Rural Dad

Chapter 190

"Mr. Zhao... the perpetrator has turned himself in."

Officer Zheng's voice came from the phone.

"Turn himself in?" Zhao Han frowned.

He felt that something was wrong the first time.

Officer Zheng hesitated and said, "Yes, he turned himself in."

"Is there any problem here?" Zhao Han heard that his tone was wrong, so he asked.

Officer Zheng said, "Come to the county bureau if it is convenient for you. The family of the perpetrator wants to talk to you in person and hopes that you can issue a letter of apology."

"You dare to ask me for a letter of apology? Let them prepare the suicide note first." Zhao Han was so angry that he laughed.

Officer Zheng was timid and didn't dare to answer this.

Zhao Han was cold and silent for a while: "I'll come right away."

Then he hung up the phone and sent a WeChat message to Yang Xue, saying that he would pick her up later.

After all, Yang Xue is Yang Ao's direct relative.

"What happened? A letter of apology and a suicide note?" Zhao Jiang asked, putting down his bowl and chopsticks.

Zhao Han had nothing to hide from him: "Yang Ao was hit by a red light runner and almost died..."

"What's the difference between this bastard and intentional murder!" Zhao Jiang was so angry that he cursed.

Guoguo looked up, tears gradually filling her eyes: "Will Brother Yang Ao die?"

Xingxing also bit her chopsticks and said nothing.

"It's okay, he's fine, I'll take you to see him in two days." Zhao Han comforted her.

Guoguo sniffed: "Yeah, daddy must punish the bad guy who hit Brother Yang Ao."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, wait for me to come back at home." Zhao Han kissed her on the face.

Then he turned and walked out of the yard.

Xiao Ba flapped his wings and chased after him: "I'm going too, Master Ba and Yang Ao are also a little bit friends."

His Master Ba is also a loyal bird!

Zhao Han brought Xiao Ba to Yang Xue's house.

Yang Xue had been waiting at the door for a long time.

After seeing Zhao Han's car parked, she went around to the passenger seat and got in the car: "I won't sign the letter of understanding."

"I definitely won't sign it, but I heard that Officer Zheng's tone was not right. I guess there is something else inside. Just leave it to me later." Zhao Han started the car.

Xiao Ba flew to Yang Xue's hand: "Don't worry, although Zhao Han doesn't have artistic cells like Mr. Ba, his ability to handle other aspects is still slightly better than Mr. Ba."

"Thank you, Xiao Ba." Yang Xue forced a smile.

Xiao Ba said: "Seeing that you are in a low mood, I will sing a song for you, which will make you feel better."

Then it started to roar at the top of its voice.

Then... Yang Xue felt even worse.


Half an hour later, the county police station.

"Mr. Zhao, please come this way." The young police officer who had been waiting at the door to pick them up took them in.

After entering an office, Zhao Han saw several people inside at a glance, and Chen Hao was also present.

There was also a middle-aged couple dressed in bright clothes.

"Village Chief Zhao, these two are the employers of the perpetrator, Mr. Wu Qilong, and his wife." Chen Hao pointed at the middle-aged couple and introduced them to Zhao Han.

Zhao Han narrowed his eyes slightly: "Employer?"

Wu Qilong looked to be in his forties, wearing a black suit, slightly fat, and kind.

"Mr. Zhao, I have heard of you for a long time, and today I finally meet you." Wu Qilong stood up and walked up with a kind smile on his face, extending a hand.

Zhao Han directly ignored his outstretched hand.

The smile on Wu Qilong's face froze, and the outstretched hand also froze in mid-air.

But he soon returned to normal and took back his hand without caring: "I am really sorry, it was the driver who stole my car that caused the tragedy. When I found out, I brought him here from Rongcheng to surrender as soon as possible."

"Did his driver really hit him?" Zhao Han didn't believe what he said at all, and turned his head to look at Chen Hao directly.

Chen Hao said: "The surveillance camera has been in disrepair for a long time and no one was photographed. The driver admitted it, and his movement trajectory and fingerprints on the steering wheel also match."

"Mr. Zhao, what do you mean by this? Do you suspect that I arranged for the driver to take the blame? I respect the law, life and you, so I made this trip in person. Do you suspect me?" Wu Qilong's face darkened.

Zhao Han said coldly: "Then you are really responsible as an employer. Not only did you personally send the driver to surrender, but you also asked for a letter of forgiveness for the driver."

"Alas, Mr. Zhao, the driver is also a human being. He has been with me for so many years. As a boss, you have to be worthy of him." Wu Qilong said in a high-sounding manner.

At this time, his wife spoke up: "The person is not dead, and he will not be disabled. No one wants this to happen. Why do you have to hold on to it? You should know that you should forgive others when you can."

"Ha! What a joke! You hit my brother, but now it is our fault?" Yang Xue was so angry that her pretty face turned blue and her delicate body trembled slightlytremble.

Mrs. Wu had a blank expression on her face, and her tone was condescending: "I am only analyzing from the actual situation, I have no other intention...ah!"

She suddenly screamed and covered her head in panic, because Xiao Ba flew over her head and pooped.

"Ha ha ha! Mr. Ba just can't stand your pretentious look! No one can pretend in front of Mr. Ba!"

"Ah! Get rid of this dead bird!" Mrs. Wu ran away with her head in her hands, and her head was soon covered with bird poop.

Xiao Ba chased and dropped bombs like a bomber.

Wu Qilong looked at Zhao Han with anger on his face.

Zhao Han's expression remained calm: "What's the point of arguing with a beast? You are worse than a beast?"

"You..." Wu Qilong pointed at him, then sneered and said: "Mr. Zhao, I came here with good intentions. Since you want to doubt me, then go find evidence. Goodbye, never see you again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he protected his wife and walked out. Xiao Ba flew over his head and took a shit again.

Wu Qilong ran away with a sullen face.

"Mr. Zhao, in fact, we also suspect that there is a problem, but we have to rely on evidence to solve the case." Chen Hao sighed apologetically, and they could do nothing to help.

After all, it is now ironclad evidence.

Zhao Han said: "It is understandable that the surveillance in Taiping County has been in disrepair for a long time. After all, it is a small county, but since the car came from Rongcheng, it is impossible that the surveillance along the way did not capture who was driving?"

"We have retrieved it. The driver was driving all the way, and there was no second person in the car in the surveillance." Chen Hao said.

All the evidence clearly pointed to the driver.

But Zhao Han didn't believe he was wrong. He could smell the bloody smell coming from Wu Qilong from a distance. He was obviously a man with a life on his hands.

And there was more than one.

Otherwise Zhao Han wouldn't have this feeling.

Those who had given Zhao Han this feeling before were all foreign drug lords, gang leaders and other criminal gang leaders.

Wu Qilong is definitely not a legitimate businessman!

Moreover, Wu Qilong's attitude can be described as arrogant and domineering. It was obvious that he told Zhao Han that there was something wrong with this matter, but what can you do to me without evidence?

Wu Qilong was not only defying the law.

He was also defying him, Zhao Han!

Zhao Han said, "I want to see the driver."

"Okay." Chen Hao nodded.

The driver is now in the interrogation room.

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