Rural Dad

Chapter 214

The Xia people and the islanders have a deep blood feud.

In fact, throughout modern history, there have been many foreign armies that have fought against the Xia.

There are the hegemonic ugly countries, the ungrateful Annan monkeys, and the Indian brothers who drink Ganges water.

But the islanders are definitely the number one enemy of the Xia!

In the Lushun Massacre, the islanders killed people in the city for four days and three nights, and only 36 people were left alive in the city.

In the Nanjing Massacre, the death toll was as high as more than 300,000, and the entire city of Nanjing was devastated.

They burned, killed, and looted in China, and even held killing competitions, and used the Xia people for human experiments.

And the islanders have not yet admitted the numerous crimes they have committed on the land of China.

Zhao Han also hates the islanders, not to mention the official people of the islanders, which is even more annoying.

So after having a hunch that the two were spies from the islanders.

Zhao Han couldn't wait to deal with them.

Do you really think this is the Xia Kingdom a hundred years ago, where they can come and go as they please?

"Hanzi, something happened, huhu~"

As soon as Zhao Han went out, Wang Ying ran over breathlessly, stuttering and speaking hurriedly.

"Sister-in-law, tell me what happened slowly."

Seeing Wang Ying so anxious, Zhao Han didn't care about the two spies anymore, because they couldn't run away anyway.

Wang Ying took a few deep breaths, then wiped the sweat off her face and said, "Two tourists from the island country stepped on your uncle's vegetable garden and were rude. Your uncle had a quarrel with them. Go and have a look."

"Okay." Zhao Han smiled intriguingly.

At the same time, the vegetable garden of Zhao Hai's family was crowded with people, all tourists and villagers from Taoyuan Village.

Zhao Hai was confronting two islanders.

They were the two spies, Yamamoto and Suzuki.

"The Japanese are so great! You stepped on my vegetable garden and still acted so arrogantly, damn it, do you think this is 37 years!" Zhao Hai shouted.

"Baga!" Suzuki cursed, looking at Zhao Hai coldly: "I have already compensated you."

The road was too narrow and there were too many people. They were in a hurry to leave and took a shortcut through the vegetable garden. Unexpectedly, they were seen by Zhao Hai, and they felt unlucky.

"Is this the attitude of compensation? You just threw the money on the ground. Who the hell are you insulting? Pick up the money and give it to me, and then apologize to me, otherwise don't think about leaving today!" Zhao Hai's attitude was very tough.

"Uncle, you are going too far. We are a country of etiquette. We should be tolerant of foreign friends. Just take a step back." A young man persuaded Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai glared at him: "We should be tolerant of foreign friends? Do they act like friends? People like you must have been traitors decades ago!"

"You..." The man was so angry that his face turned blue.

There is a term for this kind of people: Japanese-philosophers, which means spiritual Japanese people who like to lick the Japanese and belittle their own country.

The other tourists burst into laughter instantly.

"If you do something wrong, you should apologize! What's wrong with Japanese people? Japanese people should have more!"

"That's right, I thought this was 100 years ago when you were the queen in Xia Country, apologize!"

"Apologize! Otherwise you are not allowed to leave, apologize!"

Japanese-philosophers are a minority after all, and most tourists are normal people, cheering for Zhao Hai.

"Bakayar! A bunch of unruly people!"

Suzuki cursed with gritted teeth. If it was decades ago, he would definitely learn from those predecessors and chop off the heads of all these Xia country untouchables!

Yamamoto pulled him and signaled him not to make trouble, after all, they came with a mission.

The top priority now is to leave.

"Sorry, old man, my friend is too impulsive." Yamamoto bent down and picked up the money.

"Young people are always impulsive."

A neutral voice sounded.

"Mr. Zhao is here."

"Village Chief Zhao is here."

"Han Zi is here, make way."

Everyone made way.

Zhao Han calmly walked in front of Yamamoto and Suzuki: "Just bear the consequences of your impulsiveness."

Suzuki looked at Zhao Han coldly.

Yamamoto was obviously much more tactful, with a humble smile on his face: "Mr. Zhao, I have heard of you for a long time."


Zhao Han raised his hand and slapped Yamamoto, who was directly beaten several meters away and fell to the ground.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

No one expected Zhao Han to take action directly.

And he was so strong that he could easily beat an adult man away with a slap.

Is this really a power that a human can have?

Suzuki was also stunned for a while, and when he reacted, he was furious: "Baga..."


"Stop talking!" Zhao Han kicked him in the abdomen. Suzuki screamed, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew out and fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned.Too cruel, really too cruel.

But why does it feel so good?

Yamamoto endured the pain, a flash of humiliation and anger in his eyes: "Mr. Zhao, is this your way of treating guests? I will definitely expose you!"

"Guests? Friends come with meat, jackals come with knives and guns, are you guests?" Zhao Han smiled contemptuously and said, "Go search their inner pockets."

Wang Kui and Liu Hai immediately walked towards the two.

Others looked at each other when they saw this scene.

Is there any inside story?

Suzuki and Yamamoto's faces suddenly changed.

"What are you doing! You have no right to search us, you are violating human rights!"

"I must complain to the embassy about you, Zhao Han, you are causing diplomatic disputes!"

Yamamoto threatened Zhao Han in a stern manner.


Wang Kui raised his hand and slapped Yamamoto in the face: "Fuck your diplomatic disputes, shut up!"

Yamamoto was so angry that his eyes were red and his face was blue.

When had he ever been insulted like this?

A Xia country farmer could slap him!





Yamamoto finally learned his lesson and stopped talking.

Wang Kui and Liu Hai searched their pockets for soil, melon vines and uprooted strawberry seedlings.


The crowd was in an uproar.

"These two are spies, they are here to steal samples!" There are many knowledgeable people among the tourists.

"Damn, the little devils really have bad intentions."

"Fortunately, Village Chief Zhao has a sharp eye."

"Kill them! Just kill them!"

The crowd gathered together like a barrel of explosives, and as long as there is a spark, it will explode instantly.

New and old hatreds surged in their hearts.

All the tourists were filled with righteous indignation.

"We just want to leave a souvenir, we are not spies, Mr. Zhao, what evidence do you have to prove that we are spies!" Yamamoto was struggling to death.

"Bang!" Zhao Han stepped on his head, making his face come into close contact with the ground.

Looking down at him: "Evidence? Who do you think you are to ask me for evidence? Finding evidence is the job of the police, I am only responsible for dealing with you."

Yamamoto gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Zhao Han looked around and showed a gentle smile: "Next, let's play a game. This game is voluntarily participated by two island spies."

"We don't participate!" Yamamoto roared.

Zhao Han stepped on his mouth and was quiet.

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