Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1150: Treatment

After listening to Tang Feng's three courses of treatment, Zhang Liying couldn't help but said: "Then you should give my dad the acupuncture quickly."

Tang Feng nodded, unbuttoned Zhang Xiong's shirt, and exposed his chest. Tang Feng took out the needle and inserted seven silver needles into Zhang Xiong's chest at once, and then started to insert needles into Zhang Xiong's head. , each silver needle is very long, but after Tang Feng pierced Zhang Xiong's head, they became very short, and he kept flicking the tail of the silver needle.

Zhang Liying frowned as she looked at it. The silver needle penetrated directly into the brain. Will such bounce cause damage to the inside?

However, Tang Feng's serious look and the fact that he just mentioned her illness made her choose to believe Tang Feng. Tang Feng's acupuncture technique also consumed a lot of spiritual and physical energy. What he used was the medical sage in the medical sage inheritance. The acupuncture technique he created uses his own spiritual power to stimulate the body functions of sick patients. It is different from Long Chen who uses spiritual power to supplement it. Long Chen uses the spiritual power in the elixir to deliver it to the patient's body, but Tang Feng uses the patients' original body functions to treat them. In comparison, Tang Feng's method is better.

Tang Feng gave Zhang Xiong acupuncture for more than ten minutes before pulling out all the silver needles. In the end, he closed his eyes and collapsed on the chair, sweating profusely.

"Tang Feng, are you okay?" Zhang Liying held Tang Feng's head and patted Tang Feng's face.

Tang Feng closed his eyes and shook his head. The spiritual power in his body was now very little. If it was the sea before, the spiritual power now is no different from a small fish pond. Moreover, his physical strength was completely exhausted and he could not even open his eyes. Open, don't want to move at all.

Seeing Tang Feng like this, Zhang Liying wanted to help him to the other bed where his chaperone was sleeping and let him lie down to rest, but Tang Feng collapsed on her like a puddle of mud. Although Tang Feng He looks thin, but because his muscles have become much denser after training, he is actually very heavy.

Zhang Liying was still wearing high heels, and there was only a short distance of seven or eight steps. Zhang Liying's foot sprained directly, and then she and Tang Feng fell to the ground directly. Zhang Liying fell directly on Tang Feng's body.

Zhang Liying lay on Tang Feng's body, quickly sat up, and shook Tang Feng, "Tang Feng, how are you? Are you injured?"

Tang Feng opened his eyes with force and shook his head. Seeing Tang Feng shaking his head, Zhang Liying let out a sigh of relief, and then found that her feet were swollen. Zhang Liying took off her high heels and touched them lightly. Zhang Liying felt pain. He immediately took a breath of cold air.

Tang Feng didn't know that Zhang Liying's ankle was sprained. Although her body was weak, her ears still heard the sound of Zhang Liying taking a breath of cold air.

Tang Feng silently circulated the spiritual power in his body and traveled around in his meridians. Then his spiritual power increased a little and his body recovered a little.

While Tang Feng was running his spiritual power, he opened his eyes and asked, "Little demon, what's wrong with you?"

When Zhang Liying heard this, she turned around with red eyes, "My foot is sprained, it hurts so much!"

"Wait a minute, I'll get up and check on you later. It's okay, don't worry." Zhang Liying suddenly felt relieved when she heard Tang Feng's words, and sat silently on the ground, waiting for Tang Feng to sit up.

When Tang Feng heard that Zhang Liying's ankle was sprained, he was extremely anxious. He became even more anxious to use his spiritual power. As soon as he could move, Tang Feng took out a spiritual stone from the Xianyun bracelet and held it in his hand, because It went directly into the hand, and Zhang Liying didn't pay attention to Tang Feng's movements because of her foot pain.

After Tang Feng absorbed a piece of spirit stone, his body improved a lot and he sat up immediately. The spirit stone also turned into a pile of powder. As soon as Tang Feng sat up, Zhang Liying was shocked.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll show you."

Tang Feng picked up Zhang Liying's foot, looked at it carefully, and then pressed it, and Zhang Liying screamed.

"It's okay, it's probably just a soft tissue contusion. I'll rub it for you in a while and it'll be fine." Tang Feng directly picked up Zhang Liying and placed her on another bed.

"I'm sorry, I originally wanted you to rest on this bed, but I sprained my foot." Zhang Liying said with some embarrassment.

Tang Feng put Zhang Liying on the bed, then held her feet with both hands and began to rub her feet with a special massage technique.

"It's okay. I'll rub it for you. If you rest for a night, you should be fine."

Zhang Liying looked at Tang Feng who was rubbing her feet seriously, and she remembered Tang Feng when she was in school. At that time, he was not good at words. Whenever she talked to him, he was hesitant, but as long as she asked him He will do it for himself no matter how difficult it is.

But now he seems to be a different person, more confident, more mature and stable, and he seems to be more handsome.

No man has ever touched his feet, except Zhang Xiong, and that was when he was a child. After entering high school, no other man has touched his feet. Now Tang Feng's hands are on his feet. , Zhang Liying felt that his hands were like magic, making her feet and body heat up, all the way to her face, her face became red, and her body became strange.

"Okay, just rest for the night." Tang Feng put down his hand, and when he looked up, he saw Zhang Liying's face was red and her eyes were blurred, and he couldn't help but gulped.

"Well, I'm not leaving tonight. I'm going to the corridor outside. If you need anything, just call me. I'll come in soon."

As soon as Tang Feng's hand left Zhang Liying's feet, Zhang Liying came back to her senses, and then nodded shyly. Seeing her like this, Tang Feng's eyes widened, and then he pulled the quilt over Zhang Liying and covered her, then walked out of the ward with his back bent.

Tang Feng walked outside and sat on a chair, taking deep breaths and adjusting his body's reaction. It took Tang Feng a long time to recover. Tang Feng went directly to the bathroom and washed his face.

Zhang Liying saw Tang Feng walk out of the ward, blushed and glanced at the door, and then looked at her father.

"Dad, how are you?" Zhang Xiong opened his eyes as soon as Zhang Liying spoke.

It turned out that Zhang Xiong woke up after Tang Feng pulled out the needle for him. The two fell to the ground, and Zhang Liying sprained her ankle. Although he couldn't see it, he could imagine it. He also saw Zhang Liying's reaction when Tang Feng rubbed her feet with his peripheral vision, and also saw Tang Feng's performance.

"Dad, are you awake?" Zhang Liying asked a little embarrassedly. (http://) "Rural Friends Circle" only represents the author Ping Fang's views. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. http://'s position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

, thank you everyone!

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