Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1135 Buying Wild Animals

Chapter 1135 Buying Wild Animals

Most of the pork here is water-injected pork. Tang Feng looked around and found that only a few did not inject water, but the quality of the pork was not very good. Tang Feng shook his head and prepared to find some pig breeding bases to buy a live pig in person.

Tang Feng was about to walk out of the farmers' market when a small vendor squatting on the ground at the entrance of the commercial market called him.

"Brother, do you want to buy something?"

Tang Feng was no longer ready to buy anything, so he smiled and said, "There is nothing to buy."

"Brother, I can see that you didn't buy what you wanted. Tell me what you want, and I guarantee that you will get what you want!" The small vendor stood up and said with a pat on his chest.

At the entrance of some commercial markets, there are indeed such people. They are at the entrance, blocking some people like Tang Feng who look rich but have not bought anything, but they do have some good things in their hands, but the price is much higher than the market price.

Seeing him like this, Tang Feng also prepared to go with him to have a look. After all, he was going to come here. If they had good pork, it would save him from having to make another trip.

"I want some good pork, do you have it?"

"You are not simple, you can actually see that there is something wrong with the pork!" The vendor looked Tang Feng up and down, and then said, "There is nothing good in it, but I do have one here, follow me."

The vendor led the way in front, and Tang Feng followed him. The two of them walked around and came to the door of a large warehouse.

There were many people playing poker in the guard's room, making a lot of noise, and the man led Tang Feng over.

"Wait a moment, I'll find someone for you." Tang Feng nodded, and the man walked into the guard room with a smile.

Not long after, the man came out with a fat man.

"Brother, this guy is the pig seller. Follow him and take a look. If he likes it, you two can discuss it. Even if the deal doesn't work out, there's still righteousness!"

Tang Feng nodded and followed the fat man into the big warehouse. There were all kinds of things in the warehouse, and the smell was very strong. The fat man took Tang Feng to the innermost part of the warehouse, and Tang Feng saw a cage. There was actually a wild boar in the cage, and it was still alive.

"Wild boar meat is the most delicious. Take a look at this! It's from the mountains! If you think it's suitable, you can take it for 3,000 yuan! I can also send it to you!" The fat man patted the cage, and the wild boar inside hummed a few times.

Because there are many mountains in Pingyang, many families were hunters before liberation, and each family had a few guns. However, after liberation, the guns were handed over, but some families also kept some privately. At this time, they would go up the mountain to get some wild animals. Some of them were for their own consumption, and some were for selling to make money.

Tang Feng approached and looked at the wild boar. It looked lively and healthy. Tang Feng said, "How many wild animals do you have here?"

The fat man glanced at Tang Feng, then pointed to the cage next to the wild boar, "There are pheasants, ducks, rabbits, and everything else."

"I want them all."

The fat man was delighted when he heard this, but he didn't show it. Instead, he approached Tang Feng with embarrassment.

"Brother, you know, these wild animals are not easy to get, so you..." When he said this, the fat man rubbed his fingers.

Tang Feng directly lifted the rag on another cage and took a rough look. There were about fifty wild animals in it. Tang Feng directly stretched out two fingers.

"Brother, you're too hard on the price. There are more than 50 wild animals here, and you only give me 2,000 yuan. I've worked in vain this winter!"

"20,000 yuan, send it to Kaoshan Village, find a man named Xing Huzi, give these things to him, and he'll give you the money."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he turned around and left. When the fat man heard that it was 20,000 yuan, a smile instantly replaced his face, and then he shouted at Tang Feng's back: "Boss, don't worry, it will be delivered within an hour!"

Tang Feng couldn't help but smile. He just called him brother, but now he became the boss.

After Tang Feng left the warehouse, the fat man started looking for someone to load the wild animals into the car, and then drove to Kaoshan Village himself.

Tang Feng thought about it, and there was nothing to buy, so he went back to the mall and found Shangguan Jiaqian and Vera who were shopping frantically. Behind them were a group of waiters in uniforms, each holding a pile of things in their hands.

"You guys take the things in your hands to the underground parking lot, and follow me."

Tang Feng walked up to the two people, looked at the waiter carrying things down, and couldn't help asking: "What did you two buy? Why so much!"

"I don't know, I just go to where there are many people, and then pack everything." Vera hugged Tang Feng's arm and said like offering a treasure.

Tang Feng was very upset, and then said to the group of waiters behind Vera: "There is nothing left, you can go."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, the waiters didn't move at all, but looked at Vera. Tang Feng was even more upset when he saw this scene.

Vera waved to the waiters, and each of the waiters bowed to Vera before leaving.

"Where are Jiaojiao and the others?"

"They should be in the parking lot. They went down after buying clothes." Shangguan Jiaqian said to Tang Feng. When Tang Feng heard it, he took the two of them to the parking lot.

Walking to the underground parking lot, Qiao Jiaojiao and the other two girls were sitting in the car, Dust was busy loading the train, and there was a group of waiters holding things at the back of the truck.

Dust saw Tang Feng and waved to him. After seeing him, Tang Feng said to the two girls: "You get in the car first, I'll go and take a look."

Shangguan Jiaqian took Vera to her little Beetle, and Tang Feng walked to the door of the truck and looked at Dust.

"Come up and help!" Dust was so tired that he waved to Tang Feng, and Tang Feng jumped up in one step, and then Dust stopped to the side and rested by the car.

Dust looked at the women who were chatting happily in the car and couldn't help sighing.

"Tang Feng, why do you have so many wives? They quarrel every day. Haven't you heard that one woman is 400 ducks?"

Tang Feng snorted, "You are jealous of me!"

"I am jealous of you? I am jealous that you have no human rights at home!"

"You say that as if you have human rights at home!"

Since being with Tang Feng's sister, Du Ci has been an absolute good man. If Tang Feng's sister tells him to go east, he will never go west. If she tells him to beat a dog, he will never chase a chicken. (http://) "Rural Friends Circle" only represents the author Ping Fang's views. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

, thank you everyone!

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