Rural Dad

Chapter 24

Zhao Han didn't expect the cherries to sell so quickly.

It's only ten o'clock in the morning.

Xingxing and Guoguo won't get out of school until four in the afternoon.

It's too early for him to go back to Qingshi Town now.

So Zhao Han is going to go to the county government.

He wants to talk to the county magistrate about his development plan for Taoyuan Village and ask the county for some policy support.

As for why he didn't go to the mayor, it's because Qingshi Town's finances have always been negative!

Forget about asking the town for funding.

Zhao Han went to the public toilet on the way and counted today's gains while he was there.

A total of 32,700 yuan was sold.

A monthly income of one million is not a dream!

This money is too easy to make.

He suddenly thought of his ex-wife, the woman who devoted herself to her career and was obsessed with money.

If she knew how easy it was for her to make money now, I don't know how she would feel.

But then he smiled again. What happened in the past is over. What's the point of still holding a grudge?

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Han arrived at the county government.

"Hello, comrade. Please register. What are you here for?" The guard stopped Zhao Han.

Zhao Han said, "I'm looking for County Magistrate Wu. Please call him and say my name is Zhao Han."

"Zhao Han, right? Please wait." The guard looked at Zhao Han and went into the guard room to make a phone call.

After a while, he came out again with a more enthusiastic smile on his face: "Comrade Zhao Han, County Magistrate Wu is waiting for you in the office, the first room on the left on the third floor."

"Thank you." Zhao Han smiled slightly, then rode his motorcycle to the side of the government building and stopped.

He walked to the third floor, but found six or seven people standing outside the county magistrate's office when he arrived there.

These people looked at Zhao Han, nodded slightly to him as a greeting, and ignored him.

Zhao Han also smiled in response.

Perhaps it was his smile that made people feel good about him. One of the middle-aged men asked, "Which department are you from, little brother? Or which township?"

"Hello, big brother, neither of them. I am the village chief of Taoyuan Village." Zhao Han answered calmly.

"Village chief?" Everyone looked at each other and felt like laughing. A village chief also wanted to see the county chief?

"Little brother, if you have anything to say, you should go to the town government. County Chief Wu is very busy. We have been waiting for two days, not to mention you, a small village chief."

The middle-aged man who first spoke to Zhao Han persuaded with a smile.

Soon, the door of the office opened, and a tall young man with a flat head walked out.

"Secretary Yang..."

Several people outside the door rushed up.

Secretary Yang raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. After looking around, he asked, "Excuse me, who is Zhao Han?"

"Me." Zhao Han stepped forward quickly.

Secretary Yang smiled politely: "Mr. Zhao, the county magistrate invites you in, please come in."

The people who had been waiting outside the door for a long time were all staring at Zhao Han in amazement, their faces full of disbelief.

The clown turned out to be me?

"Thank you." Zhao Han ignored these people and went directly into the office with Secretary Yang.

"Who is this person? Is he really a village chief?"

"It must be fake, this village chief is too awesome..."

Several people outside the door were talking in low voices.

Zhao Han entered the office and saw County Magistrate Wu who was reviewing documents behind his desk.

His face was dark, obviously he didn't rest well.

After all, you have to manage the people's livelihood of a county, and it is a poor county. You can imagine how much pressure it is.

"Xiao Zhao is here, sit down." County Magistrate Wu greeted with a smile and said, "Xiao Yang, make a cup of tea."

"Yes." Secretary Yang made a cup of tea for Zhao Han.

Zhao Han received it politely: "Thank you, Brother Yang."

"It's my duty." Secretary Yang smiled slightly.

County Magistrate Wu waved his hand: "You go and get busy."

Secretary Yang nodded slightly and turned to leave.

"Xiao Zhao, I'm afraid you don't come here for no reason." County Magistrate Wu said directly.

Zhao Han smiled: "County Magistrate Wu, you are right. I came here today to seek support from the county for the development of our Taoyuan Village."

"Oh? This is going to take action. Village Magistrate Xiao Zhao is also a man who wants to do things. Tell me." County Magistrate Wu crossed his hands on the table of his desk.

He was very curious about what this little hero who had been named in the city thought about economic development.

Zhao Han pondered for a moment: "The current preliminary plan is to develop the planting industry, reopen the village school, and build roads, all of which cannot be achieved without the support of the county."

"Planting industry, I remember your family is engaged in orchards, planting industry is not easy to do, do you have the confidence to do it well?" County Magistrate Wu asked thoughtfully.

Poor counties generally engage in planting, and the county has planned several times before, but all ended in failure.

So he feltZhao Han is still too young.

Zhao Han smiled and said, "There weren't any before, but there are definitely some now. Taoyuan Village should have a special geological environment, and the fruits ripen early. The cherries in our orchard are ripe. We sold a batch today, and they are selling very well."

"Taoyuan Village cherries." County Magistrate Wu muttered to himself, and then his eyes lit up: "Today, my circle of friends was flooded with the sky-high price of Taoyuan cherries..."

"That's me." Zhao Han admitted directly.

County Magistrate Wu was shocked: "You really sell it for 100 yuan per cherry, and it's sold out. Isn't it hype?"

"County Magistrate Wu, I dare not lie in front of you, it's true." Zhao Han looked sure.

County Magistrate Wu laughed out loud: "Then you will be rich, no, it is your Taoyuan Village that will be rich. The fact that these cherries are sold at such a high price is enough to prove that they are worth the money, and it also fully proves that the quality of the fruits produced in your Taoyuan Village is excellent."

"County Magistrate Wu, to be precise, it is our Taiping County that will be rich. When Taoyuan Village develops, won't it drive the county's economy?" Zhao Han corrected.

County Magistrate Wu stood up excitedly and said a few good words: "Common prosperity, common prosperity, I agree to reopen the village school, and the county has also approved the road construction funds for your village. This is all the county can do in terms of economy, but I will give you whatever you want in terms of policy! Go ahead and do it!"

Taiping County is a poor county. Once Taoyuan Village develops, the economy will take off completely.

After all, Taoyuan Village's sky-high cherries at 100 yuan each are snatched up by people, so why worry about not being able to develop?

"County Magistrate Wu, I feel relieved to do it after hearing your words." Zhao Han did not expect to get the unexpected surprise of road construction funds. If he wanted to be rich, he had to build roads first.

Taiping County was really too poor. It was already very good that the county finance could allocate road construction funds to him.

And he did not lack money. As long as the county could give him policy support and fully support him, that would be enough.

Then the two talked a lot, exchanged personal contact information, and had lunch together at noon.

Soon everyone in the county government compound knew that there was a great little village chief who was highly valued by the county magistrate.

In the afternoon, Zhao Han walked around the county, bought some things, and went back to Qingshi Town to pick up his children.

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