Rural Dad

Chapter 123

Zhao Han's family is having breakfast.

Today's breakfast is noodles with fried eggs.

There are also some simple appetizers such as wild onion and preserved egg, cold pickled radish and fried dried soybeans.

The pickled mustard is fried in the morning, with minced pork, ginger, garlic and sour beans.

After frying, it has a strong sour aroma and a meaty aroma.

Add a spoonful of pickled mustard to the cooked noodles, sprinkle some chopped green onions, and mix well. It is simply delicious.

Xingxing and the other four children also love it.

Gungun even pours it directly from the basin into his mouth.

As for Xiaoba, it didn't eat, standing on the shelf like a general, and birds kept flying in to report the situation in the orchard to it.

After all the birds finished reporting, Xiao Ba flew to Zhao Han's shoulder and said, "Sure enough, someone stole the fruit, and there were quite a few of them. They were all spotted by my bird."

"Alas, these people are really greedy. They steal things even when they are paid." Zhao Lan was indignant.

How could there be such bad people?

Zhou Yongcheng chuckled, "After all, money can move people's hearts, and it is inevitable that some people will take risks."

"If they dare to steal, they must be prepared to bear the corresponding responsibilities." Zhao Han sneered. He would kill the chicken to scare the monkey this time, otherwise, if he indulged them, these people would be even more excessive next time.

Zhao Lei asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course, punish them with the law." Zhao Han took out his mobile phone and called Director Chen of the police station.

Throw them all into jail for a while.

See who dares to reach out again next time.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Han said, "The fruits can only be picked in the afternoon. The police from the police station will also come in the afternoon. After dinner, let's go to the mountain to pick bubble?"

Pao is the local dialect in Sichuan Province.

In written language, it is called mountain raspberry. Ripe mountain raspberry is orange, red, or black. It tastes sweet and is a very delicious wild fruit.

When Zhao Han was a child, what he liked to do most was to invite three or five friends to pick various wild fruits in the mountains.

And various kinds of mountain raspberries are the most common wild fruits in Sichuan Province every spring and summer.

I don't know how many rural children's childhood memories they carry.

"Okay, think about it, I haven't eaten it for many years." Zhao Lan's face showed a look of reminiscence.

Xingxing: "Dad, what is bubble?"

The other three children also looked confused.

Zhao Han and the others looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Children nowadays have never heard of mountain raspberries.

I don't know whether they were happy at that time, or whether children nowadays have a happy childhood.

At that time, they didn't have mobile phones or computer games, but they had many ways to play, such as picking bird eggs, catching fish and shrimp, picking wild fruits, clamping yellow eels, jumping rubber bands, etc.

"You will know when the time comes. It is a very delicious fruit." Zhao Han rubbed Xingxing's head.

Zhou Yongcheng said: "I think, just bring the pots and pans and go for a picnic at noon."

"This is good, this is good, you can have a picnic and pick wild fruits." Li Xiumei agreed again and again.

Guoguo also cheered: "Guoguo also wants to go for a picnic. Guoguo also has a basket for snacks."

"You go, I won't join in the fun at my age." Zhao Jiang said with a smile.

In this way, after breakfast, a group of people took pots and pans and ingredients and seasonings to Daqing Mountain.

The reason for going to Daqing Mountain is that Zhao Han often went to the mountains to herd cattle when he was a child, and there were many wild berries there.

After the early morning, the sun gradually became scorching.

So Guoguo and Xingxing both wore straw hats.

All the tools were placed on Gungun's back.

It was probably the most humble national treasure in the world.

Other national treasures make a living by being cute in the zoo.

But it had to make a living by working hard.

"Daddy, Guoguo is tired and needs a hug." She was the most cheerful before the departure, but now she was the most tired.

Zhao Han picked her up and put her on Dahuang's back: "Hold Dahuang's collar with both hands."

Dahuang became stronger after being transformed by the spiritual spring water.

Carrying a child is nothing.

"Yeah." Guoguo nodded repeatedly, holding Dahuang's collar like riding a horse: "Gee, yeah, yeah!"

Dahuang stuck out his tongue and ran away.

Guoguo swayed on his back and laughed non-stop.

Tongtong and Beibei looked at her with envy.

They felt that the city was really boring, without mountains and water, without big fish, without Gungun...

It seemed that there was nothing in the city.

"Da Huang, slow down." Zhao Han shouted.

Da Huang slowed down.

After entering Daqing Mountain, we saw a lot of brightly colored raspberries along the way, and several people were busy.

"Come, try it." Zhao Han handed it to Xingxing.

Xingxing took one, blew off the ashes, and then put it in his mouth. His eyes lit up: "It's sour and sweet, delicious, waterWhy don't fruit stores sell this? There must be a lot of people buying it. "

"There are a lot of things that fruit stores don't sell." Zhao Lei laughed and gave a few examples: "For example, wax gourd and ground bubble, you haven't heard of them."

Xingxing was confused, he really hadn't heard of it.

"I want to eat it too! I want to eat it too! "Guoguo rode on Da Huang and hurried over to wave.

Tongtong and Beibei also started to make noise.

Li Xiumei and Zhao Lan simply picked a full basket of fruits and let the four children eat and play along the way.

Finally, the group came to a spring.

It's called a spring, but it's actually a pit. Water keeps flowing into the pit from the cliff.

The water is clear, cold and sweet.

This is real spring water.

Everyone set up a pot here for a picnic.

There is a small ditch down the mountain spring.

There are crabs and small fish in it.

A group of people rolled up their trousers and went down to catch fish.

"Daddy, daddy, come quickly, Guoguo caught a fish!" Guoguo shouted with her eyes closed, holding a crucian carp with its tail swinging back and forth with both hands.

Water stains splashed all over her face.

Zhao Lan shouted, "Put it in the bucket quickly."

"Wow! There are big crabs here!"

A group of people were laughing and having fun.

At noon, the fish and shrimps they caught and a chicken they brought from home became everyone's lunch.

Because it is not convenient to cook during a picnic, they just cooked hot pot and mixed everything in one pot.

Everyone sat on the ground around the hot pot.

The bubbling sound kept coming out, and the aroma of the hot pot ingredients exuded, which greatly increased people's appetite.

GongGong's belly was too big, and the splashed hot pot soup fell on it, scalding it and rolling on the spot.

The funny scene made everyone laugh.

"Come on, let's have a toast together."

Everyone raised their glasses directly with mountain spring water instead of wine.

"Cheers! "

Mixed with the childish voice, several disposable water cups clinked together above the hot pot.

After eating and drinking, the sun was setting, and Zhao Han received a call from Ye Yingying, saying that the fruits had been picked.

Zhao Han told Ye Yingying on the phone to let all the workers gather at his house, and he had something to announce.

Then he led everyone down the mountain.

At this time, Director Chen was on his way.

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