Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1139 System Upgrade

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Tang Feng entered the villa with the car keys. Liu Beibei may have been frightened by Tang Feng's words, but she stood aside without saying a word, while Qiao Jiaojiao and the other girls were sorting out their clothes.

Tang Feng entered the room and asked: "Jiaojiao, do you know where there is free space? There are still things in the car that have not been put down."

"Go find Huzi. Just talk to him and he will know where to put it." Qiao Jiaojiao is like a general manager. She knows everything about the farm, especially her relationship with Tang Feng. After the child was gone, she worked even harder.

Although after some explanations by Tang Feng and Qin Yueying, things were much better than before, but she still put all her thoughts on the farm every day. Tang Feng also knew that this was her way of forgetting the child. , so I didn’t say much.

Tang Feng drove the car and arrived at the door of Huzi's house. There were two large cages at the door of Huzi's house. When Tang Feng saw these two cages, he knew that the fat man had delivered the things here.

Tang Feng got out of the car and walked into Huzi's house. Huzi was sleeping and his wife was cooking. When he saw Tang Feng coming in, he hurriedly woke up Huzi.

"Huzi, don't sleep, Brother Xiaofeng is here."

Huzi and Huzi's daughter-in-law are also very grateful to Tang Feng. When the two were in love, Huzi's mother-in-law stopped them. Because they disliked Huzi's family being poor, they almost broke up. Fortunately, Tang Feng came out. The money was used to build a big brick house for Huzi's family, and the two got married.

After Huzi's wife woke up Huzi, she gave Tang Feng a cup of tea and went directly into the kitchen.

"Brother Xiaofeng, we'll eat here later. I'll ask her to cook something good, and the two of us will have a drink."

"No, I have something to do with you. I'll first ask where there is some free time. Your sister Jiaojiao asked me to come to you. She said you know." Tang Feng waved his hand.

"I'll take you there." Huzi put on his clothes directly and walked out with Tang Feng.

"Huzi, where are you going? Let's eat here with Brother Xiaofeng!" Just as Huzi was about to go out, Huzi's wife called from behind.

"Huzi will be back soon, don't worry, I won't eat here." Tang Feng said with a smile, and then got into the car with Huzi.

"Brother Xiaofeng, why did you buy so many wild animals? You can't eat that much!"

Tang Feng said with a smile: "I bought so much, only that pig belongs to our family, and the rest are divided among the villagers."

When Huzi heard this, he gave Tang Feng a thumbs up.

"Brother Xiaofeng is so awesome. Not only does he give out year-end bonuses, but he also gives so many wild animals to the folks. The folks will definitely work harder next year."

Tang Feng smiled, then winked at Huzi, "Huzi, how much do you think your year-end bonus will be this year?"

Huzi scratched his head and smiled. He was in charge of the fish pond on the farm, so he also knew the price of the fish in the fish pond.

"I think it should be about ten thousand yuan."

Tang Feng shook his head and patted Hu Zi on the shoulder, "Be more confident, okay? Guess again!"

"Fifty thousand?" Huzi stretched out five fingers and asked tentatively.

"Be more confident! Be more confident!"

"One hundred thousand?" Huzi shouted in surprise and said with a little disbelief, because this is just the year-end bonus, and Tang Feng will also pay them wages every month. If the year-end bonus is another 100,000 yuan, then it will be compared with some big names. The company's managers are much better than others.

"Haha, your year-end bonus this year is one million!"

After hearing this, Huzi leaned directly on the car seat, breathing deeply. Tang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw him like this.

"Why are you so worthless? You only have one million, and this is what you are like. I give you the key to ten million, but you can't have a heart attack on the spot!"

Huzi said nothing, took a few breaths, and then said: "Brother Xiaofeng, did you miscalculate? Why are there so many?"

"This is what your sister Jiaojiao calculated. It's definitely not wrong." Tang Feng said with a smile while driving the car.

"No, this is too much, I can't have it!" Huzi declined hastily. He was just a young man from the countryside, how could he ask for so much money.

"Since your sister Jiaojiao has given you so much, it means that you have really paid a lot this year, otherwise she would not have given you so much, so you can just keep it with peace of mind!"

Tang Feng patted Huzi on the shoulder, "Do a good job, there will definitely be more next year." Huzi nodded vigorously.

The two drove to a warehouse. After Tang Feng got out of the car, he said in surprise: "I don't even know when the warehouse was built here!"

Huzi said with a smile: "It has been built for a long time. It is full of agricultural tools used on the farm. There are not many things. It is okay to put things there."

"That's it. You just need to find a few people to move everything inside, and then drive the car to the orchard."

Tang Feng walked into the warehouse, took a look, and then walked out without even giving any instructions, because he believed in Hu Zi's ability to do things and would never give him any trouble.

When Tang Feng returned home, Qiao Jiaojiao had already taken Liu Beibei to the Bamboo House, Vera and Li Jing were studying cosmetics, and Du Mengyan and Shangguan Jiaqian were chatting.

Tang Feng walked in, and the four girls took one look and did what they were supposed to do, as if they didn't see him.

Tang Feng coughed, but no one looked at him. Helpless, Tang Feng went upstairs, took out his mobile phone, and entered WeChat.

Ever since he asked Taishang Laojun for a Dahuandan in the jungle last time, Tang Feng has never contacted Taishang Laojun again. Tang Feng looked at his merit points and found that they were almost 100,000. Kuijia would give him some every day, and he had accumulated a lot these days.

Tang Feng put down his phone, took out a few spiritual stones, set up a spirit gathering array, and then began to practice. Tang Feng closed his eyes and practiced for about half an hour. His spiritual power did not improve at all, but the spiritual power in the spirit gathering array was not much at all, and it was very thin. Tang Feng opened his eyes, frowned, looked around, and then closed his eyes again and began to practice.

But the more Tang Feng practiced, the less he could absorb the spiritual power in the spirit gathering array. Not only could he not absorb it, but Tang Feng's spiritual power was constantly lost.

Tang Feng opened his eyes in surprise and looked at his body in confusion. He didn't understand why his spiritual power was leaking away, and why the speed of leakage was getting faster and faster. Tang Feng stood up directly. The spirit gathering array had disappeared long ago because it didn't gather enough spiritual power. The spirit stone had also turned into a pile of powder long ago. The spiritual power in Tang Feng's body was leaking away faster and faster, and finally there was nothing left. Tang Feng fainted from exhaustion and fell to the ground.

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