Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1060: Awesome Wristband

Chapter 1060: Awesome wrist guards

Hua Lao happily returned to his place of residence. He couldn't help but take out a bottle of wine and ate it with peanuts, humming a few words from time to time.

Tu Hua is the one who gives him the most headaches among the nine groups. Tu Hua's strength is comparable to that of the four group leaders, but it's just because he can't get over the hurdle in his heart that he stays in that shabby room and drinks every day. Spend the day.

Now seeing him "alive" again, Mr. Hua was very happy, so he opened a bottle of wine and started drinking.

The decadent man left the ninth group and walked outside, watching the people coming and going outside. It was the same as three years ago, but then there were three people and now there is one person.

The decadent man clenched his fists and walked to a barber shop.

"Sir, how do you want to cut it?"

When the barber saw the decadent man's appearance, he didn't know where to start. He was obviously a savage who came out of the mountains. He had a beard all over his face, and his clothes were old and torn. He also exuded a kind of odor. Special taste.

"Do it for me from head to toe!" The decadent man sat on the chair and took out the card that Mr. Hua gave him. When the barber saw the card, he was stunned.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I'll call the boss."

The decadent man nodded. After a while, the owner of the barber shop came out. Seeing the bank card on the table, he walked up to the decadent man with a smile.

"Sir, if you have an idea of ​​your own, we will do it according to your idea. If you don't, then we will fully represent you and give you the best image."

"Come on, and then buy me some clothes. I will also take a bath here with you. All the money will come from this."

The decadent man pushed the bank card, and then the boss took the card and handed it to other people in the barber shop.

"Go, buy some clothes for this gentleman, choose what you want!" The barber took the card and ran out quickly.

"Sir, I will personally serve you next. Please come over here."

The boss took off his suit, rolled up his sleeves, and invited the decadent man inside.

Tang Feng returned to his dormitory and had nothing to do, so he took out his computer and prepared to take a closer look at Group 9's stations.

Tang Feng logged into Group Nine's website, and the first page showed a big title.

Nine groups face the Knights of the Round Table in the South American jungle. Who wins and who loses? The battle will begin in three days!

Below the title are the names of ten people.

Tang Feng, Yan Han, Long Chen, Tao Ting, Liu Mu, Liu Lin, Wang Hao, Yang Miao, Shaoyang, unknown.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows after reading this. This Wuming should be a decadent man, but what does this name mean? nameless! Did you just get up?

Tang Feng then looked down. There were all kinds of comments underground, especially those discussing Tang Feng.

"With the help of a great master, there will be absolutely no problem!"

"Not only the great god, but also Little Suzaku, Ice Beauty, and that funny guy who came with the great god!"

"Don't call me ridiculous, but my strength cannot be overshadowed!"

"Liu Mu and Liu Lin are not bad either. In the jungle, even a great god wouldn't be able to defeat the two of them."

"Hey, who is this Wuming? Is he from our ninth group?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it!"

"Upstairs 1!"


Tang Feng took a look, and they all discussed the comments of these ten people, and Tang Feng also got a lot of information from these comments.

For example, the two brothers Liu Mu and Liu Lin are talkative, Yang Miao is a shy little girl, and little Suzaku Yanhan is Tao Ting's suitor.

Tang Feng didn't expect that a man as cold as Little Suzaku would actually fall in love with a woman who was colder than him. If the two of them got married and had children in the future, wouldn't the children turn into popsicles when they were born?

Tang Feng thought in a funny way, when Little Suzaku and Tao Ting, who were training at this time, sneezed at the same time.

"Sister Ting, are you okay? Do you have a cold?"

Tao Ting was running on the treadmill, and a girl next to her asked concernedly.


"Sister Ting, be careful, you will have to participate in that competition in a few days!"



Tang Feng clicked on his account and found an email. Tang Feng clicked on it directly.

Dear Tang Feng, a member of Group 9 B-level, congratulations on completing the level-level mission. We have transferred the merit points you have obtained to your watch. We also want to inform you that because you have completed the level-level mission, you Now upgraded to B-level member.

Tang Feng couldn't help but be startled when he saw the beginning of this email. When did he become a B-level member? After seeing the end, Tang Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, the leapfrog challenge upgrades quickly!"

Tang Feng looked at the 300 merit points in his account and couldn't help but laugh.

I originally thought I had earned a lot of merit points this time, but when I went to the weapons depot today, I discovered that even the box of silver needles that Long Chen took out required 500 merit points, and these 300 merit points were needed to buy a box of that silver needle. Not coming.

The wristband on my hand cost 3,000 merit points. If I earned merit points by myself, I would have to complete ten such tasks to earn back the wristband. Fortunately, this time I was working for Group Nine, and Mr. Hua agreed to get three pieces for free. Although I had to give them back after using them, it was still better than fighting with others empty-handed!

Tang Feng studied the wrist guard on his hand. After a while, the wrist guard turned into a fist glove, tightly wrapping Tang Feng's right hand inside. Because it was made of special metal, this wrist guard It was extremely heavy, which was one of the reasons why no one chose it. No one would use such a bulky thing in battle, except Tang Feng.

Because of Tang Feng's physical training, his physical strength is very strong. Picking up this glove requires no effort at all, and there is no difference when fighting.

Tang Feng tried this glove. There was a small button on the index finger inside. There were no instructions for using this glove, so Tang Feng had to study everything by himself.

Tang Feng pressed the small button inside, and then saw a small hole appear on each of the five fingers, and then the area between the five fingers became a vacuum area.

Tang Feng took a teacup and placed it on this small area, and then his eyes widened.

"Fuck! Such power!"

Tang Feng held the teacup. Half of the teacup had disappeared. Tang Feng touched it and found that the gap in the teacup was very smooth. Tang Feng couldn't help but gulped.

This thing would be fine if it could block some bullets or something, but it's too close and not very useful.

"What is the principle of this? Is it resonance caused by sound waves?" Tang Feng looked at the vacuum area in his palm and frowned. (http://) "Rural Friendship Circle" only represents the author's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing healthy and green information. Reading platform.

, thank you all!

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