiao Li of the gold brokerage company

, how is the newcomer you signed?

A middle-aged man with a big belly, with meticulous hair, leans back in the boss's chair.

He was still playing with a cigar in his hand.

"He was still in Sichuan City and didn't come back.

"He has been signing a contract for a year, if it doesn't work, he will terminate the contract as soon as possible, and grab a handful of small fresh meat like him." "

Boss, I think Su Wen may be on fire.

Li Li picked up her mobile phone and searched for the hot search to show her boss.

The boss waved his hand.

"I know what you're trying to say, it's just to rub the heat. "

[What the hell] is rubbing the heat, and Su Wen is also rubbing the heat.

This kind of red is just for a while, for a long time, and who knows who

? And that marble, what kind of talent is this?

It's not a child's house.

"You just listen to me, if a newcomer like this can't be popular, it's not popular.

Li Li snorted and didn't say anything more.

When he signed the contract, Su Wen also looked at his face and was still very resistant.

It's just that...

A small fire depends on support, and a big fire depends on life.

The current Su Wen has no capital to support, and he does not have the life of this fire.

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