Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 113 Qiao Jiaojiao is back

"Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun gives you 200 public virtues." After seeing this WeChat notification, Tang Feng's face was full of smiles. The great god is indeed a great god. He is really generous. Just such a small music box, he actually gave him 500 public virtues.

After completing the transaction with Erlang Shen, he entered the personal information column through his WeChat avatar. At the bottom of his name, there was a line of small golden words, public virtue balance, 870 points.

Looking at the nearly 900 points of public virtue, he smiled and curled his lips, then clicked on the treasure bag and glanced at the third-grade bone-crushing pill in the first grid.

Third-grade bone-crushing pill: a medium-grade elixir. After taking it, it can make mortals have the strength to carry a tripod and subdue a tiger. Downloading requires 1,000 public virtues.

It's almost time. Soon I will be able to save enough public virtues to download this third-grade bone-crushing pill. At that time, after taking this third-grade elixir, my strength should be qualitatively improved. At that time, I may be able to directly open the three gates of the earth realm.

In the afternoon, Tang Feng became busy again. He and Hu Zi drove a pickup truck, dragged several village cadres, and ran back and forth on the wasteland. When the marker was inserted, the land within the marker belonged to him in the true sense.

Because this piece of land was very irregular, most of it was wasteland, and it was very large to measure it accurately. Several cadres in the village just took a quick look, and after a symbolic measurement, they inserted the marker.

According to Tang Feng's rough estimate, the wasteland enclosed by the marker is definitely more than 1,000 acres. The wasteland in the valley near the back mountain alone is more than 100 acres. The two together exceed 1,300 acres.

If you add the 200 acres of wasteland and more than 100 acres of forest he contracted before, his current land is close to 1,700 acres. Maybe in foreign countries, this can only be regarded as a small farm, but in China, especially in Pingyang, it is definitely not small.

There are many things that can be done with such a large piece of land, in addition to growing vegetables and fruit trees. He needs to make a serious plan for the next period of time.

After running in the wasteland under the sun for a day, Hu Zi was exhausted when he rested at night. Tang Feng, due to his physical condition, felt sticky but didn't feel much.

For two consecutive days, Tang Feng and Hu Zi did the same thing. Until the afternoon of the third day, all the wastelands were surrounded by poles. From then on, this more than 1,000 acres of wasteland became his private territory.

The land is well fenced, and the next step is to pull the wire mesh along the poles. If it is only a hundred acres of land, it can be enclosed with a fence, but now it is thousands of acres of land, and many places are rugged and not suitable for building a fence. After thinking about it, Tang Feng decided to learn from those farmers abroad and use wire mesh instead.

It is not an easy job to put wire mesh on this 1,000-acre land. Tang Feng would not do it himself. It happened that he had Cao Jian's engineering team here. After he told Cao Jian about it, Cao Jian took the job.

In front of the shack, looking at the built wall, Tang Feng had a headache. He still did not make a plan in advance. If he had planned in advance, he would not have built the wall in a hurry.

Now that his land has expanded to more than 1,000 acres, the wall built here is a bit out of place. In the end, he gritted his teeth and decided to tear down the newly built wall.

Sun Xiangzi was discharged from the hospital. This news was told to him by Xing Jun when he came with the road construction team.

Sun Xiangzi, the scumbag, never woke up. After the 50,000 yuan he lent to Qiao Jiaojiao was spent, the Sun family could no longer afford the medical expenses. In desperation, they could only take the still unconscious Sun Xiangzi back home.

When he learned the news, he stopped waiting and decided to go see Qiao Jiaojiao.

I remember that Qiao Jiaojiao liked his fish and melons very much. Before leaving, he specially caught two carps from the pond and picked a few big melons from the vegetable garden, put them in a plastic bag, and drove back to the village.

The Sun family's door was cold and deserted, but the yard was very clean inside and outside. When he walked into the yard, Qiao Jiaojiao was sitting on a small bench, bending over to wash clothes.

Qiao Jiaojiao was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt today, with the buttons at the collar unbuttoned. When she bent down, most of the beauty of her chest was presented to Tang Feng. Even though they had had physical contact twice, Tang Feng couldn't help himself when he saw this beauty again.

At this time, Qiao Jiaojiao straightened up to wipe the sweat. When she saw Tang Feng standing in front of her, she was stunned. Her heart could no longer be as calm as before.

The power of the marriage line had dissipated, and the two of them returned to the past again. However, what happened in these days was completely preserved in their hearts and could not be forgotten.

Can I forget that I have cherished my body for more than 20 years and gave it to the little man in front of me, and I once went to open a room with this little man. The madness in the hotel is vivid.

Last night, she sat alone in a dark room, and she asked herself in her heart, what happened to her, why did she suddenly change, so indecent, and had an intimate relationship with a man who called her sister-in-law.

If she hadn't seen Tang Feng, she might have been a little calmer, but now that she saw Tang Feng again, the man who took her body, she couldn't help but think of the scenes of the two nights when they were together.

At that time, she seemed to be possessed by evil, so crazy, even reckless.

"Jiaojiao, I heard from Xing Jun that you are back, so I came to see, are you okay?" After a long silence, it was Tang Feng who first broke the silence between the two, but he didn't realize that his name for Qiao Jiaojiao was too intimate.

Qiao Jiaojiao stood up, looking at Tang Feng with complicated emotions, especially when she heard Tang Feng's intimate name, her whole body trembled, she bit her lower lip and nodded, if possible, at this moment, she really wanted to run away, she didn't know how to face this man.

At this time, Tang Feng finally realized something, and smiled bitterly in his heart. It seems that although the marriage line has disappeared, it still leaves side effects. After all, he and Qiao Jiaojiao can never go back to the past.

"Sister-in-law, I came here because I have something to discuss with you. I have contracted all the wasteland on the other side of the reservoir, and now I'm preparing to reclaim the land. I need to find a lot of female workers. With more people, things will be complicated. I'm busy on weekdays, and I need a reliable person to help manage the female workers, so I thought of you." With a splitting headache, he had to change the subject to business.

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