Rural Dad

Chapter 26

When Zhao Han arrived at the orchard, he saw a group of monkeys surrounding a fat wild boar.

The wild boar was covered with mud, with long fangs exposed. It weighed about 300 kilograms and rushed around on the ground, making a wheezing sound.

The monkeys threw stones at it and used flexible movements to pull it to prevent it from rushing into the orchard.

"Chijiji!" "Chiji!"

Seeing Zhao Han and Jiji coming, the monkeys, who were facing a great enemy, immediately made a series of calls.

"Well done." Zhao Han rubbed Jiji's head to encourage him. If the wild boar rushed into the orchard and rammed it, the whole orchard would be ruined.

Jiji shouted proudly a few times.

Zhao Han said, "Let your tribe retreat, and let me deal with the beast."

"Jiji!" Jiji called twice, and the monkeys dispersed the encirclement and jumped to the edge of the orchard.

The wild boar rushed towards Zhao Han with a whoosh.

Wild boars are very ferocious and will actively attack people. In the wild, it is better to meet a lone wolf than a wild boar.

In the absence of hot weapons, it is basically unpredictable for a single person to face a mad wild boar.

Of course, this is talking about ordinary people.

Zhao Han is not ordinary. Facing the oncoming wild boar splashing mud, he threw away the shovel and prepared to take it with his bare hands, just to test his strength limit.

The wild boar was getting closer and closer. Zhao Han seized the opportunity to slide and shovel. At the moment when his body fell to the ground, he accurately grabbed the wild boar's tusks with both hands and pulled hard.



The wild boar let out a shrill scream and was dragged to the ground, with one of its tusks broken.

The wild boar fell and rolled on the ground for a few rounds. After getting up again, it ran into the woods.

It was obviously frightened by Zhao Han.

Animals, like humans, have the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm. When facing a strong person, they dare not confront him head-on.

"Chijiji!" "Chiji!"

Seeing that the wild boar was about to run away, the golden monkeys bared their teeth and made threatening sounds, throwing stones at the wild boar.

Zhao Han also hurriedly chased after it, and directly pounced on the wild boar's back, hugged its neck and flipped it over, then pressed the pig's body with one leg, and punched the wild boar's head with the other hand.


The wild boar was bleeding from all seven orifices after being punched a few times, and its struggle became less and less, and it was beaten to death by Zhao Han.

"Chirp!" "Chirp!"

The monkeys watched Zhao Han kill the wild boar, and they all shouted happily, running and jumping around him.

After all, they were working for Zhao Han now.

What's wrong with flattering the boss?

Orcs will never be slaves unless they are provided with food and shelter!

"You covet my fruit, and I covet your body." Zhao Han smiled, got up and wiped the blood splashed on his face, and directly carried the wild boar to go home.

Just after taking two steps, he suddenly reacted, looked back at the monkeys who were looking at him eagerly, and waved his hand and said: "Ten cherries are rewarded to each person."


The monkeys were immediately overjoyed, scrambling to run to the cherry forest, climbing up the trees to pick fruits.

After eating cherries, the IQ of these monkeys also increased significantly, and they could also understand what Zhao Han said.

Jiji also picked ten cherries, picked up the shovel that Zhao Han dropped, and jumped behind him.

"Wow! Xiaohan, where did you get such a big wild boar!" An old man wearing blue cloth, with his trouser legs rolled up and carrying a hoe asked in surprise.

Zhao Han replied: "It ran down from the mountain and wanted to take over my orchard, but I killed it. Uncle Chen, I can't finish eating such a big one. Go and notify everyone in the village to share some meat. I have something to say."

The wild boar was not fanned, so it smelled very bad. It was almost summer, and there was no refrigerator at home. If it was not finished, it would stink, so it was distributed to every household.

"Xiaohan is fierce. He can kill a wild boar by himself. If he was thrown into ancient times, he would be a fierce general!" Uncle Chen gave a thumbs up and praised.

Zhao Han laughed and didn't say anything. When he was in the army, he was already a fierce general.


"Woof woof woof! Woof woof!"

Dahuang smelled the blood and ran out of the yard barking wildly. Xingxing and Guoguo followed him out.

"Grandpa, grandpa! Dad is carrying a monster back!" Guoguo was startled when she saw the wild boar on Zhao Han's back, and turned around and ran to the yard.

"It's a wild boar!" Xingxing didn't have time to explain, she could only shake her head, stupid sister.

Soon Zhao Jiang came out, Guoguo grabbed his pants and hid behind him: "Grandpa, look, the monster is still bleeding, it must be Dad who killed it."

Zhao Jiang's face was full of shock and stunned. A wild boar weighing at least 300 kilograms was killed by his son?

His son is more beastly than a beast!

This strength is too scary!

"Dad! Don't"I was stunned. Hurry up and boil water to shave the pig hair." Zhao Han threw the wild boar in the yard.

Zhao Jiang reacted and went to boil water.

Zhao Han found the yellow barrel.

The yellow barrel is a large wooden barrel. When slaughtering pigs, the pigs are put in it to scald and shave their hair.

Xingxing and Guoguo saw the slaughter of pigs for the first time. They were curious and excited to follow Zhao Han.

Even Jiji was not taken care of.

Jiji and Dahuang's family were not on good terms, and Dahuang roared and forced them to the fence.

Jiji took out the cherries he had just picked.

Dahuang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Chiji." Jiji pointed to the ground.

"Woof! "Da Huang looked fierce, but he finally squatted on the ground obediently, sticking out his tongue.

Ji Ji threw down a cherry, and Da Huang quickly jumped up and opened his mouth to catch it, then wagged his tail at Ji Ji.

Zhao Han was stunned when he saw this scene.

Monkeys are indeed the most human-like creatures, and they have learned to use food to train dogs so quickly.

This is a crushing victory from the perspective of racial intelligence.

"Han Zi, your monkey has become a spirit, and has started to use cherries to train dogs! "A young man came in with a set of pig-killing tools, and was amazed when he saw Jiji feeding Dahuang with cherries.

His name is Liu Hai. He inherited his father's legacy and became a glorious pork seller. He is a famous pig butcher in the surrounding villages, and his income is not fat every year.

This is also the reason why he stayed in the village.

After hearing Uncle Chen's message to ask the villagers to come to Zhao Han's house to share wild boar meat, he came to help kill pigs.

Dahuang turned his head and bared his teeth at Liu Hai.

Liu Hai was stunned: "Fuck, why do I feel that your big yellow dog can understand what I say. "

"Okay, it must be an illusion, come over and help clean up." Zhao Han waved to him.

"Hello, uncle." Guoguo and Xingxing shouted.

Liu Hai smiled: "Hello, do you want to learn to kill pigs from uncle in the future?"

"No! "The two little ghosts ran away quickly.

Soon more people from the village came to help, and some women brought their own ingredients, preparing to make a pig-killing feast at Zhao's house.

The yard suddenly became lively.

Rural areas are like this, it is easy to quarrel over trivial matters, but more often it is heartwarming.

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