Rural Dad

Chapter 185

On Monday, Zhao Han sent his child to kindergarten.

On the way, he saw mature fruit trees being transported into the village by trucks. These were all bought by Yang Ming.

Dozens of trucks have been transported in the past few days.

Every time Zhao Han saw these carefully selected fruit trees, he would smile sincerely.

Because these were all selected by Yang Ming!

Yang Ming is not only a great contributor to the development of Taoyuan Village, but also a contributor who is dedicated to helping him make money.

"The vast horizon is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green mountains..." Xiao Ba has a unique musical taste and swayed on the center console.

Guo Guo covered his ears: "It's so bad!"

"I think this song is very nice." Xiao Ba, who was immersed in the world of music, opened his eyes.

Xing Xing said lightly: "She said that your singing is bad, almost like the pigs in the pigpen."

"Yeah, yeah." Guo Guo nodded.

Xiao Ba exploded immediately: "Children are just children, they have no appreciation level. Netizens in my live broadcast room praised my singing and asked me to participate in Xiaguo Good Voice. I have already signed up."

"What?" Zhao Han almost had a car accident and looked at it in shock: "You really signed up?"

"Why do you think I have been practicing singing these days?" Xiao Ba held his head high, shook his wings and said: "Netizens said that Xiaguo music scene cannot do without me, just like Xiaguo cannot do without Cao County!"

"It's over, that group of netizens is really wicked, they have completely fooled you." Zhao Han shook his head.

Xiao Ba, this guy, immersed in the flattery of netizens, really thought he was a singing god, but he didn't know that everyone was coaxing him to make a fool of himself.

Other contestants said they would make a fool of themselves, that was modesty.

But Xiao Ba really went up to make a fool of himself!

Xiao Ba sighed: "There are too many people like you who don't understand music, so I want to participate in the Voice of China, so that more people can appreciate my superb singing voice, Ah Laso, that is Qingzang..."

As he spoke, he started singing again.

"Stop, stop, stop! We are one family, don't speak." Zhao Han stopped it from murdering his ears in time.

Xiao Ba said "tsk", "Aren't you going to Chengdu on May Day? It just so happens that Mr. Ba is going to participate in the audition of Chengdu Station. I will definitely be selected by the judges."

"Alas, you always come up with some new tricks for me." Zhao Han sighed. Among the guys at home, only Jiji and Dahuang are worry-free.

Xiao Ba flew to the back row, looked at Xingxing and Guoguo in a showy manner and said, "You two little guys still have time to ask me for autographs now, otherwise Mr. Ba will not easily sign autographs when I become a singer."

"Can you write?" Guoguo was full of curiosity.

Xiao Ba said proudly: "No, but I can stamp you with my noble feet."

He raised a paw.

"No, I'm afraid you have athlete's foot." Xingxing shook his head and politely refused it.

Guoguo chuckled.

Xiao Ba was furious: "You must know that thirty years in the east, and thirty years in the west, don't bully the poor young!"

"Don't bully the poor middle-aged, don't bully the poor old, and then... the dead are the greatest?" Xingxing said lightly.

Xiao Ba buried his head in his wings and didn't want to pay attention to Xingxing. Compared with Xingxing, Guoguo was still cute.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the kindergarten.


Xingxing and Guoguo ran out of the car quickly.

"Here, one for each of you, go in." Yang Xue stretched out her hands behind her back and spread them out. There were two chocolates.

"Thank you, Auntie!"

Xingxing and Guoguo grabbed them and ran in.

Zhao Han opened the car door and got out, smiling at Yang Xue: "The wedding is set, when do you think we can go choose wedding dresses and take wedding photos?"

It is tentatively scheduled for the summer vacation, which is only three or four months away. It seems early, but it is not far away.

The wedding can be prepared now.

"Are you impatient?" Yang Xue walked in front of Zhao Han and looked at him coquettishly.

Today she was wearing a pink cheongsam modified hip skirt, with a round opening on the chest, revealing a little white, outlining her slender waist and perky buttocks.

Zhao Han hugged her waist: "Nonsense, if you don't get married, you won't let me in. You keep rubbing outside the door, and even a layer of skin will be rubbed off by me."

"Bah." Yang Xue blushed and glared at him with seductive eyes: "I'm free today."

"It's a pity that I'm not free today. I have to attend the completion ceremony of Taoyuan Highway. County leaders will also come. I can't be absent." Zhao Han shrugged.

That's right, Taoyuan Highway has been completely completed.

A completion ceremony will be held at the entrance of the village today.

Yang Xue stretched out her little hand to help him straighten the collar of his white shirt: "No wonder you are dressed so neatly and formally today, so handsome, you are worthy of being my husband.""Every time I look in the mirror and see my handsome face, I feel that you are getting a bargain." Zhao Han sighed.

Yang Xue rolled her eyes at him: "Bah, your brother-in-law said he would prepare a wedding gift for us that he had worked hard on. I don't know what he is up to."

"We'll know when the time comes. It's almost time. I'll leave first." Zhao Han kindly helped her pat the dust off her buttocks and got into the car.

Yang Xue glared at him charmingly, then snorted, turned around, twisted her waist and left.

From the back, the tight cheongsam outlined the curves of the body vividly, and the outline of the peach buttocks was full and round. At this moment, Zhao Han wanted to become a shareholder.

Reverse, turn around, and drive to the village.

When Zhao Han returned to the village.

A banner had already been put up at the entrance of the village: Warmly celebrate the official completion and opening of Taoyuan Highway!

"Brother Han, everything has been arranged. Just waiting for the county leaders." Wang Kui ran over quickly.

It must be said that Wang Kui is indeed capable. After becoming the deputy village chief, he managed the village in an orderly manner.

Wang Ying came over: "Just now, County Magistrate Wu's secretary called back and said that the leaders are on the way."

Since becoming the village accountant, Wang Ying has been rejuvenated and looks much more energetic.

Even a simple floral shirt and black straight pants can't cover her plump and mature body.

"Let the villagers get ready."

Zhao Han said.

Ten minutes later, several cars drove over.

It was the county government's car. Today is a big day for Taoyuan Village. The county magistrate and directors of various bureaus are here.

"Welcome, welcome! Warm welcome!"

After the car stopped, the villagers began to beat gongs and drums.

After County Magistrate Wu got off the car, he walked towards Zhao Han with a group of county government officials with a smile on his face.

"County Magistrate Wu, leaders, welcome everyone." Zhao Han stepped forward and shook hands with everyone one by one.

County Magistrate Wu laughed and said, "This road is well built, better than the roads in the county."

"This is all thanks to everyone..." Zhao Han hadn't finished speaking when the phone in his pocket rang.

County Magistrate Wu joked, "It seems that Village Chief Zhao is busy with work, so you should answer the phone first."

"Wang Kui, you come and greet the leader." Zhao Han shouted, then took out his phone and walked aside.


"Zhao Han, Xiao Ao was in a car accident!" Yang Xue's crying voice came from the phone.

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