Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 924 Give me the right to use

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"Ahem! Long Chen, I'm back." Tang Feng coughed and reminded Long Chen that he was here.

"Come if you want to. Can't you see I'm busy? You have no sense at all!" Long Chen glared at Tang Feng and didn't care about Tang Feng at all.

"Come on, come in and do it." Yan Di put down the book and brought a bamboo chair to Tang Feng. Tang Feng thanked him and sat down.

"How is it? Is it solved?" As soon as Tang Feng sat down, Mr. Hua asked a question.

Tang Feng frowned and glanced at Long Chen. Long Chen felt Tang Feng's gaze and turned back to smile awkwardly at Tang Feng. Tang Feng understood at once that Long Chen, this kid, told the matter of the entrance of the magic cave to please his father-in-law.

"It has been solved, the horse has been found, and the infected animals and spirit beasts inside will slowly change back." Since Long Chen had already said it, Tang Feng no longer concealed it and told Hua Lao everything, but he did not tell about the pagoda, Samadhi True Fire and monkey hair. He believed that Long Chen would not tell Hua Lao about these things.

"That's good. I heard that you also encountered monsters this time?" Hua Lao nodded and asked about monsters again.

"Yes, we encountered two, and we killed them all. No bodies were left." Of course, no bodies were left. One was collected by Tang Feng in the pagoda, and now no one knows what it looks like. The other was directly burned to death by Samadhi True Fire, leaving no residue.

"I don't know how you killed monsters, but monsters like me are very powerful. When I was a child, I encountered one when I was practicing with my master. At that time, my master also reached the heavenly realm, but when he encountered this kind of monster, he was also seriously injured before killing it." Hua Lao narrowed his eyes and recalled his own childhood.

When he was a child, he went out with his master once. When he and his master were eating outside at night, a monster suddenly jumped out. That time, his master was seriously injured and left irreversible damage to his body. This injury was the reason for his master's death later.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about you first. How did you kill these two monsters?" Hua Lao closed his eyes, then opened them and stopped talking about his past, but asked Tang Feng.

Tang Feng didn't speak, but glanced at Long Chen who was still massaging Dong Lao's legs. Long Chen glanced at him and shook his head silently.

"We actually killed these two monsters by taking advantage of the situation. It took a lot of effort. I almost died under his mouth. Tang Feng couldn't tell the story of the Pagoda River Samadhi True Fire. Once he told it, he dared to believe that no matter who he was, he would be taken back to the base of the Nine Groups by Elder Hua for a thorough study.

Old Hua frowned. With the strength of that monster, how could it be killed by Tang Feng and Long Chen, two rookies who had not yet reached the ninth level of the Earth Realm? Even if it was a trick, it was impossible. Looking at Tang Feng's appearance, it was obvious that he didn't want him to know something, but if Tang Feng didn't say it, he couldn't continue to ask.

Yan Di didn't listen to their conversation, put on headphones, listened to music and read books.

"Tang Feng, I wonder how many spirit beasts there are underground and how strong they are?" Elder Hua asked Long Chen to stop, put down his legs, and asked Tang Feng.

"There are many spirit beasts in the underground space. Most of them are. There is a leader in each tribe. This leader is basically a spirit beast, and the strength is probably in the Earth Realm. "Tang Feng thought about it and did not hide the underground space.

"Tang Feng, I know you have obtained the right to use this mountain for fifty years, so I hope you can transfer the right to use this mountain to me, okay?" Mr. Hua no longer delved into the matter of the monster, but asked Tang Feng for the right to use the mountain.

Tang Feng did not speak after hearing this, but lowered his head and frowned, not knowing what Mr. Hua meant.

"This is what I think. I am going to get the right to use the mountain from you, and then I will let the members of Group 9 come here to see if they can gain the trust of the spirit beasts by themselves. This can not only be regarded as an experience, but if they get the spirit beasts, it will also enhance their strength. "

Tang Feng decisively refused after hearing this. He had bought this mountain to raise pigs and chickens. Now that the underground issues have been resolved, the construction of the mountain can be started normally. But now Elder Hua said that he wanted to turn it into a place for the nine groups to practice. In the future, there will definitely be a lot of cultivators coming. Tang Feng will never allow this to happen.

"Elder Hua, I will definitely not agree to your condition. Although I am a cultivator, I still hope to live a stable life. Do you understand what I mean?"

Elder Hua understood what Tang Feng meant, but it was a waste to use such a precious land to raise pigs. "Tang Feng, I know what you think, but if you use the mountain to raise pigs, don't you think it's a waste of this precious land?"

"I admit that there are all treasures here, especially spiritual beasts. There are all kinds of things that are rare in a hundred years, but in order to prevent my family from being harassed, I still won't let you in. "Tang Feng was very determined, leaving no room for maneuver.

After hearing this, Mr. Hua didn't know what to do. There was silence. Yan Di took off his headphones, walked to the coffee table, and poured a cup of tea for Tang Feng and Mr. Hua.

"How about this? I have a way to have the best of both worlds. It won't affect your life, and it won't delay the people from Group 9 from coming to practice."

"What can I do?" In fact, Tang Feng also wanted to see the underground space again and let the spiritual beasts and animals inside see the sun, but because of himself, he could only be selfish.

"The Ninth Group doesn't want your right to use the mountain. As for you, just raise pigs and chickens on this mountain normally. Then, you just leave us a way up the mountain. Our Ninth Group will quietly send people to practice every time." , only 2 people come at a time, and they will tell you before entering twice a year, how about it?”

After hearing this, Tang Feng lowered his head and pondered, while Hua Lao frowned and said to Yan Di: "Two times a year...isn't it a bit too little?"

Yan Di shook her head, "Twice a year is already a lot. Let's consider the best situation, four people a year. If everyone can take away a spirit beast, then the underground space will be reduced by four people every year. We don’t know how many spirit beasts there are here yet, so in order to prevent us from taking away all the spirit beasts inside, twice a year is enough.”

Mr. Hua was attracted by the spiritual beast inside at first and forgot about it. Now he calmed down when Yan Di said it and nodded in agreement with Yan Di's opinion.

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