Rural Dad

Chapter 198

Fucheng City Police Station.

The conference room was full of people.

"Everyone is here, please let Director Chen from Taiping County Bureau introduce the situation to everyone." Gao Hanwen, the head of Fucheng Police Station, looked around and said.

Chen Hao stood up: "According to the accurate information we have obtained, Wu Qilong, chairman of Wu Group, is suspected of making and selling flour, intentional homicide and other crimes."


The conference room exploded instantly.

"Wu Qilong? How is it possible? Isn't he a philanthropist? He donated tens of millions last month."

"Yeah, this is too hidden."

"Quiet! Quiet!" Gao Hanwen knocked on the table and scolded twice: "What are you like!"

The conference room was quiet again.

Gao Hanwen motioned Chen Hao to take a seat, then stood up and said: "I have applied to mobilize the armed police force to cooperate with us in the arrest mission..."

"Dongdongdong!" The door of the conference room was knocked.

Gao Hanwen frowned slightly: "Come in."

The door opened, and a policeman holding Xiao Ba said with a strange look: "Director Gao, this bird said it was here to deliver important information, I dare not delay..."

"Okay, you did the right thing, Xiao Ba is a hero who has made many outstanding achievements." Gao Hanwen said.

Xiao Ba flew to the desk proudly, raised his head majestically and said: "Comrades, I have already investigated deep into the enemy's lair, and now I, the hero Xiao Ba, will introduce the situation on the scene to everyone."


Everyone was amused by Xiao Ba's appearance.

The originally solemn atmosphere was much more relaxed.

"Comrade Xiao Ba, please speak." Gao Hanwen said with a smile.

Xiao Ba said with his head held high: "There are security guards at the front and back doors of the construction site. I observed that they were active on the third floor. In addition, Wang Qilong is also at the construction site."

"Wang Qilong is also there?" Zhao Han immediately looked at Gao Hanwen: "Director Gao, I suggest taking action immediately."

"Everyone stand up, let's start arranging tonight's arrest mission! Operation code - "Hunting"!"

Gao Hanwen said loudly.


All the police stood up.


At the same time, the city's armed police detachment.

"Beep beep-beep-beep-"

With the piercing assembly whistle.

One after another, the neatly dressed armed police soldiers rushed out of the dormitory building at the fastest speed.

"Stand at attention!"

With an order, the sound of "snap" of heels aligning with each other sounded, and then the whole scene was silent, and a solemn atmosphere instantly spread.

The captain said: "Just now, we received an order from our superiors to cooperate with the police to carry out an arrest operation. The target of the arrest has a large number of guns and is extremely vicious. Tell me if you are afraid."

"No! No! No!"

Everyone held a steel gun, with a firm face and eyes looking straight ahead, and shouted in unison, like a thunderous explosion.

"Shout slogans." The captain said.

"Practice for war! War must win!"

"Practice for war! War must win!"

"Practice for war! War must win!"

In the armed police station, in the dark night, the neat slogans were like a surging tide, one wave higher than the other.

"Everyone! Turn right!"

"Get on the bus!"

One by one, armed police officers and soldiers boarded the military vehicles in an orderly and neat manner.

As the roar of the engine sounded, several military vehicles turned on the turn signal and slowly drove out of the station gate.


In the Furongyuan construction site

All the younger brothers have been sent out.

Only Wu Qilong and the bald man were in the factory.

Wu Qilong looked at the female corpse under his feet and asked coldly: "Is this the business matter you mentioned?"

"Brother, I don't want to either. Who knew she was so frivolous." The bald man scratched the back of his head.

The reason why he used the excuse of discussing business matters to send others out first was that he was afraid that so many people would see him being taught a lesson by Wu Qilong and it would be embarrassing.

"How many are still alive?" Wu Qilong asked.

The bald man said: "There are still four, and this one was accidentally killed by me this afternoon."

Wu Qilong has strict restrictions on his subordinates.

These flour makers are not allowed to leave the construction site.

But in order to solve their physiological needs, five beautiful women were captured and locked up here.

They can solve their physiological problems.

And they can be used as hostages at critical times.

"Let them die, just put them in the mixer and mix them in the wall." Wu Qilong sighed.

The bald man breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, big brother."

Today, the big brother did not blame him.

"Mr. Wu! Big brother, something is wrong!"

A younger brother rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qilong asked.

The younger brother swallowed his saliva and said, "I just went upstairs to smoke and saw a lot of cars outside. I'm afraid they are the police.The land has been fenced off."

"What!" Wu Qilong's face changed instantly.

The bald man was also shocked and angry: "How did the police suddenly find this place? How did they find it!"

"It's meaningless to say this now. Tell the brothers to load their guns and bring out the four women who are still alive." Wang Qilong's thinking was very clear.

He was also very puzzled why this place was suddenly exposed, but this was not the time to think about it.

Of course, he never dreamed of it.

It was his good son who betrayed him.

Outside the construction site, armed police with live ammunition cooperated with criminal police to complete the blockade of the entire construction site.

"Directly attack?" Chen Hao asked.

Just at this moment, a shout came from inside.

"Police outside, listen to me! Don't act rashly, we have hostages!"

Zhao Han and others looked at each other. They hadn't shouted yet, but the bandits shouted first.

"Help! Help! "

There were several cries for help from inside.

"Four women were held captive, and Master Ba saw it." Xiao Ba fell from the sky.

Everyone's face darkened instantly.

Gao Hanwen gritted his teeth: "Wu Qilong, this bastard, actually prepared the hostages long ago."

"Give me the loudspeaker." Chen Hao took the loudspeaker and shouted inside: "Wu Qilong, you must not hurt the hostages, we can talk about anything."

"Don't fucking fool me, you still think this is a movie, right? Do you really think I don't know that you can't let us go?" Wu Qilong said with disdain.

He knew that the police would not be threatened, let alone let them go, and they could only kill their way out if they wanted to leave.

Chen Hao shouted: "Since you know, then you should lay down your weapons and surrender, so as to strive for leniency!"

"Leniency is bullshit, I have committed enough crimes to be shot a hundred times!" Wu Qilong sneered.

Chen Hao asked: "What do you want? "

"If you want the hostages in my hands, it's okay. Use Zhao Han in exchange! I know he must be there!"

"Zhao Han, you have been a soldier, it depends on whether you have the awareness and courage to sacrifice yourself to save these four innocent women!" Wu Qilong shouted.

It can be seen how much he hates Zhao Han.

Zhao Han said to Chen Hao: "Promise him."

"No! This guy obviously knows that he is at the end of the road. He wants to fight hard and will drag you down with him no matter what." Gao Hanwen wanted to dispel his idea.

Zhao Han narrowed his eyes: "Listen to me."

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