Rural Dad

Chapter 170

Following the little girl's words.

The originally lively banquet hall fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked at Xingxing in shock.

Everyone present had naturally heard about the first Tongzhou Citywide Primary and Secondary School Mathematical Olympiad.

But it was the first time for most people to know that Zhao Han's son had actually participated in this competition.

His son was only five years old! In kindergarten!

Who the hell would have thought that he would also participate in the competition.

Not only did he participate, but he actually advanced!

What kind of horror story is this?

My goodness, the college entrance examination, the junior high school entrance examination, and the primary school entrance examination, are now even kindergartens so difficult?

"Yaoyao, are you sure?" A middle-aged man asked Zhou Wenwu's daughter Zhou Yaoyao.

Others also looked at Zhou Yaoyao.

Because this matter was a little too scary.

Zhou Yaoyao was questioned, and she immediately became anxious, and said with her hands on her waist: "Of course I'm not wrong, he was in the same examination room with me yesterday and today!"


The banquet hall was in an uproar.

What kind of monster is this!

Didn't he drink Meng Po soup when he was reincarnated?

"Mr. Zhao, your son is extremely talented!"

"Yes, it sounds like a fairy tale to me. I didn't expect that there is such a genius in reality!"

"At the age of five, he made it to the semi-finals among a bunch of sixth-grade students. This is a child prodigy!"

Everyone was generous with their praise.

One by one, they looked at Zhao Han with envy.

They are all parents. At their age, they are no longer competing for who has more money or more women, but whose children are promising!

For a while, these people looked at their sons and daughters more and more unpleasantly, and they wanted to beat them up on the spot.

"Huh~" Zhou Wenwu exhaled, looking at Zhao Han with envy: "Yaoyao came back at noon and told me about this, I didn't take it seriously, I never thought there would be such a peerless prodigy, and it's your beloved son, Village Chief Zhao, so enviable!"

"Who said it wasn't? My bastard is in the third grade this year. If he can have half the talent of Mr. Zhao's beloved son, I will be Amitabha!"

"Mr. Zhao, please share your parenting experience."

"No, no, my son is just a little smart." Zhao Han said reservedly, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise wildly.

Everyone wanted to beat this pretentious person to death.

What the hell is called clever?

Zhao Han said again: "Okay, okay, don't pay attention to the useless son, it's nothing more than advancing to the semi-finals, there's nothing to be proud of."

Everyone was almost unable to control their fists.

Listen, is this human language?

"Ah! Village Chief Zhao is too modest." Zhou Wenwu's mouth twitched, and he looked at his daughter: "Yaoyao, take Uncle Zhao's younger brother and sister to play. Your Uncle Zhao and I have something to talk about. You take good care of them."

"Yeah." Zhou Yaoyao nodded obediently, and then looked at Xingxing and Guoguo: "Let's go play."

Xingxing and Guoguo looked at Yang Xue, and after getting Yang Xue's approval, they followed Zhou Yaoyao to leave.

Seeing that the two children were so sensible.

Everyone was envious again.

"Mr. Zhao, how about a baby marriage!"

Suddenly, someone said something.

Others' eyes lit up.

Zhao Han pulled his mouth: "The child is still young, and this is not popular now, so don't mention it."

You are greedy for my son's body, how despicable!

He is only five years old!

I am an adult, isn't it good to be greedy for me?

"Mr. Zhao, let's talk over here." Zhou Wenwu said.

Zhao Han followed Zhou Wenwu away.

Zhou Wenwu's wife went to greet Yang Xue.

"Village Chief Zhao, are you interested in expanding the tourism project in Taoyuan Village?" Zhou Wenwu asked with a smile as he walked to the sofa by the window and sat down.

Zhao Han raised his eyebrows and said, "Does Mayor Zhou have any good fortune to help me?"

"Taoyuan Village borders Daba Mountain. This thousand-mile Daba Mountain has infinite scenery on the dangerous peaks. Has Village Chief Zhao ever considered developing the Yuelong Gorge connected to Taoyuan Village?" Zhou Wenwu suggested with a smile.

Tongzhou is already developing the tourism industry.

And Taoyuan Village is also developing the tourism industry.

In this case, why not let Zhao Han expand the scale of the Taoyuan Village project and make Taoyuan Village and Yuelong Gorge a landmark tourism project in Tongzhou City?

After all, Taoyuan Village just borders Yuelong Gorge.

Zhao Han pondered. Yuelong Mountain is the highest mountain in Taiping County, and Yuelong Gorge is the most dangerous gorge in Tongzhou. It is very difficult to develop.

Zhou Wenwu knew what he was worried about, so he further persuaded him: "It's not like we are going to develop it together."

"You can build the Taoyuan Village tourism project first, and then take your time with Yuelong Gorge. If you are willing to take it, the policy will definitely be tilted towards you."

"Mayor Zhou is soI said, even for your sake, I have to agree. " Zhao Han laughed and said something polite.

It takes a lot of money to build Yuelong Gorge.

But with Taoyuan Village behind him, Zhao Han doesn't have to worry about the funds at all, nor does he have to worry about the flow of tourists in the future.

Since it is confirmed that this project can make money.

It's better not to miss it.

What's more, if Yuelong Gorge is developed, the economy of the entire Taiping County will be fully driven.

Just consider it as a contribution to the construction of my hometown.

Zhou Wenwu was overjoyed and handed a glass of wine to Zhao Han: "This glass wishes Mr. Zhao a prosperous business!"

The two clinked their glasses and drank it all.

In the opposite corner, a group of second-generation people who were not much younger than Zhao Han looked at this scene with complicated eyes.

"Alas, it suddenly feels boring. He is about the same age, and he is already chatting and laughing with our parents, while we are still playing with girls all day. ”

A young man in a white shirt sighed.

“Yes, yes, yes, I was wondering why I felt a little empty in my heart, this is the reason.”

“Tsk, it’s just that I have the Peach Blossom Fruit and I’m lucky.” Someone else said sourly.

“By the way, why didn’t Wu Ping come tonight?”

“Yes, his parents didn’t come either.”

The second generation suddenly realized that an old friend was missing.

“Wu Ping is in the police station, and his parents are almost worried to death because he offended that person. "

An insider signaled Zhao Han with his eyes.

Everyone gasped.

They stopped talking about this topic in tacit understanding.

Zhao Han was in the same position as their fathers, and it was no longer for them to comment and tease casually.

Zhao Han didn't know that the second generation of Tongzhou was afraid of him. He was chatting happily with Zhou Wenwu.


Suddenly, Zhao Han's cell phone rang.

"Excuse me." Zhao Han said to Zhou Wenwu, and then answered the phone: "Hello."

"Mr. Zhao, your bird is going to get me pregnant!"

What the hell is this tiger and wolf talk?

"Puff-cough, cough..." Zhou Wenwu sprayed out a mouthful of wine and kept coughing because of choking.

He looked at Zhao Han's crotch with a strange look.

Zhao Han's face changed: "What are you talking about, who are you, don't wrongly accuse me!"

"Sorry, I said the wrong thing, it was Mr. Zhao, your pet bird is going to get my bird pregnant. "

The other party quickly explained.

Zhao Han was stunned. Is it Xiao Ba?

What is this guy doing?


PS: There are only three chapters today, and five chapters will be updated tomorrow. I hope you can understand, because I have to update so much while working. I am very tired. I have to work first. Please urge me to update!

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