Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1177: Bring Vera into Group 9

Chapter 1177: Bring Vera into Group 9

Tang Feng said indifferently, but he did not see the hesitation and struggle in Vera's eyes. Vera smiled, but it was a bitter smile, but Tang Feng did not see it.

Tang Feng took Vera to the gravity training room, changed into training clothes and walked in. The battalion instructor saw Tang Feng bringing a foreign girl into the gravity training room from outside and felt a little strange.

Group 9 is so hidden, and the defense system is so strong, it is impossible for them to be from other superpower organizations, and they came in with Tang Feng, so there is no problem. The battalion instructor thought secretly in his heart, so he did not stop it.

However, the battalion instructor did not stop it, and the people in the gravity training room exploded. Group 9 has never had a foreigner come in, not to mention that it was brought in by Tang Feng, one of the top combat forces of Group 9. Everyone in the room began to talk about it.

"Who is this foreign beauty? It seems that no foreigner has come into our group nine!"

"She was brought in by our Terminator, so she is definitely not an outsider. I think she might be the Terminator's girlfriend."

Ever since Tang Feng went to the primitive jungle last time and captured all the Knights of the Round Table, and everyone in group nine came back safely, the people in group nine no longer called him a male god, but a Terminator, because he led the team to end the Knights of the Round Table alone.

The sound in the gravity training room suddenly became louder. Xiao Zhuque, who was training in the triple gravity area, turned around and saw that it was Tang Feng and Vera. He also frowned like Wuming.

"Vera, how do you feel?"

"I feel okay. I am not an elemental power user, and my power is also physical, so I feel okay." Vera adapted for a while, and then spoke.

"This is the one-time gravity area. There are exercise equipment inside. You can interview here. I'll go in and find someone. You can try it here first."

Vera nodded, and then walked towards the triple gravity area.

The camp instructor saw the noise in the gravity training room, and shouted directly with a loud speaker: "Don't you have anything to do! Quietly train for me! Otherwise, get the hell out of here!"

Although the camp instructor is not very powerful, his words are still very useful. No one here is not afraid of him, so everyone goes to train obediently, and no one looks at Tang Feng to meet Vera anymore.

Tang Feng walked to Yan Han, and Yan Han asked directly: "Why did you bring her here?"

"I have a mission to do, so I brought her here directly. She followed us, and Mr. Hua also agreed to bring her in." Tang Feng said, lying on the weightlifting bed and started exercising.

"You asked me to come here for a mission?"

"Yes, a relic was discovered, so I came to you."

"What's the situation? Tell me."

"The United States discovered a relic in the Sahara Desert. The news spread, and various countries wanted to get a piece of the pie. Mr. Hua asked us to go in and see if we can get some good things." Tang Feng said while pushing the barbell.

"It's very dangerous." Yan Han said with a serious face.

"Why, don't you have confidence in yourself? With your strength, you can beat ten people with one person!" Tang Feng said with a smile.

When Tang Feng said this, Yan Han looked proud.

"No problem, I'll go, just call me when you leave."

After the mission in the primitive jungle, Tang Feng knew Yan Han's character. As long as you praise him, you can say anything you want, and he can agree to any conditions.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem this time. Vera is now on the same boat with us. We are united with Superman Jiaonen, and no one dares to touch us." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Did you get her?" Yan Han put down the barbell in his hand, sat up, and asked in surprise.

"What do you mean by getting her? We really love each other! Okay, I'm leaving. I still haven't found Tao Ting yet. I have to go find her." Tang Feng pushed more than a dozen times, then stood up and walked out.

When he came to Vera, Vera was still in the double gravity zone, jumping rope all the time, and there were already some beads of sweat on her head.

"How is it?"

"Not bad, I jumped about a hundred times." Vera stopped and said with a smile.

"I'm going to find other people. Do you want to go with me or stay here?" Tang Feng wiped the sweat off Vera's head and said with a smile.

Vera thought for a moment, then said, "I'll stay here for a while, exercise more, and come find me when you come back."

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Tang Feng turned to leave, and Vera grabbed Tang Feng's hand. Tang Feng turned back curiously and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Vera smiled and kissed Tang Feng, then smiled and said, "Nothing, I just want to kiss you."

Tang Feng rubbed Vera's hair, then turned around and left the gravity training room. Vera looked at Tang Feng's back as he left, and felt bitter.

The people in the gravity training room saw that the two were so close, and they were all talking about it.

Yan Han also saw the intimacy of the two. He was a little worried about what Tang Feng said, but seeing this scene, Yan Han was relieved.

After Tang Feng left, he found Tao Ting's dormitory door directly. Tang Feng knocked on the door, but no one opened the door for a long time. Tang Feng knocked a few more times, and a voice came from the door.

"Wait a minute."

After a while, the door opened. Tao Ting was wearing pajamas, her hair was still wet, and she kept wiping it with a towel. Seeing that it was Tang Feng, Tao Ting was a little surprised.

"Come in!" Tao Ting made way for Tang Feng.

"Do you need to change into a pair of slippers?" Tang Feng looked at the room, which was very clean, and Tao Ting was also wearing a pair of slippers.

"No, we don't have men's slippers at home, just come in like this." Tao Ting said with a smile, and Tang Feng walked in directly and sat on the sofa.

Tao Ting put down the towel, walked to the refrigerator, and asked with a smile: "What do you want to drink?"


Tang Feng looked inside the room, which was spotlessly clean. It can be seen that Tao Ting loves cleanliness.

"It's New Year's Day today, didn't you go home? Why are you here again?" Tao Ting put the water in front of Tang Feng and asked curiously.

"I have a mission, so I didn't even eat the New Year's Eve dinner and came here." Tang Feng took a sip of water and said with a smile.

"So you came to me... to ask me to go on the mission as well?" Tao Ting smoothed the hair on his forehead.

"Yes, I want to invite you to join the team and go on the mission with me." Tang Feng said carefully, fearing that Tao Ting would not agree.

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