Rural Dad

Chapter 54

"Woof woof woof!" "Aoaoao~"

As soon as the car entered the yard, Dahuang came up with two puppies wagging their tails and climbed on him.

"Get off." Zhao Han kicked Dahuang aside.

After getting off the car, Zhao Han looked around and didn't find Gungun. He was immediately puzzled: "Has this guy left again?"

Since he couldn't find it, he didn't look for it.

Anyway, no one dared to do anything to the national treasure.

Zhao Han went to the orchard in the back mountain to find Jiji and asked him to take the monkeys with him to water other orchards.

Every time he went to the orchard to find Jiji, he felt a little tired, so he thought about whether he could buy Jiji a mobile phone, so that it would be convenient to contact.

As long as Jiji could understand what he said, it would be fine.

Monkeys also need to keep up with the technological era.

While the monkeys were watering, Zhao Han took out his mobile phone to read the comments on the video he posted in the morning.

The video he posted in the morning of Gungun being beaten by monkeys yesterday had been viewed 8 million times in half a day.

His Douyin account has also exceeded 5 million followers.

The comment section is full of stupid netizens.

"GunGun: When did my national treasure get bullied to this extent? Wait for me to call the police."

"Pandas are first-class protected animals, and so are golden monkeys. So whose fault is it that they got hurt!"

"It must be the dad's fault. If he didn't bring GunGun and Jiji together, would they fight?"

"The above person has a convincing reason, but why did the monkey and the panda fight for a basin of water?"

These netizens certainly didn't know that the basin of water was a space spiritual spring containing magical power.

After reading a few popular comments, Zhao Han opened the background of the WeChat public account and sent a notification.

"Taoyuan cherries are sold out, but Taoyuan fairy peaches, Taoyuan snow pears and Taoyuan yellow apricots will be on the market tomorrow. I will no longer set up a stall. Those who want to buy can come to Taoyuan Village to trade. The prices of various fruits are different. The purchase limit is 100 pieces each. Those with large quantities are given priority! Come quickly!"

The article has been read 10,000+ times as soon as it was published.

There are constant comments below.

"Do pears have the same effect as cherries?"

"Only cherries have been tested, what if other fruits don't have the same effect as cherries?"

"And it seems that peaches are more expensive than cherries? Doesn't this increase the risk?"

Zhao Han ignored these comments because he believed that many people would still come tomorrow.

After all, although other fruits have not been tested.

But there is the reputation of Taoyuan cherries in front.

His words are worthy of people's trust.

And if those who hesitate miss this opportunity, there will be no such good opportunity in the future.

Because after the road is repaired, Zhao Han will not sell fruits in such large quantities to attract tourists.

It will only attract tourists to come and pick the fruits, and the purchase limit will be reduced from 100 to 10 per person.

Selling to the outside world can only make him rich.

But tourists can make the villagers rich together.

Zhao Han has been a soldier for seven years and is also the village chief. He still has a sense of social responsibility and vision.

It was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon after watering the No. 3 orchard, and Zhao Han was ready to go home to make lunch.

When he got home, he found that Gun Gun was back.

The guy sat at the door with his back to him, burying his head, and his shoulders shrugged, as if he was crying.

"Gun Gun, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Han asked.

Gun Gun turned his head and Zhao Han was stunned.

He saw that Gun Gun's big face was round, his eyelids and cheeks were swollen, one ear was big and the other was small, which looked very funny.

Gun Gun quickly stepped into Zhao Han's arms with his short legs and cried, twitching and crying very pitifully.

But Zhao Han wanted to laugh.

"GunGun, be good, don't cry, hahaha..." Zhao Han hadn't even tried to comfort him before his true face was exposed.

GunGun cried even harder.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, a bear should behave like a bear, how did you get stung by a bee?"

Zhao Han found that there were bees that were killed in GunGun's fur, so its face was obviously the work of bees.

GunGun got down from his arms, stood up and used his claws to pull his legs, with one claw pointing to the door.

She was going to take him to get revenge.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's get revenge."

Zhao Han followed GunGun to the bamboo forest.

Inside, Zhao Han found a large wild beehive, and he could see a gap on the surface of the beehive, and honey was flowing out of the gap.

The hardworking bees were mending the gap.

GuoGuo pointed at the beehive from a distance and gestured.

Obviously, it wanted to steal the honey, and the gap in the beehive was made by it, but it failed to steal the honey, and it was stung all over its head.

"Be good, watch me." Looking at the crystal clear wild honey in the beehive, Zhao Han was salivating.

This wild honey is a good thing.

He entered the space and took a small basinThe spiritual water came out and was poured directly on the ground not far from the beehive.

The bees were immediately attracted.

No creature can resist the temptation of spiritual spring water.

It is best to lure the tiger away from the mountain first and then leave.

Zhao Han took the opportunity to run over and pick the beehive, and then climbed onto Gungun's back in a few steps: "Gungun, run faster."

Gungun immediately ran away.

And the speed of a panda running at full speed in the forest can reach 50 kilometers per hour, which is not slow.

Zhao Han rode on Gungun's back and bumped, and he almost fell off several times. He finally understood why Chi You lost to Huangdi in the past.

It would be strange if Chi You didn't lose riding this thing.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

A group of bees chased behind.

But they were soon left behind by Gungun.

Because the fastest speed of bees is about 25 kilometers per hour, which is half slower than Gungun's speed.

So how could they catch up with Gungun?

Otherwise, GunGun's face and ears wouldn't have been swollen from being stung.

Zhao Han carried the honeycomb and rode GunGun all the way back home. Zhao Jiang came back to make lunch and saw this scene: "How old is he, but he's still like a child."

"Dad, look, wild honey." Zhao Han got off GunGun's back and showed off the honeycomb in his hand.

Zhao Jiang's eyes lit up: "This thing is a good thing, Guoguo and Xingxing will definitely like it."

"I like it too." Zhao Han reminded.

Zhao Jiang was blunt: "It's none of my business if you like it, anyway, keep it for my grandchildren."

Zhao Han: "…………"

Father's love is like a mountain... It's collapsing!

Zhao Han broke off a piece of honeycomb, which was full of crystal clear honey, sweet and fragrant.

GunGun stared at the honey and drooled.

It paid too much for this mouthful of honey QAQ

Zhao Han threw a piece to it, and then tasted a piece himself. It was too sweet, so sweet that it made people feel uneasy.

"Dad, you take care of it. Find a jar to put the honey in. I'll go cook." Zhao Han said.

Zhao Jiang had raised several boxes of bees before, so he knew how to handle honey, but Zhao Han didn't.

After all, this is also a craft.

"Okay, put it there." Zhao Jiang nodded.

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