Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1075: Shoot Now

Chapter 1075: Shoot quickly

Damn it! All kinds of big storms and waves are coming over my uncle. Could it be that he will fall into the hands of a little person like him?

Tang Feng suddenly heard the sound of Didi, which was the sound of buttons. Not only him, but Lille also heard it.

This is the sound of his teammates moving towards Tang Feng. As long as Tang Feng holds him back, some team members will definitely come here.

"Stop! I have something to say!"

Lear smiled, and then put the knife on Tang Feng's eyelids. Because of Tang Feng's body training technique, it was impossible to penetrate such a fragile place like the eyes without using force.

"I'll give you a chance to say three sentences. After you finish speaking, the knife will pierce hard."

Tang Feng licked his tongue and took a deep breath.


"That's it!"

Damn it! That counts! Tang Feng couldn't help but scold his mother.

"Well, I'm not Wang Hao."

"What? You're not Wang Hao? It doesn't matter now, you're going to be dead soon anyway. Two sentences left, and the last one, think about it before you say it."

Tang Feng took a breath and smiled after seeing the two people in the distance.

"What are you laughing at?"

As soon as Lille finished speaking, he felt as if he had been bitten by a mosquito on his back. Then he turned around and saw a black hole, and then two people walked out.

These two people were Long Chen and Wang Hao. Long Chen and Wang Hao searched for a long distance but could not find Tao Ting, so they opened the portal and returned to the original place. Then the two people chased in the direction of Tang Feng. I saw a shining silver "metal man" in the distance.

Wang Hao directly opened a portal, and then a highly poisonous silver needle from Long Chen flew in and sank directly into the spine of Li Er's back, killing him instantly.

"The last sentence is that villains die from talking too much."

Leal fell to the ground with his eyes widened.

Even until his death, he did not understand how he died, so he could not rest in peace.

Long Chen and Wang Hao came to Tang Feng through the portal.

When Long Chen saw Tang Feng like this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Tang Feng, what do you mean? Is this the latest fashionable dress in 2017?"

"Captain, what's going on?" Wang Hao knocked on the metal on Tang Feng's body, and there was a crisp sound of "dang dang dang".

"Forget it, this kid is a metal-based superpower. When I wasn't paying attention, he put all the metals on my body. It still can't be removed. Do you have any ideas? Get it down for me, otherwise I won't be able to move. Can’t move!”

The two looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

The two people took out all kinds of escape equipment from the equipment warehouse. Where could there be anything that could open this kind of metal.

"I feel that the cold flame knife can cut off these things on your body." Wang Hao touched the "iron skin" on Tang Feng's body.

"Then what are you waiting for? Open the portal and go find Yan Han." Long Chen said and was about to pick up Tang Feng, but was stopped by Tang Feng's shout.

"If you're looking for Yan Han, look for Tao Ting first. He's nearby. Look for her carefully."

After hearing what Tang Feng said, Long Chen remembered the purpose of his visit, and then the two of them started looking for Tao Ting nearby.

Tang Feng couldn't move, so he could only stay where he was and wait for news about the two of them. Finally, Wang Hao found Tao Ting on a tree who had fainted from excessive blood loss.

Wang Hao carried Tao Ting and came to Tang Feng, and then Long Chen came back not long after.

"Long Chen, give Tao Ting a quick treatment. If you delay it any longer, you may not be able to save her."

When Long Chen saw Tao Ting's appearance, he knew that the matter was serious.

Now Tao Ting's combat uniform can no longer cover her body. She has been cut by knives a long time ago, and there are many wounds on her body. Basically, where the clothes are damaged, there are wounds, even on her face. There were several wounds on his body, but the largest wound was on his calf, which was a penetrating wound.

However, Tao Ting was smart enough to freeze his wound with ice to slow down the bleeding.

When Long Chen saw her like this, he took off Tao Ting's boots, then took out the silver needle and prepared to inject it on her foot. But just as he was about to inject the needle, he was stopped by Wang Hao.

"Long Chen, isn't your needle poisonous? It won't directly poison Tao Ting!"

It turned out that Wang Hao saw Long Chen poisoning two people to death with two silver needles, so he became a little afraid of the poison of his silver needles, so he stopped Long Chen.

"I am the doctor or you are the doctor, don't you know if it is poisonous or not?" Long Chen rolled his eyes, and Wang Hao let go of his hand in embarrassment when he heard this.

Long Chen took out a spiritual medicine and handed it to Wang Hao.

"Break off a piece and put it in her mouth."

Wang Hao was stunned when he looked at the elixir in his hand, "Damn it, brother, you put this thing in your trouser pocket, you are not afraid of losing the medicinal properties!"

Long Chen ignored Wang Hao, sat on the ground, and kept injecting needles into Tao Ting's feet. After inserting the needles, Long Chen wiped his sweat and stood up.

Then he took out another elixir from his trouser pocket and handed it to Wang Hao.

"Feed one piece in three minutes, ten times, and we'll leave in half an hour."

After Long Chen said that, he ran to Lille's body and started rummaging around. After a while, he found a sign on Lille's solid wall with five written on it.

"Tang Feng, I killed this person, so I accepted it. Besides, you are so strong, you must be worthy of this one." Long Chen put the sign into his trouser pocket with a smile.

Tang Feng rolled his eyes at him.

Wuming, Shaoyang and Yang Miao on the other side also contacted Yanhan. At this time, Yanhan was being besieged by two people. He fell directly into the circle of three people from the moment he landed, and then he was attacked by three people. He had already It's in danger.

If he hadn't newly learned Flame Condensation and killed an enemy while they were not paying attention, he might have died long ago.

"Little Suzaku, give up your resistance! The three of us are all S-class superpowers. You will definitely not be able to defeat two of us. And the flame knife has been exposed, so you are even less likely to win. Be good. Let me kill you!"

The two people who besieged Yan Han were the top warriors among the Knights of the Round Table, and they were almost the same as Yan Han.

Yan Han squinted at the two of them, and the flame knife in his hand disappeared.

"This is the right thing to do! Just stay calm and capture him, so as not to cost us any effort."

The two men pulled their guns from their legs and aimed them at the cold.

"The famous Little Suzaku, the soul of the younger generation of the Nine Groups of China, will soon die under my gun. Little Suzaku, say goodbye to this world!"

Yan Han closed his eyes immediately after hearing these words, but the two Knights of the Round Table opposite him took a step back.

"Shoot! Shoot quickly!" The person without a gun shouted loudly. (http://) "Rural Friendship Circle" only represents the author's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing healthy and green information. Reading platform.

, thank you all!

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